Americans Uncomfortable Around Mentally Ill Despite Acknowledging Discrimination
By Jordan Rau
Kaiser Health News
FEBRUARY 27TH, 2013, 6:00 AM
The public has a contradictory view of mental illness, according to a new poll. While most Americans believe people with such ailments are the victims of prejudice and discrimination, a substantial portion of the public say they have qualms about working in the same place or having their children attend a school where someone with a “serious” mental illness is employed.
Seventy-six percent of Americans believe the mentally ill experience discrimination, according to the poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.) That was a greater portion of Americans than those who said they thought discrimination burdens people with HIV or AIDS; Hispanics; blacks; people with physical disabilities, or women. Immigrants were the only group to rank higher than those with mental illness.
Most people are clueless what real mental illness is.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Parental Rights in Virginia
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February 26, 2013
Victory in Virginia!
The Parental Rights Act, which in Virginia is both House Bill 1642 and Senate Bill 908, states: “A parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.” The measures were adopted in both houses with bipartisan support. There was opposition, apparently over fears that the bill would somehow impact existing laws, even though the standard it codifies is already the legal standard of the courts in the state. Virginia lawmakers got around that fear by adding a second section which specifies, “That it is the expressed intent of the General Assembly that this act codify the opinion of the Supreme Court of Virginia in L.F. v. Breit, issued on January 10, 2013, as it relates to parental rights.” The case cited recognizes parental rights as a fundamental right and requires strict scrutiny in their protection. The Family Foundation, the Home Educators Association of Virginia, and the Home School Legal Defense Association provided vital support as Delegate Brenda Pogge and Senator Bryce Reeves led the way in passing these bills. is especially grateful to our state leader, Teri Beatley, and to HSLDA attorney Scott Woodruff who testified on behalf of our organization as well as his own. We are indebted to all of these and to you who called to bring this victory to pass. Once Governor McDonnell signs the bill(s), the rights of parents in Virginia will be safe not only in the present, but even if federal court decisions continue to erode parental rights in the future. Unfortunately, this will not be enough if the U.S. Senate ratifies a United Nations treaty – such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) or the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) – that would shift the responsibility for child welfare from fit parents to the federal government. Under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, a ratified treaty supersedes state laws. So we continue to work toward passage of an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to prevent the abuse of this treaty power. The article would prohibit the President and Senate from adopting any treaty that would impact the rights of parents like those addressed in this new Virginia law. And we continue to work in various states to see more victories like the one we are celebrating in Virginia today!
State Updates
Kansas and Missouri also have bills pending. Though there is no specific progress to report from Kansas, Missouri’s HB 513 is likely to be voted on in the House Children and Families Committee this afternoon. Several other states are also working on resolutions this year. Pennsylvania’s HR71 calls on the U.S. Senate to reject ratification of the CRC because it poses a threat to parental rights. If it passes, Pennsylvania will join Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama in rejecting this dangerous treaty. Nebraska’s LR 42 and Mississippi’s SC 530 both call on the U.S. Congress to propose to the states for ratification the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If they pass, these states will join Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Louisiana, and Florida in calling for the Amendment.
Action Items
Finally, if you are able, please consider adding to your monthly budget. Even $5 per month adds up over time, and will help support our efforts continually until parental rights are preserved in our Constitution and parents in every state enjoy the protection that Virginia has just secured. Just click here to start your giving today*. Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research P.S. – Facebook Fan February ends in just 3 days. Please encourage your friends one more time to like our page as we strive to reach 30,000 fans! (Just 727 to go!) * Because is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, we regret that donations cannot be deductible for income tax purposes. |
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P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |
Monday, February 25, 2013
Oregon- YOU Gave Amber Her Heart Back
YOU Gave Amber Her Heart Back – Her Children
YOU Stopped the Department of Human Services Abuse We recently asked our readership to contact public officials and employees who were involved and tell them to stop the abuse. We would like to thank each of you for doing your part. It is through your individual action - your calls, letters, emails, faxes and social media sharing that gave Amber her heart back! Now, Amber has her children, unsupervised, and is no longer under the control of DHS. This goes to show that united individuals can make a huge difference. Amber was wrongly classified by DHS as being a "drug abuser" and "paranoid schizophrenic." She was required to take frequent, random drug tests and see her children under supervised visits only. Now, just days after your involvement, she is reunited with her children without the presence or control of DHS. When Amber appeared in court recently, she said DHS employee Ursala Beattie looked at her, smiled and said "hello" (completely out of character for Ursala). Soon after, DHS officially closed the case. Amber continued, "I couldn't believe what had just happened - I felt like I had just been let out of prison." Again, The US~Observer greatly commends all of you who answered our call and took it upon yourselves to help Amber and her children. Fortunately, and due in great part to your pressure, she now has her life back on track. Amber is greatly appreciative for all that each of you have done for her. Your help was awesome! Amber's articles: • You Stole Her Heart - • How DHS Fails Children - • Enough is Absolutely Enough (Alert) -
Forward this - or at very least, log-on to Facebook and friend the US~Observer!
