The union has one eye on your children, and the other on your wallet.
PJ Media
I left a nice comment there (subject to moderation)-
It's good to see so many people who really understand the evil underpinnings of SEIU and AFSCME.
Now let me clue you in on the fact that many, if not MOST Child Protective Services people belong to SEIU or AFSCME. You know- the people who kidnap kids from good enough homes and make them Legal Orphans so the agencies can collect the Federal Funding Streams.
They literally are destroying America from the inside by destroying families. And it's deliberate.
AFTER ALL- "Destroy the family, you destroy the country." -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
And if you might be really curious where THAT came from-
Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights
"Until Every Child Comes Home"©
"The Voice of America's Families"©
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Christmas in History: First Media Reports of Nativity Story
Friday, December 30, 2011
Julie Q. v. DCFS, Illinois
Yesterday, on December 29, 2011, the Illinois Appellate Court issued an opinion that has the potential to dramatically change the way that the IIllinois Department of Children and Family Services ("DCFS") operates -- see attached
The attached decision holds that the governing statute does not authorize DCFS to "indicate" reports against people based upon allegedly creating an "environment injurious" and, therefore, indicated reports under this category are not authorized by law. The appellate court decision also significantly strengthens evidentiary rules for DCFS administrative proceedings.
In Illinois, the most common category of allegations that DCFS uses to "indicate" (i.e., substantiate) reports of alleged child neglect is "Environment Injurious to Health or Welfare."
This is an amorphous, potentially limitless, and unwieldy category that has been used (and misused) by countless investigative teams to indicate parents and caretakers merely because: they are the victims of domestic violence; they have a mental health diagnosis; their children have been in contact with people who use illegal substances (even without any evidence of substances being used while children are present); they have had verbal disputes with police officers or medical personnel; they have consumed alcohol (even if not in their children's presence and even if not to intoxication); and for many other scenarios that do not warrant State intervention.
Essentially, this allegation -- which is particulary vulnerable to false accusations by ex-spouses, estranged family members, or other persons with their own personal agendas -- has been used as a "catch-all" to penalize any parenting that, for whatever reason, seems less than ideal to State investigators.
The credit for initiating the series of challenges to this unauthorized rule, leading up to yesterday's opinion, began several years ago when attorneys with the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago (Sara Block, Steve Pick, and Rich Cozzola) discovered that in 1980, the Illinois legislature had explicitly REMOVED "injurious environment" from the statutory definition of neglect, meaning that DCFS has been indicating thousands upon thousands of people for this allegation without any authority to do so.
(Rich Cozzola's excellent article on this issue is cited twice by the Appellate Court in its decision.) Since that discovery, attorneys with the Family Defense Center have been raising this argument in any case involving the allegation "environment injurious," meeting mixed results in the administrative processes and the circuit court-level reviews.
One excellent case that presented this issue involved Julie Q., who was accused by her ex-husband of having cared for their 9-year-old daughter while intoxicated (thereby creating an "environment injurious") even though a number of witnesses attested to Julie's ongoing sobriety.
A further allegation that had been made was that Julie locked her daughter into her bedroom, but it was quickly conceded that the bedroom had no locks.
This case arose from a report made by Julie's ex-husband in the context of a contested custody battle -- an all-too-common scenario where child protection authorities are called by one parent in an effort gain the upper hand. Through our pro bono program, Julie's interests at the evidentiary administrative hearing were represented by FDC volunteer attorneys Ajay Athavale and Darren Fish, who did an excellent job during a very challenging hearing. Unfortunately, Julie lost her hearing when the administrative law judge decided to admit and then rely upon a variety of questionable evidence, over the repeated objections of Julie's attorneys.
When we decided to seek review of the final administrative decision sustaining the indicated finding, another pro bono lawyer, Liz Butler (now one of our board members), took lead in arguing the case in the state circuit court.
However, the circuit court in turn rejected our argument that DCFS did not have the authority to indicate Julie Q. Because the facts of Julie's case were compelling that she had never put her child at risk, all along we knew Julie had a solid case by which to test in the appellate court the argument that the "environment injurious" allegation is legally void.
For the state court appeal, we reached out to Mike Otto, one of our pro bono lawyers who had previously raised the issue of the allegation being legally invalid in an individual administrative hearing he had won, and our board member Mike Brody, both of whom are attorneys at Jenner & Block's Chicago office.
Oral argument took place this past summer, and in the opinion issued just yesterday, the court unanimously vacated the indicated finding.
The majority of the court held that the allegation of "environment injurious" exceeds the authority granted to DCFS by its enabling statute (in a special concurrence, one justice disagreed with this specific holding). Clearly, the removal of the language from the statute by the legislature made this a particularly strong case for limiting the discretion of the agency to make indicated findings of neglect based upon any alleged "environment injurious."
Additionally, the entire panel agreed that the DCFS administrative law judge relied upon improper evidence (specifically:
(1) multiple hearsay in the form of written case notes authored by a non-testifying investigator purporting to summarize the non-testifying investigator's conversation with the 9-year-old daughter and (2) evidence of other alleged "bad acts," in the form of two additional unrelated incidents that were investigated by DCFS and unfounded, to conclude that Julie had the propensity to abuse alcohol and, therefore, must have placed her daughter in an injurious environment on the date in question).
Based on the appellate court's own review of the properly admitted evidence, the panel unanimously agreed that the indicated finding was contrary to the manifest weight of the (admissible) evidence.
We believe that the evidentiary rulings are just as groundbreaking as the part of the opinion addressing DCFS's authority. The DCFS attorneys (and, often, the DCFS administrative law judges) tend to view the administrative hearing forum as an evidentiary free-for-all where no rules apply and anything under the sun can and should be admitted.
The Julie Q. ruling should go a long ways towards restoring the rule of law to these proceedings and ensuring that DCFS is considering only that evidence which is competent and reliable in making decisions that have the potential to be life-altering for our clients.
Because of the major blow this decision deals to DCFS's standard operating procedure in a very large number of cases, we fully expect the Attorney General's office to seek leave with the IL Supreme Court to file a petition.
We are cautiously optimistic that the Supreme Court will protect the integrity of the appellate court's ruling.
In light of recent efforts to broaden mandatory reporting obligations to "any person," as has been proposed in several bills now pending in Congress, the Julie Q. decision calls into question these efforts in light of the lack of clear parameters as to what "neglect" even means. The discussion of the reporting in this opinion and the need for clarity about what must be reported is helpful to the general discussion of broader reporting mandates, as it provides not just legal guidance but a cautionary tale of the potential sweeping overbreadth of reporting legislation and the discretion used by child protection agencies to make harmful findings against parents who have not harmed their children.
