December 31, 2010 11:07 AM
S.D. High Court Backs Grandparent Child Custody
Posted by wire services
South Dakota laws that allow grandparents and others to gain custody of children who aren't theirs are constitutional, the state Supreme Court said Thursday in a ruling that gives a couple another chance to seek custody of their 4-year-old granddaughter.
A circuit judge had thrown out the couple's request after ruling that state laws on the issue were unconstitutional because they allow courts to give others custody without first finding a child's parents unfit.
But the Supreme Court said the laws can stand because they require judges to give special consideration to fit parents. The laws presume it's in a child's best interest to be in the care and custody of a parent unless that parent is unfit or extraordinary circumstances exist, the high court said. FULL STORY
Friday, December 31, 2010
Kids, mom sue county over abuse in foster care
Kids, mom sue county over abuse in foster care
By Keith Goldberg
Times Herald-Record
Published: 2:00 AM - 12/31/10
Middletown, NY- Elvin Laracuente of Westtown sits in an upstate prison cell, 16 months into a 13-year sentence after admitting he molested three of his estranged wife's foster children.
Two of those children and their birth mother are suing Orange County and its Department of Social Services, saying Laracuente wasn't authorized to care for the children and the county ignored warning signs of abuse.
"The county is responsible under the law; they stand in the shoes of the parents," said the children's lawyer, Pat Owen. "If you take kids away from their family home, you better make damn sure you take care of them."
Orange County Social Services Commissioner David Jolly declined comment.
Abuse in foster homes is rare, though the numbers in New York state are rising. Nearly 10 percent of children in foster care reported abuse in 2009, according to the state Office of Children of Family Services, compared with 7 percent in 2005. The number of confirmed abuse reports was 2.3 percent; in 2005 it was 1.6 percent. Karen Riley, executive director of the Children's Rights Society in Goshen and a former sex crimes prosecutor in Rockland County, said she's seeing more foster abuse cases in Family Court. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
By Keith Goldberg
Times Herald-Record
Published: 2:00 AM - 12/31/10
Middletown, NY- Elvin Laracuente of Westtown sits in an upstate prison cell, 16 months into a 13-year sentence after admitting he molested three of his estranged wife's foster children.
Two of those children and their birth mother are suing Orange County and its Department of Social Services, saying Laracuente wasn't authorized to care for the children and the county ignored warning signs of abuse.
"The county is responsible under the law; they stand in the shoes of the parents," said the children's lawyer, Pat Owen. "If you take kids away from their family home, you better make damn sure you take care of them."
Orange County Social Services Commissioner David Jolly declined comment.
Abuse in foster homes is rare, though the numbers in New York state are rising. Nearly 10 percent of children in foster care reported abuse in 2009, according to the state Office of Children of Family Services, compared with 7 percent in 2005. The number of confirmed abuse reports was 2.3 percent; in 2005 it was 1.6 percent. Karen Riley, executive director of the Children's Rights Society in Goshen and a former sex crimes prosecutor in Rockland County, said she's seeing more foster abuse cases in Family Court. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
It appears that the statement "Abuse in foster homes is rare" may be rather minimalist. From our perspective, it is a pandemic. I refer you to a recent article by Orlow, Orlow & Orlow in Flushing, New York-
Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings?
July 17, 2009
As many as 75 percent of all children in foster care, upon leaving the system, will have experienced sexual abuse.
Nebraska Senators Assess Role in Child Welfare Reform
Posted: 11:15 AM Dec 31, 2010
Nebraska Senators Assess Role in Child Welfare Reform
Reporter: Associated Press
Lincoln, Neb.
Some Nebraska lawmakers frustrated by state attempts to privatize foster care and other child welfare services could take more of a hand in that process this session.
I left a comment there (moderated site, so you never know if it will be approved)
Nebraska Senators Assess Role in Child Welfare Reform
Reporter: Associated Press
Lincoln, Neb.
Some Nebraska lawmakers frustrated by state attempts to privatize foster care and other child welfare services could take more of a hand in that process this session.
I left a comment there (moderated site, so you never know if it will be approved)
Wouldn't right now be a great time to pull the plug on the entire insane project? Study after study has shown that child "welfare" interventions are doing far more harm than any possible good.
"There is no system ever devised by mankind that is guaranteed to rip husband and wife or father, mother and child apart so bitterly than our present Family Court System."- Judge Brian Lindsay Retired Supreme Court Judge, New York, New York
"There is something bad happening to our children in family courts today that is causing them more harm than drugs, more harm than crime and even more harm than child molestation." Judge Watson L. White Superior Court Judge, Cobb County, Georgia
Albany family court judge Gerard Maney censured for DWI stop behavior
Albany CPS and Family Court Examiner
Daniel Weaver, state of New York
December 31st, 2010 11:22 am ETDaniel Weaver, state of New York
Albany family court judge Gerard Maney censured for DWI stop behavior
A New Year's Resolution- Read the Declaration of Independence
This is exactly how bright CPS agents are-
A New Year's Resolution- Read the Declaration of Independence
And you can do something that probably .001% of all Americans have-
If you would like to further your education,
Read the Communist Manifesto, or at least the
A Layman's Look At "The Communist Manifesto"
-or you can just stay ignorant and helpless. Your choice.
A New Year's Resolution- Read the Declaration of Independence
And you can do something that probably .001% of all Americans have-
If you would like to further your education,
Read the Communist Manifesto, or at least the
A Layman's Look At "The Communist Manifesto"
-or you can just stay ignorant and helpless. Your choice.
By Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
December 31, 2010
If your family suddenly watched a stranger enter the house with a manual of new rules describing how a family should be run, everyone would notice.
Well, for at least a century, the federal government has been expanding its power and control over the lives of citizens.
With each quantum leap, stories and reasons and excuses have been invented to justify this fungal growth.
Only a brain-dead observer would fail to recognize that federal government has vastly exceeded its constitutional limits.
In other words, not only the shape, but also the KIND of federal power has been altered. What was once a republic has become a federal monarchy in many respects.
There is a potential check on this illegal expansion, and it should come from our educational system. Students should learn about the principles on which various types of government are based. What distinguishes socialism, Communism, fascism, corporate statism, monarchy, a republic, etc.?
This is basic political science 101.
But you would be hard pressed to find schools in America where this information is taught and discussed and debated openly.
You see, knowledge about First Principles has a funny way of blowing away all the cover stories and lies and excuses and reasons and baloney.
First Principles are where the rubber meets the road.
What was invisible becomes obvious. The stealth paint on the ship of state is scraped off, and the truth appears.
This is how a future generation is armed against a secret revolution that has been taking place.
So...if you don't want this knowledge to come out in the open, you don't teach it in schools. You don't devote time to it. You ignore it. You turn out politically dumb students.
You keep them in the dark.
You make them so dumb they don't even know what First Principles are. They don't know there are basic ideas that separate one kind of government from another. They don't have the tools to recognize differences.
You make it politically incorrect to analyze basic forms of governments. You claim this analysis would be INTOLERANT of how “different people organize their societies.”
You say there is no such thing as American education.
And after ten or 20 consecutive generations of students are kept in the dark, very few people can understand the basis of the American Republic. FULL STORY
By Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
December 31, 2010
If your family suddenly watched a stranger enter the house with a manual of new rules describing how a family should be run, everyone would notice.
Well, for at least a century, the federal government has been expanding its power and control over the lives of citizens.
With each quantum leap, stories and reasons and excuses have been invented to justify this fungal growth.
Only a brain-dead observer would fail to recognize that federal government has vastly exceeded its constitutional limits.
In other words, not only the shape, but also the KIND of federal power has been altered. What was once a republic has become a federal monarchy in many respects.
There is a potential check on this illegal expansion, and it should come from our educational system. Students should learn about the principles on which various types of government are based. What distinguishes socialism, Communism, fascism, corporate statism, monarchy, a republic, etc.?
This is basic political science 101.
But you would be hard pressed to find schools in America where this information is taught and discussed and debated openly.
You see, knowledge about First Principles has a funny way of blowing away all the cover stories and lies and excuses and reasons and baloney.
First Principles are where the rubber meets the road.
What was invisible becomes obvious. The stealth paint on the ship of state is scraped off, and the truth appears.
This is how a future generation is armed against a secret revolution that has been taking place.
So...if you don't want this knowledge to come out in the open, you don't teach it in schools. You don't devote time to it. You ignore it. You turn out politically dumb students.
You keep them in the dark.
You make them so dumb they don't even know what First Principles are. They don't know there are basic ideas that separate one kind of government from another. They don't have the tools to recognize differences.
You make it politically incorrect to analyze basic forms of governments. You claim this analysis would be INTOLERANT of how “different people organize their societies.”
You say there is no such thing as American education.