If you know someone facing abuse at the hands of a government entity, let them know about the US~Observer!
Have You Been Falsely Accused of a Crime? Contact Us Today!
Typically, the first call made by those facing false charges is to a lawyer. It's a mistake that generally ends with a plea bargain being rammed right down the throat of the innocent person - not to mention the top dollar paid to their attorney for their "defense." If there are any defense attorneys out there with a winning record beyond a 50% win-to-loss ratio, we would like to hear from you! Keep in mind, pleading someone out is not a win. It is imperative that innocent victims of the system know that they have another option - really, the only option - in the US~Observer. We do the work that attorneys fail to do or that their convoluted “bar rules” prohibit them from doing. Forward this to everyone you know; post us on Facebook; Tweet us. Help us vindicate the innocent! And, if you know of anyone who is facing charges, have them call us immediately - 541-474-7885. Has some scam artist stolen your money, have you been enticed to invest in a scam or Ponzi Scheme? Pick up the phone and call us… Also, if you are facing unwarranted civil issues, give us a call. Don't let an attorney soak you dry, before leaving you defeated and often flat broke.
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Pastor Plans Toy Gun Buyback Program
Pastor Plans Toy Gun Buyback Program
February 25, 2013 8:37 AM
CBS St Louis
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) - While St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson is raising funds for a gun buyback program, Pastor Rodney Francis of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church wants to catch kids before they even think about wielding a weapon.
His church is planning a toy gun buyback later this summer.
I wonder if the buy-back will be available for the Hello Kitty Bubble Gun?;_ylt=AjR2mTHWWhW_5cFXfVKjcE6bvZx4?p=Hello+Kitty+Bubble+Gun
February 25, 2013 8:37 AM
CBS St Louis
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) - While St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson is raising funds for a gun buyback program, Pastor Rodney Francis of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church wants to catch kids before they even think about wielding a weapon.
His church is planning a toy gun buyback later this summer.
I wonder if the buy-back will be available for the Hello Kitty Bubble Gun?;_ylt=AjR2mTHWWhW_5cFXfVKjcE6bvZx4?p=Hello+Kitty+Bubble+Gun
Sunday, February 24, 2013
See what research reveals is best indicator of the future of youth
By Michael Haverluck
Barack Obama called during his State of the Union for taxpayer-funded universal preschool for children, which would yank them out of their homes at an even earlier age.
But a new study shows the opposite – family cohesion, is the No. 1 determinant of a healthy home and a healthy society.
When asked about the message from the study, which showed only 45 percent of 15-17-year-old teens in America live with both married parents, Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin said such cohesion is as important in the home as it is on the battlefield.
“Family intactness, when measured, always has a beneficial influence on U.S. social policy outcomes,” said Boykin, who serves as Family Research Council‘s executive vice president.
Boykin, who commanded all the Army’s Green Berets, notes that whether a family stays together or not is the greatest predictor of teen pregnancy, school performance, income and reliance on the government.
Aaron, 9, ‘bullied to death for being white’
This happened in England. But I believe this is the status of the culture here in the US. Especially if you are a white non-Democrat.
Aaron, 9, ‘bullied to death for being white’
Family blames Asian yobs for suicide
The Sun, UK
THE devastated family of a nine-year-old boy who hanged himself say he took his life after racist taunts by Asian bullies.
Aaron Dugmore — thought to be one of Britain’s youngest suicides after bullying — was found in his bedroom after months of jibes at school, they claim.
His family say that Aaron was threatened with a plastic KNIFE by one Asian pupil — who warned him: “Next time it will be a real one.”
But despite complaints to the school, where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic backgrounds, they claim nothing was done to stop the bullying.
