Saturday, January 7, 2012

Advanced SystemSuckology: Facebook

Thursday, January 05, 2012
Legally Kidnapped 


I have recently noticed a trend of lots of stories involving Facebook, in one way or another. These stories became numerous enough that Facebook became worthy of a category all in itself on Legally Kidnapped.

Facebook is also the current hotbed of activity for Family Rights advocates and activists. For the first time in human history we are able to come together, coordinate and communicate with each other all over the world by typing a status, sending a message or even posting a link to the latest hot off the presses news story. Protests are planned and organized in some of these groups. Others are there to help people. One of the best of these groups was set up by Leonard Henderson of AFRA who formed a group where people can go to learn how to fight CPS.  Of course, there is no magic bullet when dealing with CPS, but Facebook has given us a way to come together and share information like never before.

Although a lot of good has come out of the Facebook phenomenon for activists, a closer look will reveal that the website has changed the game drastically on many levels. There are many dangers associated with the use of Facebook. I think that due to this new major player which effects almost every aspect of family law, people need to be careful and be aware that you are being watched and that your information can be shared and that if you're not careful, Facebook can have a profound effect on your case.

So in this report, I am going to take a good hard look and show many examples of how this social networking phenomenon has changed the playing field on several levels including;  FULL STORY

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