Mike Farris on Fox News’ American Newsroom

HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris will be on Fox News Tuesday at 10:40 a.m.
Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:
HSLDA Chairman Michael Farris will be on national television tomorrow
morning as he speaks in defense of parental rights regarding yet
another controversial issue—child obesity.
Fox News’
American Newsroom plans to interview Farris at
10:40 a.m. Tuesday. Journalists will seek his insight into recent
government restrictions on what children can eat and drink while at
Supporters familiar with Farris’s efforts to pass a parental rights
amendment to the Constitution can be sure his response will focus on a
solution that begins at home.
“We need to be encouraging individual parents whose children are at
risk to do a better job in guiding their child’s diet and encouraging
exercise,” Farris said in advance remarks to Fox News. “Government
edicts will never work. Friends and families should be on the front
lines of helping parents recognize a problem.”
We hope you will tune in to the interview and stay engaged!
Mike Smith
HSLDA President
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