Read more:
Aaron, 9, ‘bullied to death for being white’
Family blames Asian yobs for suicide
The Sun, UK
THE devastated family of a nine-year-old boy who hanged himself say he took his life after racist taunts by Asian bullies.
Aaron Dugmore — thought to be one of Britain’s youngest suicides after bullying — was found in his bedroom after months of jibes at school, they claim.
His family say that Aaron was threatened with a plastic KNIFE by one Asian pupil — who warned him: “Next time it will be a real one.”
But despite complaints to the school, where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic backgrounds, they claim nothing was done to stop the bullying.
Read more:
Thursday, February 21, 2013
New Haven Register
Within Connecticut, New Haven area has highest use of antidepressants, study finds
By Lisa Chedekel
Conn. Health I-Team Writer
February 21, 2013
Within Connecticut, New Haven area has highest use of antidepressants, study finds
By Lisa Chedekel
Conn. Health I-Team Writer
February 21, 2013
In Alexandria, Va., the rate of antidepressant use is the highest in the country, with a full 40 percent of residents receiving prescriptions.
Cape Cod, Mass., tops the country in the use of stimulants, with 16 percent of the population filling at least one prescription, compared to a mean of 2.6 percent nationally.
Usage rates of the three classes of mental health medications vary widely across the U.S., with Connecticut in the middle, according to a new study by the Yale School of Management. The study found that much of the geographic variation could be explained by access to health care and pharmaceutical marketing efforts, rather than by the underlying prevalence rate of the psychiatric disorders.
For all three classes of medications, use rates were higher in areas with better access to health care, as measured by the number of physicians in a three-digit zip code area. More surprisingly, the study found that in regions of the country where pharmaceutical companies spent the most money marketing drugs, the utilization rate of psychotropic medications was at least 10 percent higher than in areas with the lowest marketing expenditures.
The study is the first to demonstrate that “marketing efforts have a substantial impact on utilization rates,” said Marissa King, assistant professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management and the study’s lead author. “There’s a huge geographic variability in utilization rates, and it appears that part of the puzzle is marketing.”
Just Released . . . 2013 Child Indicator Newsletter
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Parental Rights- What's Going On?
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February 20, 2013
What's Going On?
So what is going on? For starters, parental rights bills have been introduced this year in several states, including Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas – and several other states are preparing to introduce similar measures in the weeks ahead. Virginia’s HB1642 and SB908 have both traveled convoluted paths toward a final bill that no doubt will merge the two into one good parental rights law. Each started from the same draft, underwent amendments in both the House and Senate committees, and looks to protect “a [parent’s] fundamental right [to direct] the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.” There have been ups and downs in both houses, but we are very excited about where the bills are right now. (If you live in Virginia, we are asking you to call your state senator. Please see the alert here.) Missouri’s HB513 also codifies the “fundamental right” of parents “to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their child.” It has been read twice in the House, and the House Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities held a hearing on it on February 19 (yesterday). They have not yet voted on it; that could come at any time. Oklahoma’s HB1384 is also not far along in the process, but it passed the House Human Services Committee on Monday (February 18). From there it must go to the House floor, then on to the Senate. We will be sending out alerts asking for your calls at those important junctures. In Kansas, a bill relating to the exercise of religion also includes strong protection for fundamental parental rights. In fact, HB2203 uses both the term “fundamental right” and a call for the “strict scrutiny” level of legal protection relative to parental rights. Although we cannot claim any credit for this bill, we fully support it for the sake of this provision. The bill had a hearing in the Committee on the Judiciary on Monday, February 18. Meanwhile, in Indiana and Washington state, we are battling bills (SB171 and HB1506/HB1934, respectively) that would grant legal standing to persons outside the immediate family to sue parents for visitation rights of the parents’ children, against the wishes of the parent(s). (Washington: HB1934 is identical to HB1506, and we need your calls again. Please click here for the former alert and apply it to HB1506.) Efforts are also under way to pass parental rights legislation in several other states. We will update you on those efforts as those bills are introduced. Sadly, our effort to pass a parental rights bill in Mississippi was cut short. House Bill 496 was challenged on a technicality as being “improperly before the House,” because it did not reference laws on vaccination or child abuse. Under Mississippi law, a bill must specifically reference any existing laws that would be affected by passage of the bill. We contend that these laws would not be impacted, but opponents held otherwise, and the House lawyers sided with them. So the bill was struck without the benefit of a vote, over a difference of opinion in whether it would impact existing law.
What's Going on in Washington?
