Thursday, June 30, 2011


Words by Kim

In the 1970's a researcher named Martin Seligman discovered a curious side-effect of some experiments he was performing on dogs.

In these experiments he had three groups of dogs. One group was placed, one at a time, into a cage that had an electrified floor and no way to escape from the shocks delivered to them through the floor. A second group was placed in the same set-up but they had the option of jumping over a barrier to get away from the electric shocks. The third group were not exposed to electric shocks at all.

After delivering shocks to the first two groups Seligman then put them all, one at a time, into a cage where they could escape being shocked. Only two of the three groups escaped. Most of the dogs who had been unable to escape the previous shocks did not even try to escape despite having the option to do so in the new experiment.

Seligman coined the term "Learned Helplessness" to describe the condition of the dogs who failed to escape even when escape was possible. He believed they had learned escape was not possible so they did not even try any more. FULL STORY

This seems to be the case with people when CPS invades their lives.  How in the world did we AMERICANS get so numbed to tolerating ungodly TYRANNY?

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