And after ten or 20 consecutive generations of students are kept in the dark, very few people can understand the basis of the American Republic. FULL STORY
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Liberty Quotes
"Freedom to publish means freedom for all and not for some. Freedom to publish is guaranteed by the constitution but freedom to continue to prevent others from publishing is not." -Justice Hugo L. Black (1886-1971) US Supreme Court Justice Source: One Man’s Stand For Freedom, 1963
"Coercion by government, the main fear of our founding fathers, is now its most common attribute." -Philip K. Howard New York attorney Source: The Death of Common Sense: How Law Is Suffocating America (New York: Random House 1994)
"Civil libertarians must often remind government officials (and others) that if the First Amendment only protected the expression of popular and agreeable ideas, it would be totally unnecessary since those ideas would never be threatened by our democratic form of government. Our society's commitment to free speech is tested when we encounter the expression of ideas that are disagreeable -- or even offensive." -Timothy Lynch Director of Cato Institute's Project on Criminal Justice
How To Become a Foster Parent
How To Become a Foster Parent
Legally Kidnapped
December 30, 2010
This is what we call foster parent recruitment propaganda. This is the creation and spreading of misinformation to the gullible by somebody who needs to get a life.
You see folks, they are looking for the gullible because that is the kind of person who becomes a foster parent. What, do you honestly believe that good people with half a clue would participate in the warehousing of children for such a corrupt and fraudulent system as the Child Protective Industry?
No! The Child Protective Industry prefers the type of person who doesn't understand that they're getting screwed like a real parent.
" Being a foster parent can be as rewarding for you as for the children. Make sure you’re ready and qualified for the challenge. "
Note: My ass.
Legally Kidnapped
December 30, 2010
This is what we call foster parent recruitment propaganda. This is the creation and spreading of misinformation to the gullible by somebody who needs to get a life.
You see folks, they are looking for the gullible because that is the kind of person who becomes a foster parent. What, do you honestly believe that good people with half a clue would participate in the warehousing of children for such a corrupt and fraudulent system as the Child Protective Industry?
No! The Child Protective Industry prefers the type of person who doesn't understand that they're getting screwed like a real parent.
Note: My ass.
A shroud of secrecy
A shroud of secrecy
The issue is confidentiality, not CPS workers
By Robert Speer
This article was published on 12.30.10
I left a nice comment there. Unfortunately it's one of those comment systems that take out all paragraphing.
The issue is confidentiality, not CPS workers
By Robert Speer
This article was published on 12.30.10
I left a nice comment there. Unfortunately it's one of those comment systems that take out all paragraphing.
Child welfare perplexes lawmakers
Published Thursday December 30, 2010
Child welfare perplexes lawmakers
By Martha Stoddard
LINCOLN — By the time Nebraska lawmakers gather Wednesday in Lincoln, a controversial shift in the child welfare system will be almost complete.
Private contractors will have taken over most of the responsibility for ensuring the safety and well-being of state wards.
State employees will be relegated to overseeing the contractors’ work. They will also investigate initial reports of abuse and neglect.
But, starting in January, they will no longer manage individual child welfare cases in the Omaha area, Lincoln and southeast Nebraska.
The timing creates a quandary for state lawmakers who had questioned the Department of Health and Human Services’ plans to increase privatization of child welfare services.
“We are in kind of a tough spot in terms of what we can do,” said State Sen. Colby Coash of Lincoln. “People ask me all the time, ‘Can’t you write a bill to stop that?’ The reality is, I can’t.” FULL STORY
I think it's Pitchforks and Torches time.
Child welfare perplexes lawmakers
By Martha Stoddard
LINCOLN — By the time Nebraska lawmakers gather Wednesday in Lincoln, a controversial shift in the child welfare system will be almost complete.
Private contractors will have taken over most of the responsibility for ensuring the safety and well-being of state wards.
State employees will be relegated to overseeing the contractors’ work. They will also investigate initial reports of abuse and neglect.
But, starting in January, they will no longer manage individual child welfare cases in the Omaha area, Lincoln and southeast Nebraska.
The timing creates a quandary for state lawmakers who had questioned the Department of Health and Human Services’ plans to increase privatization of child welfare services.
“We are in kind of a tough spot in terms of what we can do,” said State Sen. Colby Coash of Lincoln. “People ask me all the time, ‘Can’t you write a bill to stop that?’ The reality is, I can’t.” FULL STORY
I think it's Pitchforks and Torches time.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Foster care in LA: Stories the Los Angeles Times doesn’t want you to hear (presumably)*
Foster care in LA: Stories the Los Angeles Times doesn’t want you to hear (presumably)*
Couple relinquish parental rights to adopted Liberian daughters
Fairview couple relinquish parental rights to adopted Liberian daughters
Ardee, 53, and Penny Tyler, 47, appeared Wednesday in Major County District Court, officially ending their battle to regain custody of the girls, ages 5-16. The two were convicted in February of abusing a fifth adopted daughter.
Published: December 30, 2010
News OK
FAIRVIEW, Oklahoma - A Fairview couple convicted of child abuse have relinquished their parental rights to four sisters they adopted from a Liberian orphanage.
Ardee Tyler, 53, and Penny Tyler, 47, appeared Wednesday in Major County District Court, officially ending their battle to regain custody of the girls, ages 5-16.
District Attorney Hollis Thorp said it's a case won by no one, because ultimately children have been hurt.
“They didn't provide the type of home the children are entitled to,” Thorp said. “Children are born with the entitlement of having a good home - it doesn't have to be a wealthy one that's completely without problems — but it should be a good home.” FULL STORY
Such a statement coming from a pompous government employee rubs me the wrong way. The adopted kids are now in state foster care, which is 11 to 28 times more dangerous to kids. Everything about adoption of foreign kids is wrong.
Ardee, 53, and Penny Tyler, 47, appeared Wednesday in Major County District Court, officially ending their battle to regain custody of the girls, ages 5-16. The two were convicted in February of abusing a fifth adopted daughter.
Published: December 30, 2010
News OK
FAIRVIEW, Oklahoma - A Fairview couple convicted of child abuse have relinquished their parental rights to four sisters they adopted from a Liberian orphanage.
Ardee Tyler, 53, and Penny Tyler, 47, appeared Wednesday in Major County District Court, officially ending their battle to regain custody of the girls, ages 5-16.
District Attorney Hollis Thorp said it's a case won by no one, because ultimately children have been hurt.
“They didn't provide the type of home the children are entitled to,” Thorp said. “Children are born with the entitlement of having a good home - it doesn't have to be a wealthy one that's completely without problems — but it should be a good home.” FULL STORY
Such a statement coming from a pompous government employee rubs me the wrong way. The adopted kids are now in state foster care, which is 11 to 28 times more dangerous to kids. Everything about adoption of foreign kids is wrong.
"There are more than half a million children and youth in the U.S. foster care system today. Studies reveal that children are 11 times more likely to be abused in state care than they are in their own homes, and 7 times more likely to die as a result of abuse in the foster care system."-- John Walsh Show April 16, 2003 "As many as 75 percent of all children in foster care, upon leaving the system, will have experienced sexual abuse. One study by Johns Hopkins University found that the rate of sexual abuse within the foster-care system is more than four times as high as in the general population; in group homes, the rate of sexual abuse is more than 28 times that of the general population." --Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings? By Orlow, Orlow & Orlow July 17, 2009 |
NYS Video Focuses on Child Sex Abuse
NYS Video Focuses on Child Sex Abuse
Reported by: Sean Carroll
Published: 12/29 5:57 pm Updated: 12:18 am
Reported by: Sean Carroll
Published: 12/29 5:57 pm Updated: 12:18 am
The top 7 parenting controversies of 2010
The top 7 parenting controversies of 2010
There's always someone standing by to give moms and dads advice. Confusing advice, for the most part
posted on December 29, 2010, at 11:14 AM
The Week
Bad advice for the most part. And if the advice comes from somebody with an alphabet following their names, it is useless blather.
There's always someone standing by to give moms and dads advice. Confusing advice, for the most part
posted on December 29, 2010, at 11:14 AM
The Week
Bad advice for the most part. And if the advice comes from somebody with an alphabet following their names, it is useless blather.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
By Attorney Rees Lloyd
December 30, 2010
The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were ratified on December 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights began in the First Amendment with five of the most important words ever writ to protect personal liberty and to expressly limit the power and scope of government: "Congress shall make no law…."
Those five words of the First Amendment are but the first of the commands of the Bill of Rights to evidence that each amendment was intended by the Founding Fathers to expressly limit the central government's powers, and to expressly protect the rights of individual citizens, and the States.
The question facing Americans of this generation is whether we will fight an expanding federal government, including the federal judiciary as well as Congress and the Executive Branch, to preserve and protect the rights of the Bill of Rights which are being eroded. FULL STORY
By Attorney Rees Lloyd
December 30, 2010
The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were ratified on December 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights began in the First Amendment with five of the most important words ever writ to protect personal liberty and to expressly limit the power and scope of government: "Congress shall make no law…."