Interestingly, in the Julie Q. case, the Appellate Court unanimously agreed that the indicated finding was against the manifest weight of the evidence.
Yet prior to the case coming for appeal, investigators and two judges had erroneously believed otherwise. This point demonstrates that tighter standards defining neglect are still needed, given that the open-ended discretion to find neglect under a very broad rule had obviously been exercised unfairly against Julie Q. and continues to be a concern in many of our cases involving rules that unlike "environment injurious" have been authorized by the Illinois legislature.
Melissa Staas and Diane Redleaf
*The Family Defense Center*
70 East Lake Street, Suite 1100
Chicago, Illinois 60601
312-251-9800 x12 (t.)
312-251-9801 (f.)
*The Family Defense Center is first winner of the "Excellent Emerging Organization" Award, by the Axelson Center for Non-Profit Management.*
The attached decision holds that the governing statute does not authorize DCFS to "indicate" reports against people based upon allegedly creating an "environment injurious" and, therefore, indicated reports under this category are not authorized by law. The appellate court decision also significantly strengthens evidentiary rules for DCFS administrative proceedings.
In Illinois, the most common category of allegations that DCFS uses to "indicate" (i.e., substantiate) reports of alleged child neglect is "Environment Injurious to Health or Welfare."
This is an amorphous, potentially limitless, and unwieldy category that has been used (and misused) by countless investigative teams to indicate parents and caretakers merely because: they are the victims of domestic violence; they have a mental health diagnosis; their children have been in contact with people who use illegal substances (even without any evidence of substances being used while children are present); they have had verbal disputes with police officers or medical personnel; they have consumed alcohol (even if not in their children's presence and even if not to intoxication); and for many other scenarios that do not warrant State intervention.
Essentially, this allegation -- which is particulary vulnerable to false accusations by ex-spouses, estranged family members, or other persons with their own personal agendas -- has been used as a "catch-all" to penalize any parenting that, for whatever reason, seems less than ideal to State investigators.
The credit for initiating the series of challenges to this unauthorized rule, leading up to yesterday's opinion, began several years ago when attorneys with the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago (Sara Block, Steve Pick, and Rich Cozzola) discovered that in 1980, the Illinois legislature had explicitly REMOVED "injurious environment" from the statutory definition of neglect, meaning that DCFS has been indicating thousands upon thousands of people for this allegation without any authority to do so.
(Rich Cozzola's excellent article on this issue is cited twice by the Appellate Court in its decision.) Since that discovery, attorneys with the Family Defense Center have been raising this argument in any case involving the allegation "environment injurious," meeting mixed results in the administrative processes and the circuit court-level reviews.
One excellent case that presented this issue involved Julie Q., who was accused by her ex-husband of having cared for their 9-year-old daughter while intoxicated (thereby creating an "environment injurious") even though a number of witnesses attested to Julie's ongoing sobriety.
A further allegation that had been made was that Julie locked her daughter into her bedroom, but it was quickly conceded that the bedroom had no locks.
This case arose from a report made by Julie's ex-husband in the context of a contested custody battle -- an all-too-common scenario where child protection authorities are called by one parent in an effort gain the upper hand. Through our pro bono program, Julie's interests at the evidentiary administrative hearing were represented by FDC volunteer attorneys Ajay Athavale and Darren Fish, who did an excellent job during a very challenging hearing. Unfortunately, Julie lost her hearing when the administrative law judge decided to admit and then rely upon a variety of questionable evidence, over the repeated objections of Julie's attorneys.
When we decided to seek review of the final administrative decision sustaining the indicated finding, another pro bono lawyer, Liz Butler (now one of our board members), took lead in arguing the case in the state circuit court.
However, the circuit court in turn rejected our argument that DCFS did not have the authority to indicate Julie Q. Because the facts of Julie's case were compelling that she had never put her child at risk, all along we knew Julie had a solid case by which to test in the appellate court the argument that the "environment injurious" allegation is legally void.
For the state court appeal, we reached out to Mike Otto, one of our pro bono lawyers who had previously raised the issue of the allegation being legally invalid in an individual administrative hearing he had won, and our board member Mike Brody, both of whom are attorneys at Jenner & Block's Chicago office.
Oral argument took place this past summer, and in the opinion issued just yesterday, the court unanimously vacated the indicated finding.
The majority of the court held that the allegation of "environment injurious" exceeds the authority granted to DCFS by its enabling statute (in a special concurrence, one justice disagreed with this specific holding). Clearly, the removal of the language from the statute by the legislature made this a particularly strong case for limiting the discretion of the agency to make indicated findings of neglect based upon any alleged "environment injurious."
Additionally, the entire panel agreed that the DCFS administrative law judge relied upon improper evidence (specifically:
(1) multiple hearsay in the form of written case notes authored by a non-testifying investigator purporting to summarize the non-testifying investigator's conversation with the 9-year-old daughter and (2) evidence of other alleged "bad acts," in the form of two additional unrelated incidents that were investigated by DCFS and unfounded, to conclude that Julie had the propensity to abuse alcohol and, therefore, must have placed her daughter in an injurious environment on the date in question).
Based on the appellate court's own review of the properly admitted evidence, the panel unanimously agreed that the indicated finding was contrary to the manifest weight of the (admissible) evidence.
We believe that the evidentiary rulings are just as groundbreaking as the part of the opinion addressing DCFS's authority. The DCFS attorneys (and, often, the DCFS administrative law judges) tend to view the administrative hearing forum as an evidentiary free-for-all where no rules apply and anything under the sun can and should be admitted.
The Julie Q. ruling should go a long ways towards restoring the rule of law to these proceedings and ensuring that DCFS is considering only that evidence which is competent and reliable in making decisions that have the potential to be life-altering for our clients.
Because of the major blow this decision deals to DCFS's standard operating procedure in a very large number of cases, we fully expect the Attorney General's office to seek leave with the IL Supreme Court to file a petition.
We are cautiously optimistic that the Supreme Court will protect the integrity of the appellate court's ruling.
In light of recent efforts to broaden mandatory reporting obligations to "any person," as has been proposed in several bills now pending in Congress, the Julie Q. decision calls into question these efforts in light of the lack of clear parameters as to what "neglect" even means. The discussion of the reporting in this opinion and the need for clarity about what must be reported is helpful to the general discussion of broader reporting mandates, as it provides not just legal guidance but a cautionary tale of the potential sweeping overbreadth of reporting legislation and the discretion used by child protection agencies to make harmful findings against parents who have not harmed their children.
Interestingly, in the Julie Q. case, the Appellate Court unanimously agreed that the indicated finding was against the manifest weight of the evidence.
