Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pediatric Bipolar Disorder, Temper Dysregulation Disorder, and Medicating Kids

Psych Central
October 3, 2011

Like most professionals, states require psychologists to keep up with current research through continuing education. Yesterday, I attended a lecture on the differential diagnosis of ADHD and or Bipolar disorder in kids. Not surprisingly, the water is muddied by the similarity of some of the symptoms and the fact that most kids with Bipolar Disorder have other problems such as ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Opposition Defiant Disorder, among others.

Another problem the presenters mentioned was that today there are 40 times more kids diagnosed as bipolar than in the mid-1990’s. Thus, the presenters raised the questions as to whether we are seeing more kids with bipolar, are we better at spotting this diagnosis, or are we over-diagnosing kids with bipolar disorder? Additionally there are troubling concerns that only a few research teams are responsible for most of the research on this topic.

In particular, one Harvard psychiatrist has been implicated in two related controversies. First, he allegedly failed to report about one and a half million dollars he received in consulting fees from pharmaceutical companies. The problem lies in the fact that his studies have consistently supported the value of using medications produced by those companies for the treatment of bipolar disorder in kids. The second problem is that he allegedly promoted the use of powerful anti-psychotic medications in preschool children prior to even conducting a study to verify the value and safety of their use with kids in this age group. FULL STORY

I left a nice comment there (Subject to moderation)-

We deal with not only the absurdities of the misuse of prescribing psychotropic drugs by mental illness clinicians- we deal with the use of these "diagnoses" as CHARACTER ASSASSINATION tools in order for the state to seize custody of children, over-medicate them, sequester them from their families, and utilizing the unconstitutional courts of NO Due Process- make them Legal Orphans.

Parents find themselves falsely accused of CAUSING the child's alleged "problems", for which their lives are utterly destroyed.

This is a HUGE problem, involving the deliberate destruction of families. It is a pandemic of EVIL.

"The perversion of therapeutics for POLITICAL PURPOSES is, after all, a TOTALITARIAN tradition"

Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights
"Until Every Child Comes Home"©
"The Voice of America's Families"©

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