Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Familists

Here's an interesting new concept-

What is Familism?

Familism is a belief that the father-mother-children nuclear family is the basic building block of society and that society has a vested interest in making the family unit work: that is, having as many people as possible date, marry, and have children, and having them stay together, at least reasonably happily, for as long as possible.

Familism is the belief that society and its social institutions should be proactive in helping people resolve differences and get over marital crises. We believe that more than half of the divorces taking place in Israel today could have been averted, if a pro-conflict ideology hadn't permeated academia, the family courts, the media and the welfare system.

As familists, we are influenced by the spirit of Jewish Law or Halacha, which sanctifies the family unit and recognizes society's obligation to support married couples during a crisis and act towards reconciliation, or shlom bayit. We see divorce in much the same way a responsible surgeon sees a dangerous operation: as something to be undertaken only when there is no other choice. We think the no-fault approach to divorce that took hold in the West in the 1970s needs to be re-examined, because the road from 'no fault' to 'no fairness' and 'no morality' is a short one. FULL STORY

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