Yet prior to the case coming for appeal, investigators and two judges had erroneously believed otherwise. This point demonstrates that tighter standards defining neglect are still needed, given that the open-ended discretion to find neglect under a very broad rule had obviously been exercised unfairly against Julie Q. and continues to be a concern in many of our cases involving rules that unlike "environment injurious" have been authorized by the Illinois legislature.
Melissa Staas and Diane Redleaf
*The Family Defense Center*
70 East Lake Street, Suite 1100
Chicago, Illinois 60601
312-251-9800 x12 (t.)
312-251-9801 (f.)
*The Family Defense Center is first winner of the "Excellent Emerging Organization" Award, by the Axelson Center for Non-Profit Management.*
Failed Adoptions Create More Homeless Youths
Published: December 29, 2011
New York Times
Lamar West has lost parents twice in his life. The first time was when he was 4; the second was a month before his 18th birthday. The circumstances differed, but the outcomes did not.
When Mr. West, 20, tries to remember his biological parents, his eyes close and his face goes still. He remembers his mother’s name, Rochelle Griffin. Then he recalls a place — a hallway, an office — and fragments of conversation. “Records. Drug abuse. Termination.”
At age 5, Mr. West was adopted from the Illinois child welfare system. His four siblings went elsewhere. Parental rights were terminated. His child welfare case was closed. His last name and birth certificate were changed, listing his adopter, Frankie Lee West, as his mother. He had a new family.
He lived in Ms. West’s Roseland home with her and her eight other children (six of them were adopted) for years. But in 2008, he went to stay nearby with a family friend for a few months because Ms. West’s new house on the Southwest Side had become too crowded. He remained in regular contact with her. Then, in January 2009, he went to her home and discovered it empty.
She had moved — “upped and went,” as Mr. West said — to Atlanta. It was a month before he turned 18, and a month before the checks she received from the child welfare system on behalf of Mr. West were scheduled to stop.
“I’ve never felt pain like that before,” Mr. West said of finding the empty house. “My heart was beating so fast. It was like someone was punching me from the inside of my chest.”
Mr. West is what caseworkers and providers refer to as a “failed adoption.” He is part of a growing group that is entering the local shelter system for homeless youths after their families vanish as quickly as the government checks attached to them do. FULL STORY
Published: December 29, 2011
New York Times
Lamar West has lost parents twice in his life. The first time was when he was 4; the second was a month before his 18th birthday. The circumstances differed, but the outcomes did not.
When Mr. West, 20, tries to remember his biological parents, his eyes close and his face goes still. He remembers his mother’s name, Rochelle Griffin. Then he recalls a place — a hallway, an office — and fragments of conversation. “Records. Drug abuse. Termination.”
At age 5, Mr. West was adopted from the Illinois child welfare system. His four siblings went elsewhere. Parental rights were terminated. His child welfare case was closed. His last name and birth certificate were changed, listing his adopter, Frankie Lee West, as his mother. He had a new family.
He lived in Ms. West’s Roseland home with her and her eight other children (six of them were adopted) for years. But in 2008, he went to stay nearby with a family friend for a few months because Ms. West’s new house on the Southwest Side had become too crowded. He remained in regular contact with her. Then, in January 2009, he went to her home and discovered it empty.
She had moved — “upped and went,” as Mr. West said — to Atlanta. It was a month before he turned 18, and a month before the checks she received from the child welfare system on behalf of Mr. West were scheduled to stop.
“I’ve never felt pain like that before,” Mr. West said of finding the empty house. “My heart was beating so fast. It was like someone was punching me from the inside of my chest.”
Mr. West is what caseworkers and providers refer to as a “failed adoption.” He is part of a growing group that is entering the local shelter system for homeless youths after their families vanish as quickly as the government checks attached to them do. FULL STORY
A New Twist in the Same Old, same old
In yellow highlighting below-
-------- Original Message --------
-------- Original Message --------
Date: | Fri, 30 Dec 2011 13:56:38 -0500 |
From: | Wendell Teltow <> |
To: | |
St. Mary's Catholic School
Ava Maria Building
1019 South 7th Street
Temple, Texas 76504
College of the Mainland
1200 Amburn Road
Building: Tech-Voc Building, Room: TV 1101
Parking Lot: D
Texas City, Texas 77591
North Texas Rehabilitation Center
1005 Midwestern Pkwy.
Wichita Falls, TX 76302
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
2900 Louisiana Street
Houston TX 77006
Parkview Christian Childcare Center
1100 E Lake Shore Dr
Waco, TX 76708
Exalted Praise Worship Center
905 S. Amy Lane
Harker Heights, TX 76548
Brenham Community Education
1301 S. Market
Brenham Texas 77833
St. Ann Catholic Parish
180 Samuel Blvd
Coppell, TX 75019
Austin – April 14, 2012
Bethany Lutheran Church
3701 W. Slaughter Lane
Austin, TX 78749
League City - May 5, 2012
Kiddie Academy
2010 East League City Parkway
League City, TX 77573
Collaborative for Children
3800 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77098
Trinity-First United Methodist Church
801 N. Mesa
El Paso TX 79902
It's Everyone’s Problem
8:00 Registration
8:30 Recognizing Child Abuse
Types of Abuse - Physical, Sexual, Emotional, & Neglect
Characteristics of Victims
Characteristics of Perpetrators
12:00 Lunch - On your Own
1:00 Documenting Child Abuse/Neglect
Record Keeping - When Do You Report
Protecting Yourself Against False Accusations
How To Report Child Abuse And The Process Of Investigation
Aftermath of Report
2:30 Preventing Child Abuse
What You Can Do
Community Resources
3:30 Evaluation & Adjournment
Registration Form
Site of training: Date of Training:
Title Phone
Pre-registration is $20 if postmarked by one week prior to training with on-site registration of $25. Seating is limited. Please mail completed registration form and payment to:
PCAT, 13740 Research Blvd. #R-4, Austin, TX 78750. For questions, call 512/250-8438 x 118 or email
Prevent Child Abuse Texas is the leading organization working to prevent the abuse and neglect of our state's children.
Standing in the shadow of doubt! Allegations! Part 2 of 4
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We are talking about Allegations; a word that strikes terror in the hearts of foster parents across the nation, left “standing in a… FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We are talking about Allegations; a word that strikes terror in the hearts of foster parents across the nation, left “standing in a… FULL STORY
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Standing in the shadow of doubt! Allegations! Part 1 of 4
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 29, 2011
Allegations; a word that strikes terror in the hearts of foster parents across the nation left “standing in a shadow of doubt"...FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 29, 2011
Allegations; a word that strikes terror in the hearts of foster parents across the nation left “standing in a shadow of doubt"...FULL STORY
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Liberty Quotes
"I don't know a more irreligious attitude, one more utterly bankrupt of any human content, than one which permits children to be destroyed." -- Daniel Berrigan
"Communism and fascism or nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority." -- James A. C. Brown (1911-1964) Source: Techniques of Persuasion, 1963
OKC Man Arrested For Cocaine Works For DHS
Updated: Dec 28, 2011 10:55 AM PST
OKLAHOMA CITY - The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) has confirmed that a man arrested for cocaine possession over Christmas weekend is a child welfare specialist with the agency.
