Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jerry Brown legalizes 12-year-old children giving 'consent' to Gardasil vaccine injections, but bans tanning beds for those under 18

Monday, October 10, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) Insanity prevailed in California once again today as Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children the ability to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge; yet at the same time the Governor banned the use of tanning beds by anyone under 18 unless they received parental consent.

For the record, HPV vaccines are widely linked to maiming and even killing countless children while contributing absolutely nothing to the body's real defense of cervical cancer. The entire fabrication of quack science behind HPV vaccines is nothing but a corporation fantasy created to drum up sales for vaccines. In contrast to that, tanning beds have actually been scientifically shown to increase vitamin D levels in people who are deficient in vitamin D -- and that includes the vast majority of the population living in California.

12-year-old children cannot give adult consent!

The whole idea that 12-year-old children can give "consent" to being injected with HPV vaccines is a total violation of common sense and yet another encroachment of the nanny state upon the rights of parents.

The idea that 12-year-old children can consent to invasive medical procedures that carry a very real risk of death is absurd. Is the state now going to say that 12-year-old children are adults and can buy beer, drive vehicles and consent to sexual encounters with other adults, too? If Jerry Brown is saying that 12-year-old children are old enough to make such major decisions about their sexual health, then by implication he's also saying that 12-year-olds have the right to decide, for example, that they want to have sex with a 20-year-old.

But that's crazy. This is why we have laws about sexual predators who target minors. It's based on the premise that minors do not yet have the worldview understanding to make well-informed decisions about their own wellbeing, and that they are thus easily preyed upon by those who would approach them with their own selfish agenda.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033831_Jerry_Brown_Gardasil.html

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