Those five words of the First Amendment are but the first of the commands of the Bill of Rights to evidence that each amendment was intended by the Founding Fathers to expressly limit the central government's powers, and to expressly protect the rights of individual citizens, and the States.
The question facing Americans of this generation is whether we will fight an expanding federal government, including the federal judiciary as well as Congress and the Executive Branch, to preserve and protect the rights of the Bill of Rights which are being eroded. FULL STORY
Daniel Webster Quote
"There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter: from the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing."- Daniel Webster
End of the year: Non-profits begging for money
AFRA EDITORIALS By Leonard Henderson |
December 29, 2010
End of the year: Non-profits begging for money
Does CPS steal children?
YAHOO Answers- Open Question
Does Child Protective Services steal children?
Does Child Protective Services steal children?
Scientists Show that They Can Change People's Moral Judgments
Scientists Show that They Can Change People's Moral Judgments
Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 29 2010
Scientists have shown they can alter your moral judgments just by disrupting a specific area of your brain with magnetic pulses.
A region of your brain just above and behind your right ear appears to control morality -- a bundle of nerve cells known as the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ).
When the researchers used magnetic pulses to block cell activity in that region, they impaired volunteers' notion of right and wrong.
BBC News reports:
I think it is rather interesting that scientists can remove people's morals. But there seems to be an absence of scientific ability to IMPROVE morals.
Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 29 2010
Scientists have shown they can alter your moral judgments just by disrupting a specific area of your brain with magnetic pulses.
A region of your brain just above and behind your right ear appears to control morality -- a bundle of nerve cells known as the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ).
When the researchers used magnetic pulses to block cell activity in that region, they impaired volunteers' notion of right and wrong.
BBC News reports:
"In one scenario participants were asked how acceptable it was for a man to let his girlfriend walk across a bridge he knew to be unsafe. After receiving a 500-millisecond magnetic pulse to the scalp, the volunteers delivered verdicts based on outcome rather than moral principle. If the girlfriend made it across the bridge safely, her boyfriend was not seen as having done anything wrong."FULL STORY
I think it is rather interesting that scientists can remove people's morals. But there seems to be an absence of scientific ability to IMPROVE morals.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Liberty Quotes "Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President "A democratic despotism is like a theocracy: it assumes its own correctness." -- Walter Bagehot (1826-1877) |
So Young and So Many Pills
DECEMBER 28, 2010
So Young and So Many Pills
More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis
Wall Street Journal
So Young and So Many Pills
More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis
Wall Street Journal
Legacy of Nazis in America_OSI Report
Legacy of Nazis in America_OSI Report
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 16:51:38 -0500
From: veracare <>
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
After four years the Justice Department finally released a report by the Office of Special Investigations about a secret government policy, ProjectPaperclip , that gave Nazi criminal scientists a safe haven in the US as well as high level employment after World War II--in direct defiance of President Truman's policy.
Under Project Paperclip not only rocket scientists were recruited, but convicted war criminals-- including doctors who had conducted medical atrocities on concentration camp inmates, such as: experiments with plague vaccines, experiments that force-fed chemically altered seawater to starved Dachau concentration camp inmates...
While official American policy after the war was to prosecute war criminals for the atrocities committed under Adolf Hitler, many sectors of the U.S. government--in particular, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)--concealed incriminating evidence in order to bring these individuals into the U.S.
In essence, the report documents how U.S. officials in the intelligence agencies subverted American democratic principles by adopting the Nazi utilitarian philosophy which posits that the ends justify the means.
The New York Times, which first reported about the report, refrained from touching upon the lasting insidious influence that morally debased Nazi scientists have had on various U.S. officials and public agencies that approved unethical human experiments in America.
We post the commentary, Nazis in America, by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute who focuses on the influence the Nazi scientists have exerted on US officials and on the nature of unethical American human experiments.
read more....
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
I would say the unethical behaviors, attitudes, and mode of operation of CPS agents are absolutely Nazi
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 16:51:38 -0500
From: veracare <>
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
After four years the Justice Department finally released a report by the Office of Special Investigations about a secret government policy, ProjectPaperclip , that gave Nazi criminal scientists a safe haven in the US as well as high level employment after World War II--in direct defiance of President Truman's policy.
Under Project Paperclip not only rocket scientists were recruited, but convicted war criminals-- including doctors who had conducted medical atrocities on concentration camp inmates, such as: experiments with plague vaccines, experiments that force-fed chemically altered seawater to starved Dachau concentration camp inmates...
While official American policy after the war was to prosecute war criminals for the atrocities committed under Adolf Hitler, many sectors of the U.S. government--in particular, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)--concealed incriminating evidence in order to bring these individuals into the U.S.
In essence, the report documents how U.S. officials in the intelligence agencies subverted American democratic principles by adopting the Nazi utilitarian philosophy which posits that the ends justify the means.
The New York Times, which first reported about the report, refrained from touching upon the lasting insidious influence that morally debased Nazi scientists have had on various U.S. officials and public agencies that approved unethical human experiments in America.
We post the commentary, Nazis in America, by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute who focuses on the influence the Nazi scientists have exerted on US officials and on the nature of unethical American human experiments.
read more....
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
I would say the unethical behaviors, attitudes, and mode of operation of CPS agents are absolutely Nazi
"What's the Difference between CPS and the Gestapo? When the Gestapo sent people to the concentration camp, they kept families together" -AFRA Director Robert T. McQuaid in Canada
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.
Monday, December 27, 2010
By Terence P. Jeffrey
( - The federal government has accumulated more new debt--$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.
That equals $10,429.64 in new debt for each and every one of the 308,745,538 people counted in the United States by the 2010 Census.
The total national debt of $13,858,529,371,601.09 (or $13.859 trillion), as recorded by the U.S. Treasury at the close of business on Dec. 22, now equals $44,886.57 for every man, woman and child in the United States.
In fact, the 111th Congress not only has set the record as the most debt-accumulating Congress in U.S. history, but also has out-stripped its nearest competitor, the 110th, by an astounding $1.262 trillion in new debt.
During the 110th Congress—which, according to the Clerk of the House, officially convened on Jan. 4, 2007 and adjourned on Jan. 4, 2009--the national debt increased $1.957 trillion. When that Congress adjourned less than two years ago, it claimed the record as the most debt-accumulating Congress in U.S. history. As it turned out, however, its record did not last long.
The $3.22 trillion in new federal debt run up during the 111th Congress exceeds by 64 percent the $1.957 trillion in new debt run up during the 110th. FULL STORY
Monday, December 27, 2010
By Terence P. Jeffrey
That equals $10,429.64 in new debt for each and every one of the 308,745,538 people counted in the United States by the 2010 Census.
The total national debt of $13,858,529,371,601.09 (or $13.859 trillion), as recorded by the U.S. Treasury at the close of business on Dec. 22, now equals $44,886.57 for every man, woman and child in the United States.
In fact, the 111th Congress not only has set the record as the most debt-accumulating Congress in U.S. history, but also has out-stripped its nearest competitor, the 110th, by an astounding $1.262 trillion in new debt.
During the 110th Congress—which, according to the Clerk of the House, officially convened on Jan. 4, 2007 and adjourned on Jan. 4, 2009--the national debt increased $1.957 trillion. When that Congress adjourned less than two years ago, it claimed the record as the most debt-accumulating Congress in U.S. history. As it turned out, however, its record did not last long.
The $3.22 trillion in new federal debt run up during the 111th Congress exceeds by 64 percent the $1.957 trillion in new debt run up during the 110th. FULL STORY
Israel doctors in China to help fight child abuse
Israel doctors in China to help fight child abuse
23:35, December 27, 2010
A delegation of Israeli pediatric experts are visiting China this week, to train local colleagues in recognizing and treating child abuse and neglect.
The Jerusalem-based Haruv Institute group, which focuses on training professionals in the field in Israel, is meeting with 40 pediatricians from across China in Xi'an, according to a statement from the organization.
"The Chinese have recently realized that the role pediatricians ' play is a very integral one in fighting child abuse, and often they will be the first place a child will go after being hurt," according to Haruv Director Hillel Schmid.
"This innovative and pioneering seminar aims to train these pediatricians with the necessary skills and knowledge to detect when a child is in danger and, furthermore, have the resources and wherewithal to take the appropriate action," Schmid said.
Haruv officials say this is the first time China has made such a request for outside expertise.
"Our goal is to expand our reach and to deepen our collaboration with the professional community in China to share with them the knowledge and skills we obtained in Israel to fight this phenomenon," according to Schmid.
Some of the Chinese doctors will visit Israel in return for further training, the group said.
Now I am confused. The Chinese communists want help to be communist about kids? When did Israel become the expert?