According to Oklahoma City Police, officers found Terry Pursell parked at a Braum's on South May Avenue. Officers said Pursell tried to drive away, but they were able to pull him over.
During the arrest, Pursell told police he worked for the DHS and was worried about losing his job.
Pursell is currently in jail on $3,500 bond. FULL STORY and Comments
Foster Parents; Changing definitions.“Failure to protect.” Part 3 of 3
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
In part 2, we were exploring “failure to protect.” We determined the definition of this phrase “Failure to protect”; would be any incident placing a child at risk. FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
In part 2, we were exploring “failure to protect.” We determined the definition of this phrase “Failure to protect”; would be any incident placing a child at risk. FULL STORY
Mental health professionals say new diagnoses will lead to overmedication
Dec 27th, 2011
By Rob Waters
Anyone who’s ever tried to get reimbursed by a health insurance company after seeing a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, or taking a child or teenager to one, has no doubt noticed the incomprehensible numbers that appear on the clinician’s statement, perhaps preceding some slightly less imponderable phrase.
Maybe you are a 296.22 (major depressive disorder, single episode, mild) or a 300.00 (anxiety disorder NOS–not otherwise specified). Hopefully, you are not a 301.83 (borderline personality disorder). Your kid might be a 313.81 (oppositional defiant disorder) or, more likely, a 314.01 (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type).
Since 1952, a tome called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, better known as the DSM… [continue reading...]
Add to your websites and blogs. Subscribe
Dec 27th, 2011
By Rob Waters
Anyone who’s ever tried to get reimbursed by a health insurance company after seeing a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, or taking a child or teenager to one, has no doubt noticed the incomprehensible numbers that appear on the clinician’s statement, perhaps preceding some slightly less imponderable phrase.
Maybe you are a 296.22 (major depressive disorder, single episode, mild) or a 300.00 (anxiety disorder NOS–not otherwise specified). Hopefully, you are not a 301.83 (borderline personality disorder). Your kid might be a 313.81 (oppositional defiant disorder) or, more likely, a 314.01 (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type).
Since 1952, a tome called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, better known as the DSM… [continue reading...]
Add to your websites and blogs. Subscribe
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Liberty Quotes
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- Jesus of Nazareth Source: Holy Bible, John 8:32
"Truth: the most deadly weapon ever discovered by humanity. Capable of destroying entire perceptual sets, cultures, and realities. Outlawed by all governments everywhere. Possession is normally punishable by death." -- John Gilmore (1935- ) Author
"Freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of people by mass myths, which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody dictatorships." -- Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989) Source: Progress, Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom, 1968
365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy
Human Events

No. 361 of 365
Confide in a liberal that if you had your way, the federal government would abolish the Department of Homeland Security (another big government boondoggle) and the Department of Defense.
When your liberal friend expresses his surprise, say, "Yeah, I think we should streamline that whole kit-and-caboodle to make it what it used to be: the Department of War."

No. 361 of 365
Confide in a liberal that if you had your way, the federal government would abolish the Department of Homeland Security (another big government boondoggle) and the Department of Defense.
When your liberal friend expresses his surprise, say, "Yeah, I think we should streamline that whole kit-and-caboodle to make it what it used to be: the Department of War."
Foster Parents; Changing definitions,“Failure to protect.” Part 2 of 3
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
In this series, we are taking a closer look at definitions of child abuse being utilized across the United States. FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
In this series, we are taking a closer look at definitions of child abuse being utilized across the United States. FULL STORY
Founders Quotes
"How prone all human institutions have been to decay; how subject the best-formed and most wisely organized governments have been to lose their check and totally dissolve; how difficult it has been for mankind, in all ages and countries, to preserve their dearest rights and best privileges, impelled as it were by an irresistible fate of despotism." --James Monroe, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788
Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry MarxMas to CPS
To the Communist CPS we all LUV so much-
"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Liberty Quotes
"Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." -- Buddha [Gautama Siddharta] (563 - 483 BC), Hindu Prince, founder of Buddhism
"Do the people of this land…desire to preserve those [liberties] protected by the First Amendment… If so, let them withstand all beginnings of encroachment. For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanquished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch for a saving hand while yet there was time." -- George Sutherland (1862-1942) U. S. Supreme Court Justice Source: Associated Press v. National Labor Relations Board, 1937
In The Face Of Great Evil
Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.
December 26, 2011
In my 70+ years in this incarnation I have learned to deeply distrust those with pious intentions. And if those self-same individuals take the government's coin in payment for their piety I have come to truly fear them.
There is no question that the human race has produced monsters at all times throughout the world. But the worst exist using the power of government. Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, are obvious examples. But it is the thousands of petty monsters under them who carry out their destruction.
Most humans will not deliberately do evil as an individual. Typically they must be trained and part of a special team, even among military or police. Toward that end uniforms are important and have been used by tyrannical governments throughout history. And promoting such evil, even by specially-trained teams, typically requires a defined "enemy." In Nazi Germany it was Jews, Gypsies, and non-Aryans. To be successful and sustainable, the "enemy" list must always grow. In America, as an example, for special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams and drug enforcement agents more and more "drug fiends" must be identified even though the principal substance their victims use is medically safe and even beneficial.
So today we find SWAT teams ever more widely used in the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, and the war on American citizens. Only a SWAT team is likely to be breaking down your door at 2 AM because some anonymous informer said you had an 1/8th of marijuana in your possession. Or shooting you in front of your wife and child after breaking down the door.
However, unconstrained and vicious their actions may become in a tyrannical state, and though they are the most visible, police are simply too few in number to carry out the multitude of tasks essential to oppressing a people. And the problem isn't just those who are openly trumpeting for tyranny, e.g., our Congress and President, who are the real danger, but all the little termites progressively gnawing away at freedom in their bureaucratic cubicles; who obey without question or thought the outrageous actions they are told to take; or take on their own initiative for the "good of the children," or some other "greater good." They are the real danger to our freedoms. As Adolf Hitler pointed out: "As long as government is perceived as working for the benefit of children, the people happily will endure almost any curtailment of liberty."
