Monday, July 4, 2011

We need to start pounding ALL the political candidates with this question

"What do YOU think about the government kidnapping kids from 'Good Enough Homes" for hokey reasons, doping them out of their heads, holding them hostage for the Federal funding (stolen from Social Security) until they age out and then tossed on the street"?

Seriously, what IS it going to take to get people to see HOW EVIL CPS IS?


  1. I agree 100 %. What can I personally do to help any one of you? All of you? I am ready to wage war on CPS ! who out there will also stand up with me?
    I shall fear no evil!I will Protest AUG 12, 2011 at the capital here in Denver Colorado.
    I know it was tried before but I will keep trying till I cannot try any more. What do I have to lose that they havent taken already? My breath?

  2. Robin- what you can do is ask the question in public. Meet the candidates, get the microphone, and ASK THEM the question-

    "What do YOU think about the government kidnapping kids from 'Good Enough Homes" for hokey reasons, doping them out of their heads, holding them hostage for the Federal funding (stolen from Social Security) until they age out and then tossed on the street"?

    Leonard Henderson, co-founder
    American Family Rights
    "Until Every Child Comes Home"©
    "The Voice of America's Families"©