Michael Farris had two encouraging meetings with potential champions last week. I hope to provide some very exciting details soon, so that we can all start to call our lawmakers and get them on board!
What About the CRPD?
While our opponents are hoping it will be brought up again by early spring, we believe current issues before the Senate will delay it by a few more months. But we are not sitting idle. We are reworking our talking points and informative papers, and we are reaching out to groups who have been misled over the political nature of this treaty. There is no immediate threat, but there is an imminent threat – and we are busy working to defeat this danger once again. Many of you have been waiting patiently for something to happen. Now you can see that a lot has already been happening. It may be that things will soon take off in your state, too. But please know that we appreciate your patience and your support alike.
What Can I Do?
To the same end, we are still promoting Facebook Fan February, with a goal of reaching 30,000 fans at If you are not already a fan, visit the page and click “Like.” If you are a fan, share it to your own timeline and encourage your friends to sign up, too. Finally, please make a financial donation* to support us as we further all of these efforts. We do not receive government grants or large corporate sponsorships – we are dependent on parental rights heroes just like you to keep our movement alive. Thank you for standing with us in the quiet times and when the fighting gets loud. I look forward to sharing many victories with you throughout this year! Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research * Because is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, we regret that donations cannot be deductible for income tax purposes. |
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P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Custody Battle- Army Sgt. Wins at US Supreme Court
International Custody Battle Not Yet Settled, Army Sgt. Wins at US Supreme Court
By Adam Ramirez on February 19, 2013 11:40 AMFindLaw
The U.S. Supreme Court sided with an American father on Tuesday in a strange international custody dispute over a girl who has been living outside the country under a lower court order.
The Supreme Court, by a 9-0 vote, ruled in favor of Chafin, who challenged the awarding of his daughter Eris to her mother, Lynne Chafin, a Scottish national.
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had dismissed Jeffrey Chafin’s appeal, saying the issue was moot because the girl by then was already in Scotland and beyond its control.
The High Court disagreed.
Monday, February 18, 2013
How to gain fame (or infamy)
Man accused of slapping crying boy on Delta flight is out of a job
From Ric Ward and Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 12:32 PM EST, Mon February 18, 2013
....Affidavit: Slap with an open hand
According to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta last week, the boy's mother, Jessica Bennett, 33, of Minnesota and her son were seated in row 28, seat B, on Delta Flight 721 that originated in Minneapolis.
She spent part of the flight in the rear of the plane to get away from Hundley, who she said smelled like alcohol and was slurring his speech, according to Thompson.
As the plane began its descent into Atlanta, the boy began to cry because of the altitude change and his mother tried to soothe him.
Then Hundley, who was seated next to the mother and son, allegedly told her to "shut that (N-word) baby up."
Hundley then turned around and slapped the child in the face with an open hand, which caused him to scream even louder, an FBI affidavit said.
The boy suffered a scratch below his right eye.
Other passengers on the plane assisted Bennett, and one of them heard the slur and witnessed the alleged assault, the affidavit said.
The cranky old coot has lost his GOOD job and is facing AT LEAST one year in jail. Perhaps since this story has some media exposure, CPS won't come at the mother for "failure to protect", which would be normal CPS operation procedure.
Man accused of slapping crying boy on Delta flight is out of a job
From Ric Ward and Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 12:32 PM EST, Mon February 18, 2013

According to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta last week, the boy's mother, Jessica Bennett, 33, of Minnesota and her son were seated in row 28, seat B, on Delta Flight 721 that originated in Minneapolis.
She spent part of the flight in the rear of the plane to get away from Hundley, who she said smelled like alcohol and was slurring his speech, according to Thompson.
As the plane began its descent into Atlanta, the boy began to cry because of the altitude change and his mother tried to soothe him.
Then Hundley, who was seated next to the mother and son, allegedly told her to "shut that (N-word) baby up."
Hundley then turned around and slapped the child in the face with an open hand, which caused him to scream even louder, an FBI affidavit said.
The boy suffered a scratch below his right eye.
Other passengers on the plane assisted Bennett, and one of them heard the slur and witnessed the alleged assault, the affidavit said.
The cranky old coot has lost his GOOD job and is facing AT LEAST one year in jail. Perhaps since this story has some media exposure, CPS won't come at the mother for "failure to protect", which would be normal CPS operation procedure.