Department of Human(?) Services FULL STORY
December 26, 2011
In my 70+ years in this incarnation I have learned to deeply distrust those with pious intentions. And if those self-same individuals take the government's coin in payment for their piety I have come to truly fear them.
There is no question that the human race has produced monsters at all times throughout the world. But the worst exist using the power of government. Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, are obvious examples. But it is the thousands of petty monsters under them who carry out their destruction.
Most humans will not deliberately do evil as an individual. Typically they must be trained and part of a special team, even among military or police. Toward that end uniforms are important and have been used by tyrannical governments throughout history. And promoting such evil, even by specially-trained teams, typically requires a defined "enemy." In Nazi Germany it was Jews, Gypsies, and non-Aryans. To be successful and sustainable, the "enemy" list must always grow. In America, as an example, for special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams and drug enforcement agents more and more "drug fiends" must be identified even though the principal substance their victims use is medically safe and even beneficial.
So today we find SWAT teams ever more widely used in the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, and the war on American citizens. Only a SWAT team is likely to be breaking down your door at 2 AM because some anonymous informer said you had an 1/8th of marijuana in your possession. Or shooting you in front of your wife and child after breaking down the door.
However, unconstrained and vicious their actions may become in a tyrannical state, and though they are the most visible, police are simply too few in number to carry out the multitude of tasks essential to oppressing a people. And the problem isn't just those who are openly trumpeting for tyranny, e.g., our Congress and President, who are the real danger, but all the little termites progressively gnawing away at freedom in their bureaucratic cubicles; who obey without question or thought the outrageous actions they are told to take; or take on their own initiative for the "good of the children," or some other "greater good." They are the real danger to our freedoms. As Adolf Hitler pointed out: "As long as government is perceived as working for the benefit of children, the people happily will endure almost any curtailment of liberty."
Department of Human(?) Services FULL STORY
JurisDictionary: Finding Evidence - Part Two
Finding Evidence - Part Two ...
( From the Official "How to Win in Court" Course )
Click or Call 866-Law-Easy (529-3279) Toll Free!
Click or Call 866-Law-Easy (529-3279) Toll Free!
Perhaps your most powerful tool for finding evidence is the Request for Admissions.
It's as simple as it sounds.
A request for admissions is simply a list of facts or the application of law to facts that you serve on your opponent and which he is required to answer on the public record within a set amount of time or have all those things treated as if they were admitted!
There's a lot more to it than I can tell in a single Tips & Tactics, of course, so order my amazingly popular, case-winning, 4-CD, affordable, step-by-step, 24-hour official Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" course everyone is talking about and start winning today!
Requests for Admissions are POWERFUL!
If you know how to use them properly, that is.
Both plaintiffs and defendants can use them to force their opponent to ADMIT the truth of facts stated in the request or the genuineness of documents attached to the request.
If your opponent fails to respond to your requests for admissions before the deadline, you can move the court for an order deeming everything admitted for all purposes!
Sample forms are in my official "How to Win in Court" self-help course.
WARNING: If you receive a request for admissions, do not fail to respond before the deadline! Failure to respond on time can result in the court treating all requested admissions as "admitted for all purposes".
Another good thing about requests for admissions is that they are like leading questions!
For example, (Sample forms are in my course.) you can force opponents to admit they don't have the original signed promissory note or mortgage, for example, and they have a certain period of time to respond or face the prospect of having the court enter an order deeming such facts admitted for all purposes.
You can force opponents to admit they lack first-hand knowledge of specific facts alleged in their pleadings. If they admit, you can use a Motion to Strike (sample forms in the course) to knock those allegations out of the case.
You can force opponents to admit documents you attach to your request as Exhibits are essentially accurate copies of documents that might be difficult to get into evidence without using your opponents' admissions. (sample forms for this also in the course).
My affordable, official, step-by-step, 24-hour Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" self-help course explains so simply people tell us an average 8th grader can do it. That's why the course is so very amazingly popular!
Since in federal and many state jurisdictions, the total number of requests for admissions you may use for any particular respondent is limited, use them to find essential evidence.
In many jurisdictions, boiler-plate objections to requests for admissions are not allowed. Your opponents cannot respond, "Objection, overbroad, burdensome, not calculated to lead to admissible evidence, seeks to inquire into attorney-client privilege," etc., etc., etc. They must admit or deny before the deadline!
If they fail to respond before the deadline, or if they file some objection, immediately file a "Motion for an Order Deeming Admissions Admitted" and set your motion for hearing!
You are entitled to evidence disclosure! In fact, Rule 26 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires such disclosure, as do the state courts. So, don't be hoodwinked by your own lack of knowledge about rules and what they require of opponents. Get my official Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" self-help course now, if you don't already have its case-winning power.
And, don't be fooled by the all-too-common objection, "The facts sought are not admissible at trial."
They don't have to be admissible at trial!
Rules of evidence discovery are different from rules that control at trial.
Rule 26(b) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides, "Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense — including the existence, description, nature, custody, condition, and location of any documents or other tangible things and the identity and location of persons who know of any discoverable matter. For good cause, the court may order discovery of any matter relevant to the subject matter involved in the action. Relevant information need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence."
State rules generally follow the federal rule.
What you seek with all five (5) of your discovery tools (explained fully in my affordable Jurisdictionary course with sample forms) is evidence in support of the "ultimate facts" that tend to prove the allegations of your position and disprove those of your opponent ... nothing more, please!
Don't let lawyers trick you!
You have an unquestioned right to find evidence that tends to prove the facts you alleged in your pleadings and disprove the facts alleged in your opponent's pleadings.
Everything else is a waste of time!
Evidence + Legal Authority = Victory in Court!
If you can't find evidence, you lose!
Help Your Friends!
Forward this email so your friends can get the free Basic Lawsuit Flowchart
Forward this email so your friends can get the free Basic Lawsuit Flowchart
Affordable 24-hour Step-by-Step Self-Help Course Includes: 5-hour video CD simplifies the process of litigation 2 audio CDs present practical tactics and procedures 15 in-depth tutorials on a 4th CD lay out the basics Free EasyGuide to the Rules of Court Instant On-Line Access while CDs are in the Mail Still Only $249 ... plus $7.50 Priority Mail Shipping & Handling Save legal fees! Control judges! Defeat crooked lawyers! Ask anyone who has our course ..."Jurisdictionary Works!" Call Toll Free for details: 866-Law-Easy |
© 1997-2011 by Jurisdictionary ® ... All Rights Reserved c/o Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD 621 Howard Creek Lane Stuart, Florida 34994 Toll Free: 866-Law-Easy ( 866-529-3279 ) |
Foster Parents; Changing definitions,“Failure to protect.” Part 1 of 3.
