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Aug. 26, 2014
Members Fuel Fight to Save Parental Rights
The only thing stopping them is you. Your constitutional right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of your children is all that stands between your child and the bureaucrats’ dreams-come-true. But your rights, as you know, are eroding. That is why your membership in is so important. As always, your donation funds the only national level organization standing up to protect your parental rights to guard your child’s heart and mind for a free and secure future. But now your membership is beneficial to you in the present, as well. That’s because every month we offer Elite Member Benefits in the form of print outs, e-books, or informative interviews to help you be the best parent you can be – and exercise your rights to the full – right now. "Love the ID kits!" -- Joy D., NYFor only $5 a month, or a discounted $50 one-time annual fee, you will receive a code once a month to your free Elite Member Benefits download. This month’s topic is Internet Safety, featuring a video interview with Enough Is Enough’s Donna Rice Hughes, as well as some handouts and coupons to help you protect your children online. Coming in September – only a week away – is a package on Menu Planning to help busy parents like you make the most of your budget as you provide for your children. Food may not be a “cool” or “trending” parenting topic, but it’s vitally important – a part of every day! "Thanks so much for your help!" - Donna A., NCWhat’s more, we have made our July packet on Parental Rights in the Medical Setting a permanent part of every membership as well. Join today and you will have access to all three packages in less than a week! (September package becomes available Monday, September 1.) By joining now, you will bring these benefits directly to your inbox on a monthly basis. Even more important, you will fund the vital but costly work of as we strive to protect your rights against intrusive U.N. treaties, activist judges, and encroaching legislation and regulations. Only with your help can we persevere until the Parental Rights Amendment is adopted and your rights are secured. "We really appreciate it. We are a large family." Jennifer P., CASo join today, then pass the message along. You can also join our membership contest and earn rewards for enlisting your friends to join. So what are you waiting for? Only one more month in the contest, and only one more week to get your August Elite Membership packet for a safer internet experience. Thank you for joining with us financially as we strive to protect parental rights now and for generations to come. Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research P.S. – This is also the last week of August recess, and the last week to call or visit your Senators while they’re in your state and urge them to oppose the CRPD. Click here for details. Florida Notice: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Maryland Notice: A copy of ParentalRights.Org’s financial statement is available by request to ParentalRights.Org at the address below. Virginia Notice: A financial statement is available from the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request. Washington Notice: The registration statement required by the Charitable Solicitation Act is on file with the Washington Secretary of State. |
P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |