Thursday, March 01, 2012 by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) The anti-depressant fraud toothpaste is out of the tube, at least partly. A Harvard Medical School psychologist, Irving Kirsch, who has been studying placebo effects for three decades, recently came up with the documented conclusion that pharmaceutical anti-depressants don't work.
This is big news for many Natural News readers and writers. But this conclusion had the prescription-pad psychiatrists and FDA crying foul, loudly. Why? Kirsch's conclusion was featured in a national CBS 60 Minutes television report.
Even more importantly, Kirsch's conclusion was evidence based on documents from obtained using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Those documents were trial results from drug companies that were not published and presented to the FDA.
Learn more:
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The great government hoax of public safety
Thursday, March 01, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
Have you ever noticed that every time the government forces somebody into doing something at gunpoint, they always claim it's for "public safety?"
Rawesome Foods raid? Public safety.
Forced innoculations of children? Public safety.
Searching the sack lunches of children who go to public school? Public safety.
But in my op-ed piece today, I argue that government-run "public safety" is a complete hoax. The government actually makes our lives more dangerous, not safer. Here's why:
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
Have you ever noticed that every time the government forces somebody into doing something at gunpoint, they always claim it's for "public safety?"
Rawesome Foods raid? Public safety.
Forced innoculations of children? Public safety.
Searching the sack lunches of children who go to public school? Public safety.
But in my op-ed piece today, I argue that government-run "public safety" is a complete hoax. The government actually makes our lives more dangerous, not safer. Here's why:
"The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man's self-defense, and, as such, may only resort to force only against those who start the use of force." -- Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Author Source: "Atlas Shrugged"
"The primary objective of copyright is not to reward the labor of authors, but [t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts." To this end, copyright assures authors the right to their original expression, but encourages others to build freely upon the ideas and information conveyed by a work. This result is neither unfair nor unfortunate. It is the means by which copyright advances the progress of science and art." -- Sandra Day O'Connor (1930-) American jurist, first female member of the Supreme Court of the United States Source: Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 1991'Connor.Quote.3500
"An important art of politcians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public." -- Talleyrand [Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord] (1754-1838) 1st Prince de Bénévent, French diplomat
The Balanced Mind Foundation- Evidence-Based Family Therapy
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Foster parents; Brainwashing 101. Part 1 of 2
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
In this series, we are going to look at the word brainwashing in conjunction with foster parents. Now your saying, what?Do you know what this word means… Read more ►
Foster Parent Legal Solutions has an organizational manual- "Standing in the Shadow of Law" to assist parents in preparing their own cases PRO SE. It has been in existence for over 7 years now and proven over and over that it works. Check it out
The cost is only $10.50. An ebook that parents can print off their PC's. It is simple to follow and written in plain english not legalese.
It has been a very long time - far too long - since we have sent out newsletters from our Drugawareness site. I am starting them back up again & want to update you on all that is happening. Over the past two weeks I have had three experiences that have made me realize that no matter how overwhelmed I have been over the past couple of years, I MUST find the energy and means by which I can step up the pace of educating the world about antidepressants because I know what is happening in my life is happening in everyone else's lives as well because antidepressants are EVERYWHERE!!
Besides the school shooting that just happened in Ohio with every earmark of yet another antidepressant induced school shooting, last night a friend called to let me know that her cousin was the teen boy who walked in front of a train in my old neighborhood last week. The grandmother of this boy has now lost two of her grandchildren in a violent suicide induced by antidepressants!!! The first was a teen girl who shot herself about a decade ago. And her son was sent to prison because of false accusations of abuse made by someone on these meds. THAT IS ONE FAMILY!!!!!
Then last week a good friend I have known for 20 years & who has helped set me up for lectures and radio shows to spread the word about antidepressants called to let me know that his 32 year old niece on antidepressants had just committed suicide leaving her husband and three children behind.
Then two weeks ago a friend I have had for 30 years called to let me know that her daughter had given her son-in-law ONE pill of Zoloft after which he made several serious suicide attempts & was now in a psych ward.
Now if I am being hit with this many tragedies this close to me in my life when I know what I know about these drugs, how bad is has it become in everyone else's lives????!!!!!
So we are gearing up the website to offer more & more info.
We welcome all of you back to our Drugawareness family!!!
You can find us on Facebook under the International Coalition for Drug Awareness. And you can find me on Facebook at Ann Blake Tracy where we have been sharing MUCH new information. Please come and friend us there!
Our Texas Director, Rosie Meysenburg, & I have worked very hard for many years to gather as many antidepressant-induced cases of violence, suicide & other adverse reactions. And Rosie has put all of these plus many more she has gathered from the internet into an incredible database which you can search in so many different ways! You can search by patient name, by state, by what happened (school shooting, teacher seducing students, suicides, child cases, etc.) The website for that is located at
We are also gathering your stories on the site. There will be a spot for you to enter yours as well.
We are preparing a membership site as well with several ways of learning more and more about these drugs & how to educate others to prevent these tragedies.
I also have new DVDs available on several subjects:
1: On the subject of Bipolar induced by the use of antidepressants
2: Antidepressants & Mind Control
3. False Memory Syndrome caused by antidepressants
4. The Effects of Antidepressants Upon Spirituality
5. The REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) (We now know that 86% diagnosed with RBD are taking antidepressants!!!)
I also just learned Leslie Demeniuk's antidepressant-induced nightmare is going to be on the Bio Channel Friday evening at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. It is a program called Women Behind Bars. Leslie shot her twin 4 year old boys while in a psychosis produced from going from Zoloft to Paxil. Her fiance, Anthony Ortiz, was one of our Drugawareness group who came to Houston from Florida for the press conference we had on the courthouse steps during Andrea Yate's second case. Leslie's case is found on our SSRI stories database of cases at
So that you have some background as you watch this program: Leslie was suffering the hypoglycemic reaction that comes from the use of antidepressants coupled with the stronger impact upon blood sugar brought on by the shock to the body of abrupt changes in dose of an antidepressant. This reaction brings on overwhelming cravings for either alcohol or sweets or both. She was therefore drunk also at the time of the shooting. This alcohol craving was the first reaction to Prozac that caught my attention & caused me to begin researching the SSRI antidepressants. I was shocked to see those who had never touched alcohol in their lives become alcoholic almost overnight on these antidepressants!
Of course the cases never end. Just last week a pharmacist in Tampa, FL drowned her baby while on antidepressants. We have just had another school shooting which I am sure involved the drugs & not far from there a young father shot & killed his wife & three children. In Utah last night I learned a friend's teen cousin walked in front of a train in my old neighborhood to commit suicide after several months on antidepressants. Amazing that as hard as you try & as much evidence as there is when there is so much $$$$$ being made the truth just does not make it out - unless we do it ourselves to save those we love!!!
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness, &
Author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare & Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!
American Minute with Bill Federer Feb. 29 - Julius Caesar's Leap Day, and Columbus' Eclipse
Making Sense of School Shootings
By John W. Whitehead
On Feb. 27, 2012, a teenager—reportedly a victim of bullying and something of a social outcast—walked into a Cleveland high school and opened fire in the cafeteria, killing two students and wounding three others. The teenager, identified as T.J. Lane, has been taken into police custody. Now media pundits are speculating on who or what is to blame for this latest spate of violence.
Yet we’ve been caught in the grip of a cycle of school violence that started almost 20 years ago.
On Feb. 27, 2012, a teenager—reportedly a victim of bullying and something of a social outcast—walked into a Cleveland high school and opened fire in the cafeteria, killing two students and wounding three others. The teenager, identified as T.J. Lane, has been taken into police custody. Now media pundits are speculating on who or what is to blame for this latest spate of violence.
Yet we’ve been caught in the grip of a cycle of school violence that started almost 20 years ago.
PsychCentral- SPECIAL EDITION: The Ohio School Shooting
The Ohio School Shooting
The Psychology of a School Shooting So, What Triggered the Violent Outburst? A troubled teen walks into a school and opens fire on his classmates. At press time, three students are dead, two are wounded and the baby-faced shooter is in custody. What triggers such deadly behavior? Licensed mental health counselor Erika Krull provides some insight. How Parents Can Deal with Scared Kids What parents can tell children who are afraid to go to school after a shooting. |
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Right of Conscience Vote in U.S. Senate Tomorrow—Urgent Calls Needed
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Right of Conscience Vote in U.S. Senate Tomorrow—Urgent Calls NeededDear HSLDA Members and Friends,We have previously urged you to call the U.S. Senate to support Amendment No. 1520, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, by Senator Roy Blunt (MO). This amendment to the Senate’s Transportation Bill would protect religious freedom and conscience rights, and would ensure that employers are not forced by the federal government to violate their religious beliefs or conscience as a result of the recent Obama Administration mandate requiring all employers to give employees free birth control and abortion-inducing drugs. The Senate will vote on Amendment No. 1520 tomorrow, Thursday, March 1. The vote is expected to be extremely close. Please immediately call (because of the short time, phone calls, not emails, are best) your two U.S. senators and urge them to support this crucial amendment. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard (and ask to be transferred to your senators’ offices) at 202-224-3121 or use HSLDA’s Congressional Directory to enter your ZIP code and find your senators’ phone numbers. Your message can be as simple as the following: “Please support Senator Blunt’s Amendment No. 1520, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, which will overturn President Obama’s contraceptives mandate requiring employers to violate their conscience and religious beliefs. To protect the sanctity of the First Amendment and the right of conscience upon which our nation was founded, the U.S. Senate must act to preserve the freedom of employers to follow the dictates of their conscience.”Thank you for standing with us for freedom. Very truly yours, J. Michael Smith, Esq. President, HSLDA P.S. For more background information, please click here.
The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of: Home School Legal Defense Association • P.O. Box 3000 • Purcellville, Virginia 20134-9000 Phone: (540) 338-5600 • Fax: (540) 338-2733 • Email: Web: Subscription Information: You subscribed to the HSLDA E-lert Service as: Subscribe POSTMASTERS: This message is being sent to the most recent address we have for our subscribers. If this is an invalid email address or you have other problems, please reply to DISCLAIMER: This is considered a private and confidential message from HSLDA to its bonafide HSLDA E-lert Service subscribers. HSLDA cannot attest to the authenticity of copies posted, forwarded, or sent by any party other than HSLDA. NOTE: Please do not reply or otherwise use this email address; is for broadcast purposes only and is not intended to receive incoming messages. We cannot reply to any email sent to this address. If you have comments or questions, please send email to or call HSLDA at 540-338-5600. HSLDA members can also email staff directly through the Members website at Thank you for your cooperation. © 2012 HSLDA. All rights reserved. |
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