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 26, 2011
In this series, we are taking a closer look at definitions of child abuse being utilized across the United States. FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 26, 2011
In this series, we are taking a closer look at definitions of child abuse being utilized across the United States. FULL STORY
365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy
Human Events

No. 360 of 365
Ask a liberal: Q: What's the difference between a Democratic Congress and a drunken sailor?
A: More than a trillion dollars.

No. 360 of 365
Ask a liberal: Q: What's the difference between a Democratic Congress and a drunken sailor?
A: More than a trillion dollars.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Family Rights Needs Public Service Announcements
AFRA EDITORIALS By Leonard Henderson |
Family Rights Needs Public Service Announcements
Merry Xmas from OK DHS
For all those nay-sayers who have been denying that CPS is utterly evil, how about the front page of Oklahoma's #1 newspaper on Christmas Day?
Does that give you even a hint on how utterly corrupt and malfeasant CPS is?
And it's not just an Oklahoma problem. It's a nation-wide problem. Same problem in Canada, England, Australia- EVERY westernized country in the world
But who really cares? It's For the ChildrenTM
Or maybe not so much- Best interest of the child- A new "Civil Right"
Taking Just a Little Too Much Tylenol Can Be Deadly
Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 15 2011
If you use acetaminophen-containing products (such as Tylenol) for minor aches and pains, or prescription drugs like Vicodin (which also contain it), please be very careful about the dose.
As new research confirms, even a very slight overdose over the course of several days could be deadly.
In fact, a new study, led by Dr. Kenneth Simpson of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, found that you're more likely to die from a "staggered overdose" (taking just a little bit too much for several days or weeks) of Tylenol than from a single large overdose.
Among the people who took a staggered overdose of Tylenol, 37 percent died, compared to 28 percent of those who took one large overdose.
Given the fact that Tylenol is one of the most common drugs in the world, with billions of doses purchased in the United States each year, you might be surprised to learn that taking just a bit too much, on a regular basis, could be deadly -- but it's a very real, and very significant, risk.
Acetaminophen is the Number One Cause of Acute Liver Failure in the United States
If you use acetaminophen-containing products (such as Tylenol) for minor aches and pains, or prescription drugs like Vicodin (which also contain it), please be very careful about the dose.
As new research confirms, even a very slight overdose over the course of several days could be deadly.
In fact, a new study, led by Dr. Kenneth Simpson of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, found that you're more likely to die from a "staggered overdose" (taking just a little bit too much for several days or weeks) of Tylenol than from a single large overdose.
Among the people who took a staggered overdose of Tylenol, 37 percent died, compared to 28 percent of those who took one large overdose.
Given the fact that Tylenol is one of the most common drugs in the world, with billions of doses purchased in the United States each year, you might be surprised to learn that taking just a bit too much, on a regular basis, could be deadly -- but it's a very real, and very significant, risk.
Acetaminophen is the Number One Cause of Acute Liver Failure in the United States
The Drug Companies' Newest Profit Weapon to Steal Your Money
Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 18 2011
HUGE STORY. Definately worth your time to read. Who ELSE do you suppose is spending BILLION$ on news media to brainwash humanity?
HUGE STORY. Definately worth your time to read. Who ELSE do you suppose is spending BILLION$ on news media to brainwash humanity?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Family of 'state-napped' child beats social services
Court ruling determines government cannot end parents' rights
Posted: December 23, 2011 1:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh © 2011 WND
A judge has handed defeat to a social services agency that dispatched police officers to an India-bound jetliner more than two years ago to take into custody a 7-year-old boy because he was being homeschooled.
Word of the victory – that the government is not allowed to terminate the rights of the boy's parents – comes from Ruby Harrold-Claesson, president of the Nordic Human Rights Council.
Harrold-Claesson, who also has been reinstated as the representative for the parents months after she was removed on the objections of the Gotland, Sweden, social services agency, said it's a hopeful sign in the long-running custody dispute over Domenic Johansson, now 10.
"It is pretty obvious that the social workers and the social council were afraid that, with me as public counsel for [father] Christer [Johansson], the administrative court in Stockholm would have released Domenic from public care," she explained in an email forwarded to WND.
Michael Donnelly, director of international relations at Home School Legal Defense Association, says this decision offers a glimmer of light in the case. FULL STORY
Posted: December 23, 2011 1:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh © 2011 WND
A judge has handed defeat to a social services agency that dispatched police officers to an India-bound jetliner more than two years ago to take into custody a 7-year-old boy because he was being homeschooled.
Word of the victory – that the government is not allowed to terminate the rights of the boy's parents – comes from Ruby Harrold-Claesson, president of the Nordic Human Rights Council.
Harrold-Claesson, who also has been reinstated as the representative for the parents months after she was removed on the objections of the Gotland, Sweden, social services agency, said it's a hopeful sign in the long-running custody dispute over Domenic Johansson, now 10.
"It is pretty obvious that the social workers and the social council were afraid that, with me as public counsel for [father] Christer [Johansson], the administrative court in Stockholm would have released Domenic from public care," she explained in an email forwarded to WND.
Michael Donnelly, director of international relations at Home School Legal Defense Association, says this decision offers a glimmer of light in the case. FULL STORY
By Joel Turtel
December 24, 2011
"I'm sorry, Michael, I'm through, I'm finished. I can't stand it anymore. I'm leaving you. I want a divorce. I love you. I always will. But I'm leaving you," said Patricia Wellington to her husband of thirty years, Michael Wellington.
Patricia Wellington stood in the middle of their living room in their lovely home in Westchester, New York, a beautiful place of rolling green hills topped with expensive homes. Theirs was one of the beautiful homes, full of memories of their children and their lives together. Patricia was 51 years old, auburn hair, brown eyes, still lovely, wearing a summer print dress. She stood looking at Michael Wellington, seeing in her mind's eye the tall, handsome young lawyer she had married thirty years ago, then seeing the man who had become a distinguished federal judge. She had been proud of him for so long, until he became a judge in the drug enforcement division of the federal court system, ten years ago.
The trouble started when Congress passed the mandatory drug sentencing laws and escalated the mad War on Drugs. Michael Wellington, the man she had loved so long, was destroying lives, destroying families, causing children to be put in foster homes. FULL STORY
December 24, 2011
"I'm sorry, Michael, I'm through, I'm finished. I can't stand it anymore. I'm leaving you. I want a divorce. I love you. I always will. But I'm leaving you," said Patricia Wellington to her husband of thirty years, Michael Wellington.
Patricia Wellington stood in the middle of their living room in their lovely home in Westchester, New York, a beautiful place of rolling green hills topped with expensive homes. Theirs was one of the beautiful homes, full of memories of their children and their lives together. Patricia was 51 years old, auburn hair, brown eyes, still lovely, wearing a summer print dress. She stood looking at Michael Wellington, seeing in her mind's eye the tall, handsome young lawyer she had married thirty years ago, then seeing the man who had become a distinguished federal judge. She had been proud of him for so long, until he became a judge in the drug enforcement division of the federal court system, ten years ago.
The trouble started when Congress passed the mandatory drug sentencing laws and escalated the mad War on Drugs. Michael Wellington, the man she had loved so long, was destroying lives, destroying families, causing children to be put in foster homes. FULL STORY
365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy
Human Events

No. 358 of 365
When your liberal neighbors knock excitedly on your door to show you ultrasound pictures of the baby they're expecting, look mortified and then say,
"But surely, it's not yet a child, it's still a choice."

No. 358 of 365
When your liberal neighbors knock excitedly on your door to show you ultrasound pictures of the baby they're expecting, look mortified and then say,
"But surely, it's not yet a child, it's still a choice."
Friday, December 23, 2011
Holidays Rough Time for Many; Suicide Threats Rise
From KTVZ.COM News Sources
POSTED: 9:53 am PST December 22, 2011
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Oregon Partnership Crisis Line staff and volunteers said Thursday they have received over 19,000 suicide calls in 2011. While 99 percent of suicide calls are de-escalated, there has been an increase in the need for suicide “rescues” – the point at which they have to intervene in a suicide attempt.
The holidays can cause people to become particularly vulnerable. Last December, crisis line personnel had to perform five rescues in just a two hour period.
“We are seeing more intense pain with the holidays and the ongoing difficult economy” says Leslie Storm, Oregon Partnership Crisis Line supervisor. “People are hurting and just don’t feel they can cope with the pain. We help them find alternatives.”
Suicide is a desperate attempt to escape suffering that has become unbearable. Despite wanting the pain to stop, most suicidal people wish there was an alternative to killing themselves, but they just can't see one. FULL STORY
That's why we teach people HOW TO FIGHT CPS
POSTED: 9:53 am PST December 22, 2011
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Oregon Partnership Crisis Line staff and volunteers said Thursday they have received over 19,000 suicide calls in 2011. While 99 percent of suicide calls are de-escalated, there has been an increase in the need for suicide “rescues” – the point at which they have to intervene in a suicide attempt.
The holidays can cause people to become particularly vulnerable. Last December, crisis line personnel had to perform five rescues in just a two hour period.
“We are seeing more intense pain with the holidays and the ongoing difficult economy” says Leslie Storm, Oregon Partnership Crisis Line supervisor. “People are hurting and just don’t feel they can cope with the pain. We help them find alternatives.”
Suicide is a desperate attempt to escape suffering that has become unbearable. Despite wanting the pain to stop, most suicidal people wish there was an alternative to killing themselves, but they just can't see one. FULL STORY
That's why we teach people HOW TO FIGHT CPS
America's Hero, "in my own backyard"
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 23, 2011
Right from the beginning of this project this examiner has been excited about it, what a marvelous, brilliant idea, but where does one find a hero? Not an easy task locating someone who is a true hero, someone who has inspired myself as well as others, more importantly, someone who cares enough to inspire others. FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 23, 2011
Right from the beginning of this project this examiner has been excited about it, what a marvelous, brilliant idea, but where does one find a hero? Not an easy task locating someone who is a true hero, someone who has inspired myself as well as others, more importantly, someone who cares enough to inspire others. FULL STORY
The Christmas Hope: A To-Do List for a Better World
By John W. Whitehead
December 19, 2011
I wish the same could be said of those still unfulfilled items on my adult Christmas wish list. Each year, I wish for the same things—an end to war, poverty, hunger, violence and disease—and each year, I find the world relatively unchanged. Millions continue to die every year, casualties of a world that places greater value on war machines and profit margins than human life.
I’ve seen enough of the world in my 65 years to know that wishing is not enough. We need to be doing. It’s not possible to solve all of the world’s problems right away. For most people, putting an end to world hunger, poverty and disease may seem too insurmountable a task to even tackle. But there are practical steps each of us can take to hopefully get things moving in the right direction. Here’s what I would suggest for a start:
December 19, 2011
“The Christmas hope for peace and good will toward all men can no longer be dismissed as a kind of pious dream of some utopian. If we don’t have good will toward men in this world, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own instruments and our own power. Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete. We must either learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.”—Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Christmas Eve sermon, 1967As a child, my Christmas wish list came right out of the Sears and Roebuck catalogue—toys, board games, bikes, action figures, etc. My parents, like so many in their day, belonged to the working-class poor, so while I never lacked for the necessities of life, many of the items on my wish list never came to be. Even so, I was no worse off for it.
I wish the same could be said of those still unfulfilled items on my adult Christmas wish list. Each year, I wish for the same things—an end to war, poverty, hunger, violence and disease—and each year, I find the world relatively unchanged. Millions continue to die every year, casualties of a world that places greater value on war machines and profit margins than human life.
I’ve seen enough of the world in my 65 years to know that wishing is not enough. We need to be doing. It’s not possible to solve all of the world’s problems right away. For most people, putting an end to world hunger, poverty and disease may seem too insurmountable a task to even tackle. But there are practical steps each of us can take to hopefully get things moving in the right direction. Here’s what I would suggest for a start:
Foster Parents; Changing definitions, "Medical neglect." Part 3 of 3
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We began this series with definitions on imminent danger, then preponderance of evidence. Now we look at the definition of Medical… FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We began this series with definitions on imminent danger, then preponderance of evidence. Now we look at the definition of Medical… FULL STORY
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Liberty Quotes
"[The founding fathers] conferred, as against the Government, the right to be left alone -- the right most valued by civilized men." -- Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice 1928
"Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President Source: Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 1823.
"In this country sovereignty resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution, entrusted to it: All else is withheld." -- U.S. Supreme Court Source: Juilliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421 (1884).
Marital Woes Lead Lynwood Woman To Call In False Bomb Threat At LAX
December 22, 2011 10:52 AM
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — A Lynwood woman is facing federal terrorism charges after she made a false bomb threat to delay her husband’s flight out of Los Angeles International Airport.
According to court documents, Johnna Woolfolk called in a bomb threat to AirTran on Nov. 27. Woolfolk told a representative that her husband was planning to blow up an Atlanta-bound flight, FBI officials said.
Airline officials pulled Woolfolk’s husband off the flight. He denied the charges and told officials that he and his wife were having marital problems and that they recently had a fight.
FBI agents later interviewed Woolfolk at her Lynwood home who admitted to the call.
She was charged with providing false and misleading information. Woolfolk is expected to enter a plea next week in federal court.
