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Young adults with mood disorders between the ages of 18-29 face unique challenges as they transition from high school, to entering the workforce or college, to starting a career and/or a family of their own.
While Balanced Mind families have long relied on our Transition Support Groups for ideas and information to support their children as they encounter these challenges, neither TBMF nor our new partner, the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), has historically provided direct services to this age group. As one organization, we have a wonderful opportunity to develop specialized programming to assist young adults as they transition from family support to independence.
DBSA is seeking your input to help create meaningful programs to address the needs of young adults. We are conducting a survey to collect feedback from young adults and parents of young adults on the issues of critical importance to this age group. Please take the 'Meeting the Unmet Needs of Young Adults Survey'.
We will also be creating the DBSA Young Adults Council, which will identify potential programming for young adults. if you know a young adult who is 18-29 years of age, lives with a mood disorder, and is interested in learning more about the Council, please encourage them to take the survey as well, indicating this in their survey response.
Warm regards,
Susan Resko
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The Balanced Mind Foundation 730 N. Franklin Street Suite 501 Chicago, Illinois 60654 US Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. |
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