Liberty Quotes 12th Year
17 February 2013
Friends of Liberty,
Another year has passed, and Liberty Quotes has been going strong for 12 years now. The message of Liberty is as radical today as it has ever been, yet more and more people around the world are waking up and throwing off the yoke of submission foisted upon them.
"The state tends to expand in proportion to its means of existence and to live beyond its means, and these are, in the last analysis, nothing but the substance of the people.
Woe to the people that cannot limit the sphere of action of the state!
Freedom, private enterprise, wealth, happiness, independence, personal dignity, all vanish."
~ Fred eric Bastiat(1801-1850) French economist, statesman, and author
Submission to the State
For the true lover of Liberty, it must seem insurmountable these days to actually live free while the ever-expanding police state continues its perpetual push into every corner of our lives. Can any other conclusion be reached than the state and its ever-increasing legions of bureaucrats (who are now paid more than those working in the private sector) have every intent to place themselves between every human transaction of every kind? Can it be denied that every sale, every transfer of property, every shipment, every receipt, every message is to be tracked, logged, and taxed by government agencies? And isn't it considered criminal to avoid such interference?
"After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."(1805-1859) French historianDemocracy in America, Vol. II (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899), Chap. 6
The State places itself as the ultimate judge of what I may do to or with my own body and mind. From the foods we may be allowed to produce or eat, to the sexual partners we may have (and what we may consensually do), to the state-approved 'legitimate' religions and their permitted expressions, to the synthetic drugs we must take and the natural herbs we may not take, to the schools we must attend and the curriculum we must memorize, to the books, movies, and recordings we may read, see, and hear — ALL must have the permission of the State in one form or another.
"No Gulag, evidently, can deter the advocates of state power from believing in their own virtue and in the morality of the power they exercise. We are all Hobbesians now. Virtue is presumed to reside in the state. Its reliance on compulsion is seen as fulfilling, not undermining, morality. Our communicators, oddly employed in the private sector, work tirelessly to ensure that state control is maintained, our taxes stay high, the official message is promoted. The people know, and can only know, a tiny fraction of what Leviathan does, and what they know is what these partisans tell them."
How did we get here?
When did we all become institutionalized? The same procedures used to process hogs at a pig farm are used to process the people. And if we aren't being handled like domesticated animals, we are treated like recruits in the military or criminals in prison — the exact same protocols are being applied to the people at large. We are encouraged to embrace ideologies that put us under the command and control of 'officials' and 'authorities' and consistently manage us as perpetual wards of the state completely dependent upon its favors. Those that demonstrate their loyalty to the system are licensed to work or rewarded with positions of influence, those that do not are made examples to the rest.
"It [the State] has taken on a vast mass of new duties and responsibilities; it has spread out its powers until they penetrate to every act of the citizen, however secret; it has begun to throw around its operations the high dignity and impeccability of a State religion; its agents become a separate and superior caste, with authority to bind and loose, and their thumbs in every pot. But it still remains, as it was in the beginning, the common enemy of all well-disposed, industrious and decent men."(1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic
In essence, what we have today is neither capitalism, communism, socialism, or fascism which are the familiar terms for dividing and conquering the masses. We are in fact ruled by an oligarchical collectivism in which a hierarchy of control, that differs little from a mafia family or corporate monopoly, has structured a system of economic hegemony in which all the nations of the world are permanently indebted.
And this system is self-sustaining beyond the lifespans of its creators by being written into law, ever sucking the life-blood from the populace whom the system conditions from cradle to grave to believe that the state is authorized to 'protect' them from themselves, all the while securing the oligarchy's power and rivers of tribute and taxes. When all are perpetually in debt to the oligarchy, are we not slaves? When we must pay rent to keep our own property, do we really even own it? This is no less different than the dukes of old whom the Crown granted 'title' to land — land from which they were expected to extract taxes from the peasants upon it. And yet all this is justified in the name of 'democracy' and the supposed 'will of the majority' as, of course, the oligarchy has determined for us...