I left a nice comment there (subject to moderation)
Obviously, this woman just doesn’t understand the proper way to utterly destroy a man. If she accused him of being violent or of CHILD ABUSE, he would have been a goner. Because THOSE allegations go to Family Court, where truth and evidence don’t matter. Not even being caught in a bald-faced LIE is a problem.
See the Ruggiero case-
Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights
“Until Every Child Comes Home”©
“The Voice of America’s Families”©
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — A Lynwood woman is facing federal terrorism charges after she made a false bomb threat to delay her husband’s flight out of Los Angeles International Airport.
According to court documents, Johnna Woolfolk called in a bomb threat to AirTran on Nov. 27. Woolfolk told a representative that her husband was planning to blow up an Atlanta-bound flight, FBI officials said.
Airline officials pulled Woolfolk’s husband off the flight. He denied the charges and told officials that he and his wife were having marital problems and that they recently had a fight.
FBI agents later interviewed Woolfolk at her Lynwood home who admitted to the call.
She was charged with providing false and misleading information. Woolfolk is expected to enter a plea next week in federal court.
I left a nice comment there (subject to moderation)
Obviously, this woman just doesn’t understand the proper way to utterly destroy a man. If she accused him of being violent or of CHILD ABUSE, he would have been a goner. Because THOSE allegations go to Family Court, where truth and evidence don’t matter. Not even being caught in a bald-faced LIE is a problem.
See the Ruggiero case-
Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights
“Until Every Child Comes Home”©
“The Voice of America’s Families”©
Tips & Tactics
December 22, 2011
Please click the lamp to watch an inspirational Christmas video!
The Jurisdictionary® Family wishes you and yours a Christ-Filled Christmas!
The Jurisdictionary® Family wishes you and yours a Christ-Filled Christmas!
Finding Evidence - Part One ...
Evidence is the "stuff" you need to prove your case.But, how do you find it?
That's the fun part! In this Tips & Tactics I give you a few ideas on how to use interrogatories to find evidence. You'll learn much more with my affordable, official, step-by-step 24-hour Jurisdictionary
"How to Win in Court" self-help course everyone is talking about!
Interrogatories! Sounds complicated, doesn't it?
Actually, interrogatories are nothing more than written questions that must be answered in writing and under oath! That's all they are. You'll find forms for them in my course.
The main thing to remember is you are limited to a certain number.
Jurisdictions differ on the total number of written questions you can serve. Once you've used your limit for a particular respondent, you may not be allowed to use any more for that same respondent. You may move the court for an order granting you permission to use more, however there is no certainty you'll get such an order.
So, use them wisely and sparingly.
Rule 33 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure states, "Unless otherwise stipulated or ordered by the court, a party may serve on any other party no more than 25 written interrogatories, including all discrete subparts." Individual state rules may allow more or less, but most courts put a fixed limit on the number of interrogatories you can use without obtaining a special court order that is difficult to get except in very special circumstances..
The first interrogatory I serve on opponents reads, "Identify all persons having first-hand knowledge of any material fact alleged in the pleadings of this case and, with regard to each such person, state what they know about each such fact and how they came to know it."
The other side will have a fit!
They will frequently respond, "Objection, overbroad, unduly burdensome, not calculated to lead to admissible evidence, seeks to inquire into attorney-client privilege," etc., etc., etc.
If you get one of these boiler-plate responses, immediately file a "Motion for Better Answers to Interrogatories" and set your motion for hearing!
You are entitled to evidence disclosure! In fact, Rule 26 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires such disclosure, as do the rules of ever state court. Don't be hoodwinked by your lack of knowledge about rules and what they require of your opponents.
And, don't be fooled by the all-too-common objection, "The facts sought are not admissible at trial." Facts sought during discovery (i.e., before trial) do not have to be admissible at trial. Rules of evidence for discovery requests like interrogatories are different from rules that control evidence at trial. Don't ever forget this. Lawyers may try to trick you by claiming what you seek is inadmissible.
Doesn't matter! If it is "reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence" it is fair game!
Rule 26(b) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides, "Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense — including the existence, description, nature, custody, condition, and location of any documents or other tangible things and the identity and location of persons who know of any discoverable matter. For good cause, the court may order discovery of any matter relevant to the subject matter involved in the action.
Relevant information need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence."
State rules generally follow the federal rule.
Don't be left holding an empty evidence bag!
How to use interrogatories (and your other powerful evidence-finding discovery tools) is explained in my case-winning, affordable, amazingly popular, 4-CD, step-by-step, 24-hour official Jurisdictionary
"How to Win in Court" self-help course everyone is talking about.
Don't let lawyers trick you!
You have an unchallengeable right to find the evidence you need to prove your case.
Evidence + Legal Authority = Victory in Court!
If you don't already have the course, NOW is the time to order.
Affordable 24-hour Step-by-Step Self-Help Course Includes: 5-hour video CD simplifies the process of litigation 2 audio CDs present practical tactics and procedures 15 in-depth tutorials on a 4th CD lay out the basics Free EasyGuide to the Rules of Court Instant On-Line Access while CDs are in the Mail Still Only $249 ... plus $7.50 Priority Mail Shipping & Handling Save legal fees! Control judges! Defeat crooked lawyers! Ask anyone who has our course ... "Jurisdictionary Works!" Call Toll Free for details: 866-Law-Easy |
© 1997-2011 by Jurisdictionary ® ... All Rights Reserved c/o Dr. Frederick D. Graves, JD 621 Howard Creek Lane Stuart, Florida 34994 Toll Free: 866-Law-Easy ( 866-529-3279 ) |
Foster Parents; Goldoldo wins.
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 22, 2011
Big news. Mrs. Maryanne Goldboldo vindicated—this astoundingly brave Detroit mother gets daughter wins her case get her daughter back & all charges dropped.… FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
December 22, 2011
Big news. Mrs. Maryanne Goldboldo vindicated—this astoundingly brave Detroit mother gets daughter wins her case get her daughter back & all charges dropped.… FULL STORY
Foster Parents; Changing definitions, "Medical neglect." Part 2 of 3
Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We began this series with definitions on imminent danger, then Preponderance of evidence. Now we look at the definition of… FULL STORY
Author of Standing in the Shadow of the Law
We began this series with definitions on imminent danger, then Preponderance of evidence. Now we look at the definition of… FULL STORY
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Liberty Quotes
"If it be admitted that a man, possessing absolute power, may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach? Men are not apt to change their character by agglomeration; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with the consciousness of their strength. And for these reasons I can never willingly invest any number of my fellow creatures with that unlimited authority which I should refuse to any one of them." -- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
I am sure thinking about the CPS sociopaths right now
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