23:35, December 27, 2010
A delegation of Israeli pediatric experts are visiting China this week, to train local colleagues in recognizing and treating child abuse and neglect.
The Jerusalem-based Haruv Institute group, which focuses on training professionals in the field in Israel, is meeting with 40 pediatricians from across China in Xi'an, according to a statement from the organization.
"The Chinese have recently realized that the role pediatricians ' play is a very integral one in fighting child abuse, and often they will be the first place a child will go after being hurt," according to Haruv Director Hillel Schmid.
"This innovative and pioneering seminar aims to train these pediatricians with the necessary skills and knowledge to detect when a child is in danger and, furthermore, have the resources and wherewithal to take the appropriate action," Schmid said.
Haruv officials say this is the first time China has made such a request for outside expertise.
"Our goal is to expand our reach and to deepen our collaboration with the professional community in China to share with them the knowledge and skills we obtained in Israel to fight this phenomenon," according to Schmid.
Some of the Chinese doctors will visit Israel in return for further training, the group said.
Now I am confused. The Chinese communists want help to be communist about kids? When did Israel become the expert?
Wexler- Tomorrow: Hear some of the stories you won’t read in the LA Times
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tomorrow: Hear some of the stories you won’t read in the LA Times
Tomorrow morning at 7am Pacific Time (10am Eastern) on KPFK 90.7FM in Los Angeles, and available live online at Highlights from a community forum in which families told their stories of losing children to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.
Tomorrow: Hear some of the stories you won’t read in the LA Times
Tomorrow morning at 7am Pacific Time (10am Eastern) on KPFK 90.7FM in Los Angeles, and available live online at Highlights from a community forum in which families told their stories of losing children to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.
Controversy Surrounds 14-Year-Old Mother
Controversy Surrounds 14-Year-Old Mother
Updated: Monday, 27 Dec 2010, 5:53 PM CST
Published : Monday, 27 Dec 2010, 5:53 PM CST
Investigative Reporter
MyFOX HOUSTON - Although Monday's hearing didn't happen, the 14-year-old mother was surrounded in court by supporters like numerous relatives and even state senator John Whitmire. This case hasn't drawn attention because of the mother's young age, it's due to alleged antics by the court and Child Protective Services.
"No one has been served no one has been given proper notice like the law dictates for them to appear," said attorney Julia Maldonado who is representing the teenage mother.
"I think they just want the babies to be adopted," Maldonado said. "I think they wanted that all along from the very beginning."
Wow. How did this girl end up with an actual good lawyer? That doesn't happen often.
Updated: Monday, 27 Dec 2010, 5:53 PM CST
Published : Monday, 27 Dec 2010, 5:53 PM CST
Investigative Reporter
MyFOX HOUSTON - Although Monday's hearing didn't happen, the 14-year-old mother was surrounded in court by supporters like numerous relatives and even state senator John Whitmire. This case hasn't drawn attention because of the mother's young age, it's due to alleged antics by the court and Child Protective Services.
"No one has been served no one has been given proper notice like the law dictates for them to appear," said attorney Julia Maldonado who is representing the teenage mother.
"I think they just want the babies to be adopted," Maldonado said. "I think they wanted that all along from the very beginning."
Wow. How did this girl end up with an actual good lawyer? That doesn't happen often.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Liberty Quotes
"I have never seen more senators express discontent with their jobs. ... I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country. Deep down in our hearts, we know that we have bankrupted America and that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. ... We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected." -John C. Danforth (1936- ) US Senator (MO-R) Source: in an interview in The Arizona Republic on April 22, 1992
"At the foundation of our civil liberties lies the principle that denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen." -Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice Source: Burdeau v. McDowell, 1921
"There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress." -Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910)
Couple turns to billboard to help adoption effort
Couple turns to billboard to help adoption effort
Posted: 12/27/2010
By: Michael Rosenfield
CLARKSTON, Mich. (WXYZ) - Wendy and Josh Rougeau of Clarkston always wanted to adopt a child, and now they've turned to a billboard to help advertise.
Their adoption agency in Southfield recommended they get the word out as much as they can.
So they've advertised their dream on a billboard on I-75 near Grand Blanc.
It costs $2,000 for a month and will come down January 8th.
So far no calls have come in. FULL STORY
I left a comment there-
Posted: 12/27/2010
By: Michael Rosenfield
Their adoption agency in Southfield recommended they get the word out as much as they can.
So they've advertised their dream on a billboard on I-75 near Grand Blanc.
It costs $2,000 for a month and will come down January 8th.
So far no calls have come in. FULL STORY
I left a comment there-
In all honesty, the Rougeau's are certifiably insane. The US is packed to the rafters with CPS kidnapped kids. Problem is, kids in the CPS kiddie pound are badly damaged by being kidnapped from their families, doped out of their heads, and the nasty process of making them "Legal Orphans". Adopters then become new targets for CPS attention so CPS can scoop them up again and run ever more people through the unconstitutional Legal Abuse. What CPS does is kidnapping and child trafficking. It's all evil and wrong, and there's no smiley face stickers to paste on it.
Foster Parents; Definitions vs Reality?
Foster Parents; Definitions vs Reality?
Foster Families Examiner Marilyn Harrison
See all of Marilyn's articles
Foster Families Examiner Marilyn Harrison
December 27, 2010 |
Making good parents
Posted on Monday, 12.27.10
Making good parents
Miami Herald
The greatest gift anyone can receive during this joyous season is the love and support of family. Most of us take our families for granted. But what if you had grown up in a family where your parents did not know how to provide the strong foundation that would help you to succeed in school and become a contributing member of society, much less equip you to become a good parent yourself?
Parents who haven't had the opportunity to learn effective parenting skills through their own childhood experiences are ill-equipped to meet the challenges facing today's families. Although they want to be good parents, they recognize they don't have the basic knowledge and skills needed to handle the job.
Some parents who face these challenges have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the Healthy Families Florida home visiting program. I have heard these parents talk about their experiences in Healthy Families with such passion that I feel compelled to share some of their words with you during this season of gratitude and hope.
Through this nationally accredited and proven program, parents at high risk for child abuse and neglect learn how to recognize and respond to the changing developmental needs of their babies, use positive discipline techniques and cope with the day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways. Parents are also encouraged to take personal responsibility for setting short and long term goals like enrolling in GED or job-training programs and finding stable employment. FULL STORY
I sure hope this program is better than the "Tough Love" course they were teaching several years ago. My wife and I attended the class taught by a young stupid BSW. At the end of the class, I had to inform him that every technique he suggested was chargeable child abuse in the state of Oregon.
Making good parents
Miami Herald
The greatest gift anyone can receive during this joyous season is the love and support of family. Most of us take our families for granted. But what if you had grown up in a family where your parents did not know how to provide the strong foundation that would help you to succeed in school and become a contributing member of society, much less equip you to become a good parent yourself?
Parents who haven't had the opportunity to learn effective parenting skills through their own childhood experiences are ill-equipped to meet the challenges facing today's families. Although they want to be good parents, they recognize they don't have the basic knowledge and skills needed to handle the job.
Some parents who face these challenges have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the Healthy Families Florida home visiting program. I have heard these parents talk about their experiences in Healthy Families with such passion that I feel compelled to share some of their words with you during this season of gratitude and hope.
Through this nationally accredited and proven program, parents at high risk for child abuse and neglect learn how to recognize and respond to the changing developmental needs of their babies, use positive discipline techniques and cope with the day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways. Parents are also encouraged to take personal responsibility for setting short and long term goals like enrolling in GED or job-training programs and finding stable employment. FULL STORY
I sure hope this program is better than the "Tough Love" course they were teaching several years ago. My wife and I attended the class taught by a young stupid BSW. At the end of the class, I had to inform him that every technique he suggested was chargeable child abuse in the state of Oregon.
Troubled preteens may become delinquents
Troubled preteens may become delinquents
By Jessica Murphy, QMI Agency
Last Updated: December 26, 2010 4:21pm
MONTREAL — Preteens dabbling in vandalism, bullying and truancy are more likely to be in trouble with the law as teenagers, according to a new study by Montreal researchers.
Eric Lacourse, the study’s lead author, also said the way we deal with kids showing signs of so- called ‘conduct disorder’ may actually be detrimental.
“What we found in the research group was that youth who were sent through the legal system or placed in youth detention ended up worse,” he said. FULL STORY
See "How Dr. Spock destroyed America"
From this evil root has grown the Child Abuse Industrial Complex- Social Workers behaving like 1940's SS men.
Last Updated: December 26, 2010 4:21pm
MONTREAL — Preteens dabbling in vandalism, bullying and truancy are more likely to be in trouble with the law as teenagers, according to a new study by Montreal researchers.
Eric Lacourse, the study’s lead author, also said the way we deal with kids showing signs of so- called ‘conduct disorder’ may actually be detrimental.
“What we found in the research group was that youth who were sent through the legal system or placed in youth detention ended up worse,” he said. FULL STORY
See "How Dr. Spock destroyed America"
From this evil root has grown the Child Abuse Industrial Complex- Social Workers behaving like 1940's SS men.
Top psychologist says children need traditional values
Sunday, December 26th, 2010
Top psychologist says children need traditional values
By Clare Carswell
Scotland- A TOP Government advisor has recommended a return of good old fashioned family values in a bid to stem the increase of violent teens.
In response to the latest figures that show a sharp rise in violence by youngsters towards adults, Tommy MacKay, a professor of psychology at Strathclyde University and a leading authority on the subject in Scotland has said that traditional values should be brought back.
Professor MacKay supports the enforcement of school uniforms, encourages traditional family values and has spoken out against celebrity culture, as displayed in TV shows such as X factor.
He said that children were being negatively influenced by the ‘cult of self’ and that there was a need for greater respect of adults by children and teenagers.
Professor MacKay said: “Over the years there has been a fundamental loss of respect for parental and school authority and for the values previously instilled by the church.“Society is loosing its old anchor points and domestic violence is part of that pattern.
“We are sitting on an unexploded time bomb of disturbed behaviour.” FULL STORY
Top psychologist says children need traditional values
By Clare Carswell
Scotland- A TOP Government advisor has recommended a return of good old fashioned family values in a bid to stem the increase of violent teens.
In response to the latest figures that show a sharp rise in violence by youngsters towards adults, Tommy MacKay, a professor of psychology at Strathclyde University and a leading authority on the subject in Scotland has said that traditional values should be brought back.
Professor MacKay supports the enforcement of school uniforms, encourages traditional family values and has spoken out against celebrity culture, as displayed in TV shows such as X factor.
He said that children were being negatively influenced by the ‘cult of self’ and that there was a need for greater respect of adults by children and teenagers.
Professor MacKay said: “Over the years there has been a fundamental loss of respect for parental and school authority and for the values previously instilled by the church.“Society is loosing its old anchor points and domestic violence is part of that pattern.
“We are sitting on an unexploded time bomb of disturbed behaviour.” FULL STORY
By Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
December 27, 2010
There is a hidden reason, among many other reasons, why American schools no longer teach the detailed meaning of the Declaration and the Constitution and the Republic for which they stand.
And that hidden reason is: schools in this country are no longer American. They are looked at, by “professionals,” as universal schools.
That is, these schools service children, many of whom don't speak English or write English as their first language. And there is no major push to teach English thoroughly and rigorously to kids who don't speak it or write it.
When you look at a school, moreover, as a multi-cultural institution, and you glorify the notion of “ethnic diversity,” you are basically saying that integration into the great melting pot is no longer a priority. So, under that banner, why would you consider a major grounding in the Constitution important? You wouldn't.
What you're left with is essentially a social event, not an educational event. FULL STORY
By Investigating Journalist Jon Rappoport
December 27, 2010
There is a hidden reason, among many other reasons, why American schools no longer teach the detailed meaning of the Declaration and the Constitution and the Republic for which they stand.
And that hidden reason is: schools in this country are no longer American. They are looked at, by “professionals,” as universal schools.
That is, these schools service children, many of whom don't speak English or write English as their first language. And there is no major push to teach English thoroughly and rigorously to kids who don't speak it or write it.
When you look at a school, moreover, as a multi-cultural institution, and you glorify the notion of “ethnic diversity,” you are basically saying that integration into the great melting pot is no longer a priority. So, under that banner, why would you consider a major grounding in the Constitution important? You wouldn't.
What you're left with is essentially a social event, not an educational event. FULL STORY
Sunday, December 26, 2010
CPS absolutely IS communism
The sort of stuff I stumble across when I ain't looking for it-
I have been making the case for 10 years that CPS absolutely IS communism
I have been making the case for 10 years that CPS absolutely IS communism
Meal-ticket children are hostages to lifestyles of parents
Meal-ticket children are hostages to lifestyles of parents
By Lindsay Mitchell
5:30 AM Monday Dec 27, 2010
NZ Herald
Responding to the most recent high profile child abuse case, the Minister for Social Development and Employment, Paula Bennett says she will "... do anything in her power to protect children." We must take her at her word. I do not doubt her sincerity.
Why does child abuse and neglect occur? Because the child is 'wanted' at one level, but not at another.
Sometimes they are wanted for the benefits that dependent children bring; priority for housing, extra income, and parental amnesty from being self-supporting.
They are not wanted in the usual sense; loved more than can be expressed or explained. The way children should be loved by their parents and grandparents. FULL STORY
I left a comment there (because NZ is quite a communist country)-
By Lindsay Mitchell
5:30 AM Monday Dec 27, 2010
NZ Herald
Responding to the most recent high profile child abuse case, the Minister for Social Development and Employment, Paula Bennett says she will "... do anything in her power to protect children." We must take her at her word. I do not doubt her sincerity.
Why does child abuse and neglect occur? Because the child is 'wanted' at one level, but not at another.
Sometimes they are wanted for the benefits that dependent children bring; priority for housing, extra income, and parental amnesty from being self-supporting.
They are not wanted in the usual sense; loved more than can be expressed or explained. The way children should be loved by their parents and grandparents. FULL STORY
I left a comment there (because NZ is quite a communist country)-
As Margaret Thatcher said - "Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money."UPDATE- I see they removed my comment. I don't think they liked it very much.
"If government could create jobs and raise children, socialism would have worked." -Gerald Gilder
And as Vladimir Lenin said "Destroy the family, you destroy the country."
Lack of help made tragedy inevitable
Lack of help made tragedy inevitable
12:00am on Dec 26, 2010
Modified at 1:53am on Dec 26, 2010
It's common for people who have been in serious wrecks to describe a prolonged moment of painful clarity when they knew for certain a crash was inevitable.
So it was, in a way, for the social workers who had been involved in the saga of the family that gave rise to Kayden Branham Daniels, the toddler who died last year after swallowing drain cleaner, a key ingredient of home-cooked methamphetamine, that was sitting in a coffee cup on a table.
All signs pointed to an impending disaster. Kayden's mother, Alisha, was 12 when he was conceived and 14 when he died. Melissa Branham, her mother, had custody of Alisha, but social workers were concerned she was abusing drugs. Alisha herself had tested positive for marijuana.
The utilities had been cut off at Melissa Branham's home. So, Alisha, Kayden and Kayden's father had moved to a trailer rented by Alisha's father, Larry Branham, where methamphetamine was being produced.
Larry Branham has acknowledged once being addicted to pain medication, but he says that with treatment, he no longer has a problem. His ex-wife, Melissa, told social workers shortly before Kayden died that she suspected Larry Branham was involved with drugs.
Kayden's life was in danger from the moment he was conceived. FULL STORY
Every time this story is updated, I grow more aghast.
12:00am on Dec 26, 2010
Modified at 1:53am on Dec 26, 2010
Family members put toys and other decorations at the grave of Kayden Branham Daniels, who died after drinking drain cleaner at a trailer where methamphetamine had been made. BILL ESTEP |
It's common for people who have been in serious wrecks to describe a prolonged moment of painful clarity when they knew for certain a crash was inevitable.
So it was, in a way, for the social workers who had been involved in the saga of the family that gave rise to Kayden Branham Daniels, the toddler who died last year after swallowing drain cleaner, a key ingredient of home-cooked methamphetamine, that was sitting in a coffee cup on a table.
All signs pointed to an impending disaster. Kayden's mother, Alisha, was 12 when he was conceived and 14 when he died. Melissa Branham, her mother, had custody of Alisha, but social workers were concerned she was abusing drugs. Alisha herself had tested positive for marijuana.
The utilities had been cut off at Melissa Branham's home. So, Alisha, Kayden and Kayden's father had moved to a trailer rented by Alisha's father, Larry Branham, where methamphetamine was being produced.
Larry Branham has acknowledged once being addicted to pain medication, but he says that with treatment, he no longer has a problem. His ex-wife, Melissa, told social workers shortly before Kayden died that she suspected Larry Branham was involved with drugs.
Kayden's life was in danger from the moment he was conceived. FULL STORY
Every time this story is updated, I grow more aghast.
Child neglect 'as harmful as abuse'
And now, some pure, adulterated horse tookey from the people who get paid to generate horse tookey-
Child neglect 'as harmful as abuse'
Adele Horin
December 27, 2010
The Age, New Zealand
CHILD neglect can be just as harmful to children's cognitive development as physical and sexual abuse, a new study shows.
But child-protection authorities do not treat neglect with the same urgency as other forms of child maltreatment.
The study of almost 4000 children aged 14 revealed that those with a history of reported abuse or neglect scored on average three IQ points lower than children who had not been maltreated.
