That's the claim by a right-wing author who says he's exposed a left-wing plot behind some top TV shows
By Guy Adams
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccination
by Barbara Loe Fisher
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state mandated vaccines, and honor their mothers and fathers, who grieve for them.
Death Has Always Been A Vaccine Complication FULL STORY
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state mandated vaccines, and honor their mothers and fathers, who grieve for them.
Death Has Always Been A Vaccine Complication FULL STORY
A Positive Association found between Autism Prevalence and Childhood Vaccination uptake across the U.S. Population
Volume 74, Issue 14, 2011, Pages 903 - 916
Author: Gayle DeLonga
DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2011.573736
The reason for the rapid rise of autism in the United States that began in the 1990s is a mystery. Although individuals probably have a genetic predisposition to develop autism, researchers suspect that one or more environmental triggers are also needed. One of those triggers might be the battery of vaccinations that young children receive. Using regression analysis and controlling for family income and ethnicity, the relationship between the proportion of children who received the recommended vaccines by age 2 years and the prevalence of autism (AUT) or speech or language impairment (SLI) in each U.S. state from 2001 and 2007 was determined. A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: The higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted.
A family torn apart: Part 1 in a series
By Jennifer Moody
Posted: Sunday, May 29, 2011 8:00 am
Albany, Oregon Democrat-Herald
Father describes the effects of false memories brought on by counseling
The charges against him were dropped. The child welfare investigation ended.
But former Albany resident Stephan Skotko is still reeling from the accusations of child abuse, the three days he spent in jail and the loss of his family, who, as far as he knows, still believe he is guilty.
Skotko, 50, said he knows some men do abuse their children in horrific ways and that crimes can go unreported for years.
But he insists he never touched his children, and that they never thought he had until the family began talking with a Lebanon spiritual adviser named Marion Knox.
Skotko, now a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, believes Knox planted fictional beliefs in the minds of his wife and two teenage children that led his wife to file criminal charges against him in 2008. And for that, he wants Knox to pay.
Skotko self-published a book, "A Heart Held Ransomed," about his experience. He has filed a civil lawsuit in Linn County against Knox, 73, and Knox's wife, Doris, 72, alleging that they knew, or should have known, the harm they could inflict through their theories about a practice that came to be known in the 1980s as satanic ritual abuse. FULL STORY
Posted: Sunday, May 29, 2011 8:00 am
Albany, Oregon Democrat-Herald
Father describes the effects of false memories brought on by counseling
The charges against him were dropped. The child welfare investigation ended.
But former Albany resident Stephan Skotko is still reeling from the accusations of child abuse, the three days he spent in jail and the loss of his family, who, as far as he knows, still believe he is guilty.
Skotko, 50, said he knows some men do abuse their children in horrific ways and that crimes can go unreported for years.
But he insists he never touched his children, and that they never thought he had until the family began talking with a Lebanon spiritual adviser named Marion Knox.
Skotko, now a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, believes Knox planted fictional beliefs in the minds of his wife and two teenage children that led his wife to file criminal charges against him in 2008. And for that, he wants Knox to pay.
Skotko self-published a book, "A Heart Held Ransomed," about his experience. He has filed a civil lawsuit in Linn County against Knox, 73, and Knox's wife, Doris, 72, alleging that they knew, or should have known, the harm they could inflict through their theories about a practice that came to be known in the 1980s as satanic ritual abuse. FULL STORY
Founder Quote
"[T]he only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments." --Benjamin Rush, On the Mode of Education Proper in a Republic, 1806
Monday, May 30, 2011
Ex-husband of Schwarzenegger's lover plans to sue
AFP/File – Media wait outside the home of Mildred Patricia Baena, the former maid who mothered a child by actor …
Sun May 29, 9:03 pm ET
BOGOTA (AFP) – The ex-husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger's lover told a Colombian magazine that he plans to sue the former governor, alleging that the birth certificate of the couple's love child was falsified.
Rogelio Baena, a Colombian native, was married to Mildred Patricia Baena, who was a housekeeper to the Hollywood star-turned California governor and his celebrity wife Maria Shriver.
Rogelio Baena only recently learned that his 13 year-old son with Mildred Baena was actually the love child of Schwarzenegger and his ex-wife.
Yet Rogelio Baena's name appears on the birth certificate as the boy's father, and attorneys have told him that if Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena knew this was not true, they engaged in conspiracy to falsify a public document -- a serious crime in California.
Rogelio Baena separated from his then-wife after 10 years of marriage in October 1997, just weeks after the boy was born. FULL STORY
I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of guys are paying child support on kids they didn't father. As for conspiracy to falsify documents- that's how CPS does business
Sun May 29, 9:03 pm ET
BOGOTA (AFP) – The ex-husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger's lover told a Colombian magazine that he plans to sue the former governor, alleging that the birth certificate of the couple's love child was falsified.
Rogelio Baena, a Colombian native, was married to Mildred Patricia Baena, who was a housekeeper to the Hollywood star-turned California governor and his celebrity wife Maria Shriver.
Rogelio Baena only recently learned that his 13 year-old son with Mildred Baena was actually the love child of Schwarzenegger and his ex-wife.
Yet Rogelio Baena's name appears on the birth certificate as the boy's father, and attorneys have told him that if Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena knew this was not true, they engaged in conspiracy to falsify a public document -- a serious crime in California.
Rogelio Baena separated from his then-wife after 10 years of marriage in October 1997, just weeks after the boy was born. FULL STORY
I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of guys are paying child support on kids they didn't father. As for conspiracy to falsify documents- that's how CPS does business
Kick-off False Allegation Awareness Month
NCFM Presents “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable” at Summit to Kick-off False Allegation Awareness Month
May 30, 2011
In Washington D.C.,Wednesday, June 2, 2011, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) will host the first ever summit and to kick-off False Allegations Awareness Month.
National Coalition of Men President Harry Crouch will be attending and presenting the paper “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable”.
In May 2011 Stop Abusive and Violent Environments conducted the first-ever national survey of false allegations of abuse. The results are revealing, reinforce the notion that false accusations are epidemic, and most are committed by women against men. Thank you SAVE for helping put facts in the face of those with the fantasy that false accusations are rare.
The survey defined “abuse” to include child abuse, domestic violence, or sexual abuse FULL STORY
May 30, 2011
In Washington D.C.,Wednesday, June 2, 2011, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) will host the first ever summit and to kick-off False Allegations Awareness Month.
National Coalition of Men President Harry Crouch will be attending and presenting the paper “False Accusers Must Be Held Accountable”.
In May 2011 Stop Abusive and Violent Environments conducted the first-ever national survey of false allegations of abuse. The results are revealing, reinforce the notion that false accusations are epidemic, and most are committed by women against men. Thank you SAVE for helping put facts in the face of those with the fantasy that false accusations are rare.
The survey defined “abuse” to include child abuse, domestic violence, or sexual abuse FULL STORY
CDC admits flu vaccines don't work
CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
Sunday, May 29, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
Doping Kids in Florida
Miami Herald
Creating juvenile zombies, Florida-style
May 28, 2011
By Fred Grimm
They’re children of the new Florida ethic. Zombie kids warehoused on the cheap in the state’s juvenile lock-ups. Kept quiet, manageable and addled senseless by great dollops of anti-psychotic drugs.
A relatively small percentage of young inmates pumped full of pills actually suffer from the serious psychiatric disorders that the FDA allows to be treated by these powerful drugs. But adult doses of anti-psychotic drugs have a tranquilizing effect on teenage prisoners. Prescribing anti-psychotics for so many rowdy kids may be a reckless medical practice, but in an era of budget cuts and staffing shortages, it makes for smart economics.
Florida fairly inundates juvenile offenders with this stuff.
The Palm Beach Post reported last week that the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice has been buying twice as many doses of the powerful anti-psychotic Seroquel as it does ibuprofen. As if the state anticipated more outbreaks of schizophrenia than headaches or minor muscle pain.
The Post found that Florida purchased 326,081 tablets of Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal and other antipsychotic drugs during a two-year period for the boys and girls who occupy the 2,300 beds in state-run residential facilities. (Most of the state’s juvenile offenders are held in jails operated by for-profit contractors. Records revealing the quantity of medications that private companies pour down their prisoners’ gullets were not available.)
Such drugs, meant for adults, are known to send children into suicidal despair, along with risking heart problems, weight gain, diabetes and facial tics. Yet, the DJJ and its contract psychiatrists push them willynilly onto their young wards.
It’s not as if state officials have been unaware of the risks facing children prescribed “off label” uses (unapproved by the FDA) of these pharmaceuticals. Even as the state doled out Seroquel like candy to kids in DJJ jails, the Florida Attorney General’s office was entering into a lawsuit with 36 other states against drug manufacturer AstraZeneca for promoting dangerous, off-label uses of Seroquel for treating both the young and the elderly. (AstraZeneca agreed to settle the lawsuit in March for $68.5 million and to stop marketing the drug for unauthorized uses.)
It was as if the schizophrenics most in need of Seroquel were roaming the halls of government, not the juvenile jails.
“This is the face of all these budget cuts; what happens when you eliminate social workers and prison guards,” said Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein. He suspects that DJJ has compensated for the staff shortages at state lockups by pumping “the most powerful drugs known to man into children who have not been diagnosed for psychiatric problems.”
Finkelstein says he assigned two of his staff attorneys last week to visit juvenile lock-ups and investigate what he calls the “zombification” of young offenders who had been represented by his office.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi opened her own investigation last week. Bondi’s staff attorneys are interested in the Post’s report that psychiatrists prescribing off-label uses of such astounding quantities of the profitable anti-psychotics for DJJ prisoners (at taxpayer expense) had been greased by drug manufacturers with some $250,000 in gifts and speaking fees.
The DJJ drug scandal seems all the more maddening considering that it follows a similar uproar just two years ago after the suicide of a seven-year-old Margate foster child. Young Gabriel Myers had been given adult dosages of three anti-psychotics before he hung himself.
The Gabriel Myers Task Force, made up of child advocates, state officials, political leaders and judges from across the state, spent a year investigating whether the Florida Department of Children and Families had administered dangerous drugs as “chemical restraints” for troublesome foster children.
Foster kids, as it turned out, weren’t the only victims of the on-the-cheap ethic. But don’t think of children reduced to zombies. Think of all the money we save on prison guards.
Palm Beach Post
End juvenile injustices
By Rhonda Swan
May 27, 2011
New Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Wansley Walters is right to examine the department's use of antipsychotic medications following a Palm Beach Post investigation showing that children in DJJ care are being plied with heavy doses of the powerful drugs.
"We will look at everything that surrounds this issue," Ms. Walters said in an interview. "We're concerned that any child in our care be given the best medical assistance possible, appropriate to his medical needs." DJJ's inspector general will conduct the investigation. Ms. Walters said one of her first acts was to ensure that the inspector general report to the state and not to her. Good move. "That way," she said, "they can't give me a report that I simply stick in a drawer."
As The Post's Michael LaForgia reported in stories last Sunday and Monday, psychiatrists hired by the DJJ prescribed antipsychotics before federal regulators approved them for children. The drugs can cause suicidal thoughts in children and other dangerous side effects. Gabriel Myers, a 7-year-old who was taking a combination antipsychotic and antidepressant, hanged himself two years ago in his Broward County foster home. The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit concluded that the drugs "may have contributed to his actions directly prior to and during his accidental death."
The Post found that the DJJ doesn't track prescriptions, and doesn't know whether doctors are medicating children because it's necessary or because it makes them easier to control. It's unclear whether the doses prescribed were appropriate or unusually high. The department should institute a tracking system, and the investigation should answer these questions.
The Post also found that some prescribing doctors have taken thousands of dollars in speaker fees and other gifts from drug makers. In two years, the four highest-paid psychiatrists received nearly $200,000. Three continue to treat children in state jails and residential programs. Studies have shown that even small gifts can influence a physician's prescribing practices. Pharmaceutical firms spend nearly $30 billion a year nationwide to market their drugs, most on dinners and trips for doctors, and samples for patients.
In 2008 and 2009, Florida doctors received $21.7 million from just the eight drug companies, including AstraZeneca, that disclose payments. More than 70 companies do not disclose. AstraZeneca makes Seroquel, one of the most popular drugs prescribed by DJJ psychiatrists. Florida doctors got more than $1.5 million from the drug maker in those two years.
State legislators, who wrongly prohibited pharmaceutical companies from donating money for the state's drug database, should prohibit them from attempting to bribe doctors - particularly those who work for the state - to prescribe their drugs. And on behalf of the children and their parents, Ms. Walters should make changes in drug policy her start on reforming an agency that has been mismanaged for most of its nearly two-decades-old existence.
"We assume that humanism will take the path of social and mental hygiene and discourage sentimental and unreal hopes and wishful thinking." -Humanist Manifesto I, 1933, Eleventh Point
Creating juvenile zombies, Florida-style
May 28, 2011
By Fred Grimm
They’re children of the new Florida ethic. Zombie kids warehoused on the cheap in the state’s juvenile lock-ups. Kept quiet, manageable and addled senseless by great dollops of anti-psychotic drugs.
A relatively small percentage of young inmates pumped full of pills actually suffer from the serious psychiatric disorders that the FDA allows to be treated by these powerful drugs. But adult doses of anti-psychotic drugs have a tranquilizing effect on teenage prisoners. Prescribing anti-psychotics for so many rowdy kids may be a reckless medical practice, but in an era of budget cuts and staffing shortages, it makes for smart economics.
Florida fairly inundates juvenile offenders with this stuff.
The Palm Beach Post reported last week that the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice has been buying twice as many doses of the powerful anti-psychotic Seroquel as it does ibuprofen. As if the state anticipated more outbreaks of schizophrenia than headaches or minor muscle pain.
The Post found that Florida purchased 326,081 tablets of Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal and other antipsychotic drugs during a two-year period for the boys and girls who occupy the 2,300 beds in state-run residential facilities. (Most of the state’s juvenile offenders are held in jails operated by for-profit contractors. Records revealing the quantity of medications that private companies pour down their prisoners’ gullets were not available.)
Such drugs, meant for adults, are known to send children into suicidal despair, along with risking heart problems, weight gain, diabetes and facial tics. Yet, the DJJ and its contract psychiatrists push them willynilly onto their young wards.
It’s not as if state officials have been unaware of the risks facing children prescribed “off label” uses (unapproved by the FDA) of these pharmaceuticals. Even as the state doled out Seroquel like candy to kids in DJJ jails, the Florida Attorney General’s office was entering into a lawsuit with 36 other states against drug manufacturer AstraZeneca for promoting dangerous, off-label uses of Seroquel for treating both the young and the elderly. (AstraZeneca agreed to settle the lawsuit in March for $68.5 million and to stop marketing the drug for unauthorized uses.)
It was as if the schizophrenics most in need of Seroquel were roaming the halls of government, not the juvenile jails.
“This is the face of all these budget cuts; what happens when you eliminate social workers and prison guards,” said Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein. He suspects that DJJ has compensated for the staff shortages at state lockups by pumping “the most powerful drugs known to man into children who have not been diagnosed for psychiatric problems.”
Finkelstein says he assigned two of his staff attorneys last week to visit juvenile lock-ups and investigate what he calls the “zombification” of young offenders who had been represented by his office.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi opened her own investigation last week. Bondi’s staff attorneys are interested in the Post’s report that psychiatrists prescribing off-label uses of such astounding quantities of the profitable anti-psychotics for DJJ prisoners (at taxpayer expense) had been greased by drug manufacturers with some $250,000 in gifts and speaking fees.
The DJJ drug scandal seems all the more maddening considering that it follows a similar uproar just two years ago after the suicide of a seven-year-old Margate foster child. Young Gabriel Myers had been given adult dosages of three anti-psychotics before he hung himself.
The Gabriel Myers Task Force, made up of child advocates, state officials, political leaders and judges from across the state, spent a year investigating whether the Florida Department of Children and Families had administered dangerous drugs as “chemical restraints” for troublesome foster children.
Foster kids, as it turned out, weren’t the only victims of the on-the-cheap ethic. But don’t think of children reduced to zombies. Think of all the money we save on prison guards.
Palm Beach Post
End juvenile injustices
By Rhonda Swan
May 27, 2011
New Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Wansley Walters is right to examine the department's use of antipsychotic medications following a Palm Beach Post investigation showing that children in DJJ care are being plied with heavy doses of the powerful drugs.
"We will look at everything that surrounds this issue," Ms. Walters said in an interview. "We're concerned that any child in our care be given the best medical assistance possible, appropriate to his medical needs." DJJ's inspector general will conduct the investigation. Ms. Walters said one of her first acts was to ensure that the inspector general report to the state and not to her. Good move. "That way," she said, "they can't give me a report that I simply stick in a drawer."
As The Post's Michael LaForgia reported in stories last Sunday and Monday, psychiatrists hired by the DJJ prescribed antipsychotics before federal regulators approved them for children. The drugs can cause suicidal thoughts in children and other dangerous side effects. Gabriel Myers, a 7-year-old who was taking a combination antipsychotic and antidepressant, hanged himself two years ago in his Broward County foster home. The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit concluded that the drugs "may have contributed to his actions directly prior to and during his accidental death."
The Post found that the DJJ doesn't track prescriptions, and doesn't know whether doctors are medicating children because it's necessary or because it makes them easier to control. It's unclear whether the doses prescribed were appropriate or unusually high. The department should institute a tracking system, and the investigation should answer these questions.
The Post also found that some prescribing doctors have taken thousands of dollars in speaker fees and other gifts from drug makers. In two years, the four highest-paid psychiatrists received nearly $200,000. Three continue to treat children in state jails and residential programs. Studies have shown that even small gifts can influence a physician's prescribing practices. Pharmaceutical firms spend nearly $30 billion a year nationwide to market their drugs, most on dinners and trips for doctors, and samples for patients.
