Saturday, February 26, 2011

David Barton Quote

"In the 20th century, look at courts.  Courts have gone from being courts of justice, to being courts of law, to being courts.  There was a time when justice was the objective no matter what happened, and juries had the power to turn over laws as well as verdicts.  It was simple.  We have gotten to where  the Supreme Court said no, juries shouldn't judge the law anymore, we'll judge the law.  We will tell you what it is, you guys just uphold it. So we became courts of law.  We weren't after justice, we were just upholding whatever the law is. Now we are, by legal definition into what are called "courts".  When you look up the word "court", it says "a place to settle a dispute".  So we're not after upholding the law, we're not after upholding justice.  We just want to settle a dispute." -David Barton on Glenn Beck program Feb 25, 2011

Which is usually on the side of whatever the state wants.

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