"And what sort of philosophical doctrine is this — that numbers confer unlimited rights, that they take from some persons all rights over themselves, and vest these rights in others. ... How, then, can the rights of three men exceed the rights of two men? In what possible way can the rights of three men absorb the rights of two men, and make them as if they had never existed. ... It is not possible to suppose, without absurdity, that a man should have no rights over his own body and mind, and yet have a 1/10,000,000th share in unlimited rights over all other bodies and minds?"(1838-1906) English author
The Sacrifice of the Individual
This is nothing new. It is the same as in the monarchical days of Europe, the Roman 'Caesars,' and throughout imperial history. In every epoch the super-power has held the people in its grasp. People were treated as property and their lives subject to the whims of their masters. For eons men have fought over the seats of power of church and state, decimating millions upon millions of common people in the process. What has changed? Isn't this the popular view today:
"The unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual."(1889-1945) German Nazi Dictator
The immense power centralized into the oligarchy's hands has never been greater — entire nations can be laid waste in an instant, and it can only be assumed that we the people are merely living but at their pleasure and profit. The real question is why do we put up with it? Why do not the slaves who are the majority revolt?
"I freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more if they had known they were slaves."(c.1820-1913) American abolitionist, escaped slave. After escaping from captivity, she made thirteen missions to rescue over seventy slaves using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad.
"It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head."American writer
Taking a Stand
The Gandhian movement in India should serve as a prime example of how the common people can throw off the yoke of servitude. And in this age of instant worldwide communications, ideas of Liberty are impossible to stop. While incredible amounts of energy and infrastructure are required to prop up a system of control and servitude, a spark of truth can dispel a cloud of darkness — it is this spark that the oligarchy does everything it can to bury. The collective's obedience and collusion keep billions under the command of a few.
"I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden."
~ ~ Richard Rumbold (?-1685)
British Colonel
His final words on the scaffold before he was hanged in 1685.
The key to freedom from the oligarchy lies in the hearts and minds of the people. It is this awakening to the truth about their servitude that the oligarchy fears. And it is this battle that Liberty Tree aims to promote. It is indeed war — a war already being waged upon us through the lies and corruption of the state. We are faced with the same circumstances that gave rise to the American Revolution, and the same changes in the attitudes of the people are occurring now.
"The Revolution was effected before the War commenced.The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people ...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, andaffections of the people, was the real American Revolution."(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
Starve the Beast
As the oligarchy attempts to further centralize control of the entire world into their hands, we the common people hold the key to their destruction. Never bet a man at his own game, a police state begs for an excuse to use military power against the 'lawless,' so dismantling the oligarchy's machine may require starving the beast. Our fears of losing our security are unfounded, for who better to secure our own happiness than ourselves? All that we possess in essence is an illusion — it is not ours, it is theirs, and we pay dearly for the 'privilege.' But when we take the needle out of our arms, we will find renewed vigor. Throw off the shackles of debt, and a new world is born.
"People who make careers out of helping others — sometimes at great sacrifice, often not — usually don't like to hear that those others might get along fine, might even get along better, without their help."
~ John Holt(1923-1985) American author and educator
Those that cling to the oligarchy's structure are in fact being duped — their sustenance is extracted from those that the oligarchy has bound. When that tribute stops, the dependents will either take responsibility for themselves or perish.
"Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism... A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers."(1894-1963) English author
The Battle for Hearts and Minds
Interesting to note that those crying about the over-population of the world never count themselves among the surplus, and yet they will be among the casualties once the con is known to all. It is inevitable that the people of the world will awaken — that is what free minds do. The time fast approaches, for the battle that rages within will inevitably manifest outwardly.
"The tree of liberty could not grow were it not watered with the blood of tyrants."" [Fr., L'arbre de la liberte ne croit qu'arrose par le sang des tyrans.]"(1755-1841) French politician and journalist, member of the National Convention during the French RevolutionSpeech in the Convention Nationale
The only thing one needs is the Courage to face the truth, as inconvenient as it may be. The world is much more in danger of starvation than global warming, for once enough people awaken to the oligarchy's con, the system will crumble — only the courageous and innovative will prosper, and why shouldn't they? Or shall we all follow the lemmings as they jump off the cliff?
"Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers; for their education is but the mere breaking in of the steer to the yoke; the mere discipline of the hunting dog, which, by dint of severity, is made to forego the strongest impulse of his nature, and instead of devouring his prey, to hasten with it to the feet of his master."(1787-1869) English writer
Collectivism — The Hive Mind
The twisted logic of collectivism sees the independent individual as a threat to the 'social order' — somehow the needs of the group exceed the security of individuals who comprise it. The cult of collectivism does not like dissent, nor does it take kindly to those who want out. They fear self-determination, innovation, and an honest playing field — everything is to be controlled and regulated according to the popular passions of the day — passions that have been cultivated to keep the oligarchy's interests protected.