And the children who had been neglected did just as poorly as children with a history of physical or sexual abuse.
....The study was published online this month in the medical journal Pediatrics.
Child neglect 'as harmful as abuse'
Adele Horin
December 27, 2010
The Age, New Zealand
CHILD neglect can be just as harmful to children's cognitive development as physical and sexual abuse, a new study shows.
But child-protection authorities do not treat neglect with the same urgency as other forms of child maltreatment.
The study of almost 4000 children aged 14 revealed that those with a history of reported abuse or neglect scored on average three IQ points lower than children who had not been maltreated.
And the children who had been neglected did just as poorly as children with a history of physical or sexual abuse.
....The study was published online this month in the medical journal Pediatrics.
The "Christmas Visit"
AFRA EDITORIALS Guest editorial by Carolynn J. Middleton BA BSc |
December 26, 2010
The "Christmas Visit"
Mother fights addiction and gets her son back
Sunday, December 26, 2010Sunday, December 26, 2010
Mother fights addiction and gets her son back
By Roseann Keegan
Special to the Tahoe Daily Tribune
I left a comment there-
This is the first time in eleven years I have seen an actual CPS "success story".
As a general rule, CPS destroys every life they touch- especially the children.
As co-founder of American Family Rights Association, we deal with the hundreds of thousands of people who were falsely accused and maliciously prosecuted in the unconstitutional courts of NO DUE PROCESS, where the accusation is the evidence, exculpatory evidence is not allowed, and the accused are Guilty without recourse to prove innocence.
Mother fights addiction and gets her son back
By Roseann Keegan
Special to the Tahoe Daily Tribune
This is the first time in eleven years I have seen an actual CPS "success story".
As a general rule, CPS destroys every life they touch- especially the children.
As co-founder of American Family Rights Association, we deal with the hundreds of thousands of people who were falsely accused and maliciously prosecuted in the unconstitutional courts of NO DUE PROCESS, where the accusation is the evidence, exculpatory evidence is not allowed, and the accused are Guilty without recourse to prove innocence.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
America's global leadership imperiled by weak families
America's global leadership imperiled by weak families
Sexual dysfunction, divorce, out-of-wedlock birth depriving kids of stable homes
Posted: December 25, 2010 10:10 pm Eastern
By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily
Family breakdown is threatening America's ability to lead the world, according to a new study released by the Family Research Council.
"A great nation depends on great families, but weak families will build a weak nation," writes FRC scholar Dr. Patrick Fagan in "The US Index of Belonging and Rejection"
"Bluntly put, the United States will not be able to maintain its leadership role in the community of nations unless its parents take a leadership role in the communities they have built: their families, which are the fundamental units of our society. If the United States desires to be a leader in the world, pursuing what is good for itself and other nations, its parents must first be leaders of their own homes and children,"* warns Fagan, director of FRC's Marriage and Religion Research Institute. FULL STORY
*PROBLEM- There is an absolute WAR going on against parents doing exactly that- because as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said- "Destroy the family, you destroy the country."
As for family breakdown, see-
Sexual dysfunction, divorce, out-of-wedlock birth depriving kids of stable homes
Posted: December 25, 2010 10:10 pm Eastern
By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily
Family breakdown is threatening America's ability to lead the world, according to a new study released by the Family Research Council.
"A great nation depends on great families, but weak families will build a weak nation," writes FRC scholar Dr. Patrick Fagan in "The US Index of Belonging and Rejection"
"Bluntly put, the United States will not be able to maintain its leadership role in the community of nations unless its parents take a leadership role in the communities they have built: their families, which are the fundamental units of our society. If the United States desires to be a leader in the world, pursuing what is good for itself and other nations, its parents must first be leaders of their own homes and children,"* warns Fagan, director of FRC's Marriage and Religion Research Institute. FULL STORY
*PROBLEM- There is an absolute WAR going on against parents doing exactly that- because as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said- "Destroy the family, you destroy the country."
As for family breakdown, see-
Tuesday February 3, 2009
United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
NOTE- What the Communist Manifesto has to say on the subject. Same thing? I certainly think so.
Kids endangered by Oklahoma public officials' “amnesia”
Kids endangered by Oklahoma public officials' “amnesia”
Published: December 25, 2010
Published: December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
The College Diploma Fraud
December 21, 2010
The College Diploma Fraud
By Robert Weissberg
American Thinker
For more than a half-century, government has tried to close racial gaps in educational attainment. Sad to say, those gaps have proven intractable. Nevertheless, the impulse remains as heartfelt as ever (perhaps due to its financially lucrative character), but the emphasis is now shifting from actual learning to equality of graduation rates. President Obama has spoken of adding 5 million graduates to the workforce by 2020, and credential-mania is now all the rage. This shift is a disaster in the making; imparting knowledge is commendable, but just handing out diplomas is harmful deception. A cynic might aver that the shift from knowledge to graduation rates is a tacit admission that the gap-closing quest is futile. FULL STORY
As far as I am concerned, social work and psych degrees are credentials for utter idiots and communists. (It is well-known that social work and psych students are the stupidest kids on campus). See my old, OLD essay The Alphabet of Corruption
The College Diploma Fraud
By Robert Weissberg
American Thinker
For more than a half-century, government has tried to close racial gaps in educational attainment. Sad to say, those gaps have proven intractable. Nevertheless, the impulse remains as heartfelt as ever (perhaps due to its financially lucrative character), but the emphasis is now shifting from actual learning to equality of graduation rates. President Obama has spoken of adding 5 million graduates to the workforce by 2020, and credential-mania is now all the rage. This shift is a disaster in the making; imparting knowledge is commendable, but just handing out diplomas is harmful deception. A cynic might aver that the shift from knowledge to graduation rates is a tacit admission that the gap-closing quest is futile. FULL STORY
As far as I am concerned, social work and psych degrees are credentials for utter idiots and communists. (It is well-known that social work and psych students are the stupidest kids on campus). See my old, OLD essay The Alphabet of Corruption
China bars political dissident access to lawyers
China bars political dissident access to lawyers
Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:03am GMT
By Sui-Lee Wee
BEIJING (Reuters) - One of China's most prominent human rights advocates, who was charged in June for subversion, has been denied access to his lawyers, a move that rights activists say sets the stage for a hasty and covert trial.
Liu Xianbin, 42, was charged with "incitement to subvert state power" for his articles that included his reflections on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo's arrest, Liu Xianbin's wife, Chen Mingxian, told Reuters by telephone.
The move to deny Liu Xianbin legal representation comes just as China has come under pressure from the international community for its human rights record, most recently for its harsh punishment of the Nobel laureate.
China, which jailed Liu Xiaobo for 11 years last year for "incitement to subvert state power," has called the Nobel award a "political farce."
Almost one year to the date that the Chinese government jailed Liu Xiaobo, many Chinese dissidents who have been charged in highly sensitive cases involving state secrets or subversion charges have been languishing in legal limbo as it is not unusual for authorities to severely curtail access to lawyers or family members. FULL STORY
Sounds exactly like Family courts, huh? Twelve years ago Pamela Gaston was referring to family courts as "China courts". She was right. The unconstitutional family courts and lack of vigorous defense of the "guilty until proven innocent" are intolerable violations of human rights.
Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:03am GMT
By Sui-Lee Wee
BEIJING (Reuters) - One of China's most prominent human rights advocates, who was charged in June for subversion, has been denied access to his lawyers, a move that rights activists say sets the stage for a hasty and covert trial.
Liu Xianbin, 42, was charged with "incitement to subvert state power" for his articles that included his reflections on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo's arrest, Liu Xianbin's wife, Chen Mingxian, told Reuters by telephone.
The move to deny Liu Xianbin legal representation comes just as China has come under pressure from the international community for its human rights record, most recently for its harsh punishment of the Nobel laureate.
China, which jailed Liu Xiaobo for 11 years last year for "incitement to subvert state power," has called the Nobel award a "political farce."
Almost one year to the date that the Chinese government jailed Liu Xiaobo, many Chinese dissidents who have been charged in highly sensitive cases involving state secrets or subversion charges have been languishing in legal limbo as it is not unusual for authorities to severely curtail access to lawyers or family members. FULL STORY
Sounds exactly like Family courts, huh? Twelve years ago Pamela Gaston was referring to family courts as "China courts". She was right. The unconstitutional family courts and lack of vigorous defense of the "guilty until proven innocent" are intolerable violations of human rights.
Another Holiday Wish List
Another Holiday Wish List
Christine James-Brown
CEO, Child Welfare League of America
Posted: December 24, 2010 12:27 PM
Huffington Post
Christine- I heartily agree with your column, except for the "child welfare workers... humble and honorable profession". The truth is, many child welfare workers need to be in prison for their unethical, unconstitutional activities and violations of Federal Law- several of which are Capital Crimes
Christine James-Brown
CEO, Child Welfare League of America
Posted: December 24, 2010 12:27 PM
Huffington Post
Christine- I heartily agree with your column, except for the "child welfare workers... humble and honorable profession". The truth is, many child welfare workers need to be in prison for their unethical, unconstitutional activities and violations of Federal Law- several of which are Capital Crimes
Wexler- The Grinches who stole DC kids’ Christmas
Richard Wexler
Foster care in Washington: The Grinches who stole DC kids’ Christmas
They would be the head of the Washington D.C. child welfare agency and the chair of the relevant committee of the D.C. council, who cut help for grandparents raising kids to keep them out of foster care, and other help for kids already in foster care.
But they spared the network of powerful private agencies that dominates DC child welfare, and the nation’s best-paid foster parents. Details are in this NCCPR op ed for the local opinions section of The Washington Post.
CPS Workers Hand Out Gifts
CPS Workers Hand Out Gifts In Robstown
Posted: Dec 23, 2010 12:46 PM
Updated: Dec 23, 2010 1:14 PM
Information from Child Protective Services
ROBSTOWN, Texas - Santa was at 5th and main, his sled was the back of a pick up truck, but the children that stopped by did not seem to mind as there were gifts to be passed out and photos to be taken.
Many of the parents who stopped with their children took the opportunity to snap a photo with their children and jolly old saint nick as Christmas tunes from a boom box set the mood for the event.
The children who stopped by received a traditional fruit bag along with their selection of a toy, a book and a stuffed animal. The gifts were donated by Coastal Gymnastics Academy.
Kudos to Coastal Gymnastics Academy. Boo on CPS passing out gifts to kids. I would be highly concerned about CPS taking photographs and collecting information on "needy" a.k.a. "neglected" children to feed into the CPS meat grinder later.
Posted: Dec 23, 2010 12:46 PM
Updated: Dec 23, 2010 1:14 PM
Information from Child Protective Services
ROBSTOWN, Texas - Santa was at 5th and main, his sled was the back of a pick up truck, but the children that stopped by did not seem to mind as there were gifts to be passed out and photos to be taken.
Many of the parents who stopped with their children took the opportunity to snap a photo with their children and jolly old saint nick as Christmas tunes from a boom box set the mood for the event.
The children who stopped by received a traditional fruit bag along with their selection of a toy, a book and a stuffed animal. The gifts were donated by Coastal Gymnastics Academy.
Kudos to Coastal Gymnastics Academy. Boo on CPS passing out gifts to kids. I would be highly concerned about CPS taking photographs and collecting information on "needy" a.k.a. "neglected" children to feed into the CPS meat grinder later.
"Enormous Scale" of Pharma Criminal Fraud Settlements
"Enormous Scale" of Pharma Criminal Fraud Settlements
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:16:08 -0500
From: veracare <>
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
A report by Public Citizen documents the enormous scale of lawless activities by the pharmaceutical industry during the past two decades--crimes for which the government levied a minimum of $1 million in penalties.
Between 1991-2010, there were 165 criminal and/or civil settlements involving major pharmaceutical companies who paid $19.8 billion in penalties.
Four of the world's largest drug companies--GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Schering-Plough--accounted for 53% ($10.5 billion) of penalties during these two decades.
If that isn't shocking enough, during the past five years, Big Pharma has been engaged in a veritable crime spree:
73% of these settlements (121) and 75% of the penalties ($14.8 billion) occurred between 2006-2010.
"While the defense industry used to be the biggest defrauder of the federal government under the False Claims Act (FCA), a law enacted in 1863 to prevent defense contractor fraud, the pharmaceutical industry has greatly overtaken the defense industry in recent years. The pharmaceutical industry now tops not only the defense industry, but all other industries in the total amount of fraud payments for actions against the federal government under the False Claims Act."
But government suits against the pharmaceutical industry have failed to address the harmful human consequences--WHY?
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Someday, the lid will blow off the fraud and corrupt Child Abuse Industry. We believe the False Claims CPS and their contractors generate are close to $300 BILLION a year.
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:16:08 -0500
From: veracare <>
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
A report by Public Citizen documents the enormous scale of lawless activities by the pharmaceutical industry during the past two decades--crimes for which the government levied a minimum of $1 million in penalties.
Between 1991-2010, there were 165 criminal and/or civil settlements involving major pharmaceutical companies who paid $19.8 billion in penalties.
Four of the world's largest drug companies--GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Schering-Plough--accounted for 53% ($10.5 billion) of penalties during these two decades.
If that isn't shocking enough, during the past five years, Big Pharma has been engaged in a veritable crime spree:
73% of these settlements (121) and 75% of the penalties ($14.8 billion) occurred between 2006-2010.
"While the defense industry used to be the biggest defrauder of the federal government under the False Claims Act (FCA), a law enacted in 1863 to prevent defense contractor fraud, the pharmaceutical industry has greatly overtaken the defense industry in recent years. The pharmaceutical industry now tops not only the defense industry, but all other industries in the total amount of fraud payments for actions against the federal government under the False Claims Act."
But government suits against the pharmaceutical industry have failed to address the harmful human consequences--WHY?
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Someday, the lid will blow off the fraud and corrupt Child Abuse Industry. We believe the False Claims CPS and their contractors generate are close to $300 BILLION a year.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
New Study Chronicles Crisis of Traditional Families
New Study Chronicles Crisis of Traditional Families
Written by Dave Bohon
Friday, 24 December 2010 00:00
The New American
A new study from the Family Research Council (FRC) reveals that over half of children in the United States are being raised in single-parent homes decimated by divorce, separation, and parental conflict. In the U.S Index of Belonging and Rejection, Dr. Patrick Fagan, director of the FRC’s Marriage and Religion Institute, found that the American family model has become one of rejection, with only 45 percent of American teens raised in families with both a mother and father legally married to one another.
By contrast, 55 percent of teens in the U.S. have been raised in families marred by rejection, including “single-parent families, stepfamilies, and children who no longer live with either birth parent but with adoptive or foster parents.”
Fagan’s research, based on data gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, found that increased divorce rates and more children born outside of marriage “have turned growing up in a stable, two-parent family into an exception, rather than the rule, for young Americans.” Especially relevant, he found, were statistics showing that while 62 percent of Asian-American teens and 54 percent of Caucasian teens live with both married parents, only 17 percent of African-American youth — less than one in five — live in intact homes with both married parents. FULL STORY
Written by Dave Bohon
Friday, 24 December 2010 00:00
The New American
A new study from the Family Research Council (FRC) reveals that over half of children in the United States are being raised in single-parent homes decimated by divorce, separation, and parental conflict. In the U.S Index of Belonging and Rejection, Dr. Patrick Fagan, director of the FRC’s Marriage and Religion Institute, found that the American family model has become one of rejection, with only 45 percent of American teens raised in families with both a mother and father legally married to one another.
By contrast, 55 percent of teens in the U.S. have been raised in families marred by rejection, including “single-parent families, stepfamilies, and children who no longer live with either birth parent but with adoptive or foster parents.”
Fagan’s research, based on data gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, found that increased divorce rates and more children born outside of marriage “have turned growing up in a stable, two-parent family into an exception, rather than the rule, for young Americans.” Especially relevant, he found, were statistics showing that while 62 percent of Asian-American teens and 54 percent of Caucasian teens live with both married parents, only 17 percent of African-American youth — less than one in five — live in intact homes with both married parents. FULL STORY
Healthy Families Florida serves struggling parents
Healthy Families Florida serves struggling parents
Posted: December 24, 2010 - 12:00am
Florida Times-Union, Guest Column
The greatest gift anyone can receive during this joyous season is the love and support of family.
Most of us take our families for granted.
But what if you had grown up in a family where your parents did not know how to provide the strong foundation that would help you to succeed in school and become a contributing member of society, much less equip you to become a good parent yourself?
Parents who haven't had the opportunity to learn effective parenting skills through their own childhood experiences are ill-equipped to meet the challenges facing today's families.
Although they want to be good parents, they recognize they don't have the basic knowledge and skills needed to handle the job.
Some parents who face these challenges have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the Healthy Families Florida home visiting program.
Through this nationally accredited and proven program, parents at high-risk for child abuse and neglect learn how to recognize and respond to their babies' changing developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques and cope with the day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways.
Parents are also encouraged to take personal responsibility for setting short and long-term goals like enrolling in GED or job training programs and finding stable employment.
One grateful mom said that before entering Healthy Families, "I was on welfare, taking advantage of every government program available. Since I have been in [Healthy Families], my husband and I have been able to get jobs, our own apartment and a better handle on our bills.
"Also, I have been pushed to get my kids to their health appointments."
Family support workers also screen moms for depression and their children for developmental delays, educate parents about the importance of immunizations and well-child check-ups and link them to medical providers.
