Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mysterious Christmas Bump Invites Imitation

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January 3, 2012

Now take just 7 minutes to share OverruledMovie.com. Everyone in America needs to see this eye-opening film! (Select "7-min Trailer" at the bottom of the page.)

Farris' Parental Rights Case
In case you missed the Dec. 22 update, the case against Ken and Erin Stieler was dismissed. Their right to make medical decisions for their son was preserved!

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Mysterious Christmas Bump Invites Imitation
After enjoying some time off with my family last week, I returned to the office Monday intent on catching up and moving ahead – and I discovered a mystery. I call it the “Christmas bump.”

In tracking our web visits over the last month, I noticed a significant up-tick in traffic to ParentalRightsUS.org for December 25 and 26. We haven’t used that website much lately, but for that 2-day period it enjoyed a revival as nearly 200 visitors stopped by – an increase of 2500% over the daily average!

The visitors almost all came from Facebook and went to our Palmdale page. Someone obviously posted a link to that page on December 25 and did a wonderful job of pushing it to their friends. Over the next 2 days, 170 different people visited that page and stayed (on average) long enough to read it. What’s more, at least 12 of those visitors signed the petition to support the Parental Rights Amendment.

That’s a small percentage of 170, but it’s 12 more people than would have signed if someone hadn’t posted the link to Facebook that produced our “Christmas bump.”

Action Item
In light of this mysterious success (by whom, I do not know), consider what you can do to generate a “bump” of your own. Perhaps you can also post a link on your Facebook account. Perhaps you can post a link or an article on your blog. Everything we publish is free for you to grab and use, as long as you use it in its entirety (or duly credited) and for its intended purpose - to promote the Parental Rights Amendment.

Some of our most popular items for posting (or re-posting) include the Palmdale page mentioned above and the new 7-minute version of Overruled: Government Invasion of Your Parental Rights.

There are other big news items coming your way starting by the end of this week. But until then, why not take a quick moment and create a "traffic bump” of your own? One person (I assume) generated nearly 200 visits last week. How big a bump could we all create if we work together today?


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * info@parentalrights.org

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