This is the disease of groupthink, for it is inconceivable to a collectivist that an individual does not wish to rule the collective himself, which in essence is the collectivist's creed, whereas the individualist merely wishes to be master of him/herself. The collectivist has been conditioned to distrust those that neither 'fit in' nor bow to the will of the majority.
The collectivists see everything as 'theirs' — particularly what is not theirs but belongs to others who will not be influenced by the group. The altruists, both religious and secular, implore the followers to sacrifice themselves to the 'greater good' as defined by the leaders themselves. And yet the hierarchy of this 'leadership' finds itself the willing stooges of the oligarchy they supposedly wish to resist — the Occupy Movement comes to mind, as the very reforms they demand merely increase the power and control of the oligarchy itself!
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."(1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
The Emperor Is Wearing No Clothes
And so, Liberty Quotes continues its 12th year reminding us to stand firm, to be true, to take responsibility for the condition and quality of our lives, without compelling others to obey our dictates, and without surrendering our rights for the oligarchy's promise of 'security'. The emperor wears no clothes, so wake up your neighbors, spread the word, and the illusion will become known to all. Take that needle out of your arm, don't fall for the debt trap, live humbly, honorably, compassionately — yes, it is compassionate to destroy that which has enslaved our fellows. Tough love, shall we say.
"Society is composed of men, and every man is a FREE agent. Since man is free, he can choose; since he can choose, he can err; since he can err, he can suffer. I go further: He must err and he must suffer; for his starting point is ignorance, and in his ignorance he sees before him an infinite number of unknown roads, all of which save one lead to error."(1801-1850) French economist, statesman, and author
Time to turn the tables and judge the oligarchy for their results, to put them under surveillance, to bring their crimes to light — their iniquitous designs have brought foolish nations to their knees. How long will we let this deception continue? How long will we bow to their threats? Are we protecting our children's future by cowering in fear of imprisonment? What world are we preparing for the next generation? Either we are beasts of burden or civilized human beings — what will it be?
"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the State, and calls for an exercise of the power of dissolution."(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President
Thanks for Keeping Liberty Alive
I know you have been bombarded with emails from political organizations ad nauseam asking for donations, so I hesitate to do the same. However, your donation will help us keep the message of Liberty going, not just in your own country but world-wide.
Eric Schaub
Friday, February 15, 2013
New Child Welfare Information Gateway Library Addition
Subject: | State Resources -- New Child Welfare Information Gateway Library Additions |
Date: | Fri, 15 Feb 2013 01:56:58 -0600 (CST) |
From: | My Child Welfare Librarian <> |
To: | |
February 15, 2013
Dear State Resources Subscriber,
Below is a list of new publications that were added to Child Welfare Information Gateway Library in January Title: Intakes and Investigative Response to Human Trafficking of Children. Published: 2013 PDF: OP%20175-XX)/CFOP%20175-14,%20Intakes%20and%20Investigative%20Response%20to%20the%20Human%20Trafficking%20of%20Children.pdf Abstract: This operating procedure describes Florida's special requirements for Intakes and subsequent actions relating to human trafficking of children. Title: Let's Talk About Your Education. Published: 2012 URL: Abstract: Intended for Vermont foster youth, this fact sheet explains different options for continuing an academic education or pursuing a career. Information is provided on resources ... Title: Child Welfare Court Data Metrics: New York State Key Indicators 2012. Published: 2012 PDF: de.pdf Abstract: This brief provides data on child welfare court cases in New York State. The first and second metrics presented in the report are those that ... Title: Wisconsin Human Trafficking Protocol and Resource Manual. Author(s): Smirnova, Marianna. Published: 2012 PDF: ing%20Protocol%20and%20Resource%20Manual.pdf Abstract: The purpose of this document is to provide individuals and agencies in Wisconsin with comprehensive resources and guidelines for responding to the crime of human ... Title: Abusive Head Trauma among Children Aged <2 Years: Alaska, 2005-2010. Published: 2012 PDF: Abstract: This bulletin discusses the findings of a study that sought to characterize the Alaska-specific epidemiology of pediatric abusive health traumatic (AHT) among children under the ... To view all 42 publications and their detail click here: You can make changes to your subscription here: Received this email message from a colleague and want to subscribe? Click here All of these publications are in the Child Welfare Information Gateway Library along with publications on similar child welfare topics. The Library can be searched here: Sincerely, Staff of Child Welfare Information Gateway ( A Service of the Children's Bureau, US DHHS |
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