Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Liberty Quotes

"The American communists worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations which we were sure would come into existence. … It can be said, without exaggeration, that ever closer relations between our nation and the Soviet Union are an unconditional requirement for the United Nations as a world coalition. … The United Nations is the instrument for victory. Victory is required for the survival of our nation. The Soviet Union is an essential part of the United Nations. Mutual confidence between our country and the Soviet Union and joint work in the leadership of the United Nations are absolutely necessary." -- Earl Browder (1891-1973) General Secretary of the Communist Party USA (1934-1945), writer Source: Victory--and after. New York: International Publishers, 1942 

"Great popular support and enthusiasm for the United Nations policies should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow." -- Political Affairs Source: (April 1945), the official publication of the American Communist Party (CPUSA) 

"From the rostrum of the United Nations, we shall convince the colonial and semicolonial people to liberate themselves and to spread the Communist theory all over the world." -- Soviet General Pantelei Bondarenko (1902-1985) Soviet intelligence agent, Romanian communist activist 'Gheorghe Pintilie', and the first Director of the Securitate. Source: lecture at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, as revealed by Czech intelligence officer defector, Colonel Jan Bukar at Executive Hearings before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Soviet Schedule For War, Congressional Record (1953) 

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