In addition, they teach parents how to access community services and identify and address potential safety hazards in and around their homes.
Family plays an essential role in fulfilling the emotional and physical needs of children, which lays the foundation for all future emotional, cognitive and social development.
A family is the most important unit of society because it is the child's first, and most important, "school" where important skills and abilities critical are - or aren't - developed. FULL STORY
Posted: December 24, 2010 - 12:00am
Florida Times-Union, Guest Column
The greatest gift anyone can receive during this joyous season is the love and support of family.
Most of us take our families for granted.
But what if you had grown up in a family where your parents did not know how to provide the strong foundation that would help you to succeed in school and become a contributing member of society, much less equip you to become a good parent yourself?
Parents who haven't had the opportunity to learn effective parenting skills through their own childhood experiences are ill-equipped to meet the challenges facing today's families.
Although they want to be good parents, they recognize they don't have the basic knowledge and skills needed to handle the job.
Some parents who face these challenges have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the Healthy Families Florida home visiting program.
Through this nationally accredited and proven program, parents at high-risk for child abuse and neglect learn how to recognize and respond to their babies' changing developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques and cope with the day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways.
Parents are also encouraged to take personal responsibility for setting short and long-term goals like enrolling in GED or job training programs and finding stable employment.
One grateful mom said that before entering Healthy Families, "I was on welfare, taking advantage of every government program available. Since I have been in [Healthy Families], my husband and I have been able to get jobs, our own apartment and a better handle on our bills.
"Also, I have been pushed to get my kids to their health appointments."
Family support workers also screen moms for depression and their children for developmental delays, educate parents about the importance of immunizations and well-child check-ups and link them to medical providers.
In addition, they teach parents how to access community services and identify and address potential safety hazards in and around their homes.
Family plays an essential role in fulfilling the emotional and physical needs of children, which lays the foundation for all future emotional, cognitive and social development.
A family is the most important unit of society because it is the child's first, and most important, "school" where important skills and abilities critical are - or aren't - developed. FULL STORY
Child abuse case worker released pending child pornography case
Child abuse case worker released pending child pornography case
Posted Dec 23, 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Last update Dec 23, 2010 @ 02:18 PM
An Oneida County Child Protective Services case worker has been released on his own recognizance* while he faces pending charges of possessing child pornography, according to federal court documents.
U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge George Lowe in Syracuse on Thursday agreed to release Stanley Dorozynski from custody as long as he complies with various conditions, including: FULL STORY
* The actual truth is, they probably wish they didn't have to take a "good CPS agent" from his "being over- worked protecting the most vulnerable for not nearly enough pay"
Posted Dec 23, 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Last update Dec 23, 2010 @ 02:18 PM
An Oneida County Child Protective Services case worker has been released on his own recognizance* while he faces pending charges of possessing child pornography, according to federal court documents.
U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge George Lowe in Syracuse on Thursday agreed to release Stanley Dorozynski from custody as long as he complies with various conditions, including: FULL STORY
* The actual truth is, they probably wish they didn't have to take a "good CPS agent" from his "being over- worked protecting the most vulnerable for not nearly enough pay"
No reports of abuse prior to Bartlesville child's beating death
DHS: No reports of abuse prior to Bartlesville child's beating death
By LAURA SUMMERS World Correspondent
Published: 12/23/2010 3:13 PM
Last Modified: 12/23/2010 3:13 PM
Tulsa World
BARTLESVILLE, Oklahoma - There were no warning signs of abuse for Washington County’s child welfare workers prior to the death this month of a 3-year-old Bartlesville boy who allegedly died of blunt trauma.
A report released this week by Oklahoma Department of Human Services on the death of Christian Norris shows child welfare officials did not receive any calls complaining of possible abuse or neglect involving the child prior to his death Dec. 7.
Joshua Robert Benton, 22, is being held without bond on a charge of first-degree murder involving a child in the death of the toddler.
Benton, who worked as a Washington County jailer until his arrest, reportedly confessed to using force on the tot. He is being held in a jail in another county. FULL STORY
You cannot prevent things like this from happening, no matter how tyrannical government gets about it. If every child was taken by government and raised in government homes, there would be (actually is) 7 times more deaths, 11 times more abuse, and almost universal rape of kids by the time they age out. The death penalty has been stopped in many states because a majority of people do not believe it is a deterrent. America has been Deliberately Dumbed Down and made Morally Bankrupt, while the culture war on virtuous and honorable living continues. There really is a war against kids and the family has been utterly abandoned to nothing but Legal Abuse.
By LAURA SUMMERS World Correspondent
Published: 12/23/2010 3:13 PM
Last Modified: 12/23/2010 3:13 PM
Tulsa World
BARTLESVILLE, Oklahoma - There were no warning signs of abuse for Washington County’s child welfare workers prior to the death this month of a 3-year-old Bartlesville boy who allegedly died of blunt trauma.
A report released this week by Oklahoma Department of Human Services on the death of Christian Norris shows child welfare officials did not receive any calls complaining of possible abuse or neglect involving the child prior to his death Dec. 7.
Joshua Robert Benton, 22, is being held without bond on a charge of first-degree murder involving a child in the death of the toddler.
Benton, who worked as a Washington County jailer until his arrest, reportedly confessed to using force on the tot. He is being held in a jail in another county. FULL STORY
You cannot prevent things like this from happening, no matter how tyrannical government gets about it. If every child was taken by government and raised in government homes, there would be (actually is) 7 times more deaths, 11 times more abuse, and almost universal rape of kids by the time they age out. The death penalty has been stopped in many states because a majority of people do not believe it is a deterrent. America has been Deliberately Dumbed Down and made Morally Bankrupt, while the culture war on virtuous and honorable living continues. There really is a war against kids and the family has been utterly abandoned to nothing but Legal Abuse.
While Kids Die LA Child Welfare Employees Sting Taxpayers
DECEMBER 23, 2010 8:09AM
While Kids Die LA Child Welfare Employees Sting Taxpayers
Bonnie Russel Blog
I so wanted to report the LA County Agency responsible for the safety of children had done something good, finally. Wait, I can. Sort of. Nah. It's only a pr move.
It's the same everywhere with CPS
While Kids Die LA Child Welfare Employees Sting Taxpayers
Bonnie Russel Blog
I so wanted to report the LA County Agency responsible for the safety of children had done something good, finally. Wait, I can. Sort of. Nah. It's only a pr move.
It's the same everywhere with CPS
What Should Parents Do if They Cross the Line?
What Should Parents Do if They Cross the Line?
By Megan Trent
December 22, 2010
Story Updated: Dec 22, 2010 at 8:01 PM EST
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana's NewsCenter) - Most parents get frustrated with their children at one point or another, but what happens when adults cross the line?
Child safety advocates say prevention of abuse is key, and the welfare of any child should be priority number one. If an adult finds themselves in an aggravating situation with a child, Jennifer Boen with SCAN (Stop Child Abuse and Neglect) says the adult should take a step back and calm down.
But what if the situation has already gotten out of control?
Boen says, "If they've crossed the line and they've injured their child, or even think that they're going to and they have struck a child or find themselves doing verbal abuse, make that call."
Boen says don't wait - call 9-1-1 immediately, because often times injuries can't be seen or get worse over time.
She says it's important not to avoid calling for help due to a fear of losing one's child. Boen says the priority of SCAN is to keep families together, and around 90% of parents who successfully complete their parenting program are able to do just that.
To find out about programs helping parents learn age-appropriate discipline, visit
Seriously, if you have a temper tantrum with a child and hurt them, your life as you knew it is over. So this story is definitely a "must read" for young, new parents. See my old, OLD essay New (First Time) Parent?
By Megan Trent
December 22, 2010
Story Updated: Dec 22, 2010 at 8:01 PM EST
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana's NewsCenter) - Most parents get frustrated with their children at one point or another, but what happens when adults cross the line?
Child safety advocates say prevention of abuse is key, and the welfare of any child should be priority number one. If an adult finds themselves in an aggravating situation with a child, Jennifer Boen with SCAN (Stop Child Abuse and Neglect) says the adult should take a step back and calm down.
But what if the situation has already gotten out of control?
Boen says, "If they've crossed the line and they've injured their child, or even think that they're going to and they have struck a child or find themselves doing verbal abuse, make that call."
Boen says don't wait - call 9-1-1 immediately, because often times injuries can't be seen or get worse over time.
She says it's important not to avoid calling for help due to a fear of losing one's child. Boen says the priority of SCAN is to keep families together, and around 90% of parents who successfully complete their parenting program are able to do just that.
To find out about programs helping parents learn age-appropriate discipline, visit
Seriously, if you have a temper tantrum with a child and hurt them, your life as you knew it is over. So this story is definitely a "must read" for young, new parents. See my old, OLD essay New (First Time) Parent?
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