Friday, June 10, 2011

DHS Facing Drastic Child Care Cuts

June 9, 2011
By Susan Gager

LANE COUNTY, Ore. -- The Department of Human Services is facing significant cuts, in some programs up to 75 percent.

For one single mother, it could mean losing her children to child welfare.

The legislature slashed a Lane County jobs program's annual budget from $5.2 million to $1.4 million.

Part of the program provided child care to assist parents attending mental health and drug treatment programs.

However, DHS alerted parents that child care is on the chopping block.

"It's really hard and I think we all know the price of utilities, housing, and the needs children have when they're enrolled in school. Clothing, and it's not enough when you pencil it out in a budget," said John Radich, DHS District Manager.

Radich says DHS will still provide an employment-related daycare program.

That's the program for those who are employed but still need financial help.

Billions of $ available to harass, nearly zero for HELPING.

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