In 2008 and 2009, Florida doctors received $21.7 million from just the eight drug companies, including AstraZeneca, that disclose payments. More than 70 companies do not disclose. AstraZeneca makes Seroquel, one of the most popular drugs prescribed by DJJ psychiatrists. Florida doctors got more than $1.5 million from the drug maker in those two years.
State legislators, who wrongly prohibited pharmaceutical companies from donating money for the state's drug database, should prohibit them from attempting to bribe doctors - particularly those who work for the state - to prescribe their drugs. And on behalf of the children and their parents, Ms. Walters should make changes in drug policy her start on reforming an agency that has been mismanaged for most of its nearly two-decades-old existence.
"We assume that humanism will take the path of social and mental hygiene and discourage sentimental and unreal hopes and wishful thinking." -Humanist Manifesto I, 1933, Eleventh Point
Parents say administrators are siccing ACS on them to retaliate for complaints
BY Rachel Monahan
Monday, May 30th 2011, 4
Complain at school and get a knock on the door.
Friction with principals and fights with teachers have led to visits from child welfare investigators, numerous parents have told the Daily News.
"They think they can bully parents," said Nicole Bush, who was investigated after a dispute with her son's Bronx school. "I want to see the people who did this get theirs." FULL STORY
Monday, May 30th 2011, 4
Complain at school and get a knock on the door.
Friction with principals and fights with teachers have led to visits from child welfare investigators, numerous parents have told the Daily News.
"They think they can bully parents," said Nicole Bush, who was investigated after a dispute with her son's Bronx school. "I want to see the people who did this get theirs." FULL STORY
Liberty Quotes
On September 20, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, more than 150 organizations, 300 law professors, and 40 computer scientists expressed support for the following declaration:
1. On September 11, 2001 thousands of people lost their lives in a brutal assault on the American people and the American form of government. We mourn the loss of these innocent lives and insist that those who perpetrated these acts be held accountable.
2. This tragedy requires all Americans to examine carefully the steps our country may now take to reduce the risk of future terrorist attacks.
3. We need to consider proposals calmly and deliberately with a determination not to erode the liberties and freedoms that are at the core of the American way of life.
4. We need to ensure that actions by our government uphold the principles of a democratic society, accountable government and international law, and that all decisions are taken in a manner consistent with the Constitution.
5. We can, as we have in the past, in times of war and of peace, reconcile the requirements of security with the demands of liberty.
6. We should resist the temptation to enact proposals in the mistaken belief that anything that may be called anti-terrorist will necessarily provide greater security.
7. We should resist efforts to target people because of their race, religion, ethnic background or appearance, including immigrants in general, Arab Americans and Muslims.
8. We affirm the right of peaceful dissent, protected by the First Amendment, now, when it is most at risk.
9. We should applaud our political leaders in the days ahead who have the courage to say that our freedoms should not be limited.
10. We must have faith in our democratic system and our Constitution, and in our ability to protect at the same time both the freedom and the security of all Americans.
-- National Press Club
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Marlene Jones spoke before the Blue Ribbon Commission, CPS Wrongful Removal Costs Tax Payers
From: CHANGINGKANSAS | May 28, 2011
Marlene Jones of Wichita, KS spoke before the Kansas Blue Ribbon Commission which is assessing the Kansas Courts. Jones' speech was regarding the wrongful removal of children from parents custody and the cost to the State and tax payers.
Bambi Hazen spoke before the Blue Ribbon Commission, CPS Wrongful Removal, Fraud Upon The Court
From: CHANGINGKANSAS | May 28, 2011
Sedgwick County DA Nola Foulston Continuously AND Wrongfully Removes Children From Parents Custody At The Expense Of Tax Payers
From: CHANGINGKANSAS | May 28, 2011
Marlene Jones of Wichita, KS spoke before the Kansas Blue Ribbon Commission which is assessing the Kansas Courts. Jones' speech was regarding the wrongful removal of children from parents custody and the cost to the State and tax payers.
Bambi Hazen spoke before the Blue Ribbon Commission, CPS Wrongful Removal, Fraud Upon The Court
From: CHANGINGKANSAS | May 28, 2011
Sedgwick County DA Nola Foulston Continuously AND Wrongfully Removes Children From Parents Custody At The Expense Of Tax Payers
Saturday, May 28, 2011
By Chuck Baldwin
May 26, 2011
So many of the words and warnings delivered by America's Founding Fathers are appropriate for today. Consider this sage counsel from America's first and greatest President, George Washington: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." I was reminded of these words when I read the following report out of the State of Indiana.
"Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court [ISC] ruled Thursday [May 12, 2011] that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
.... it was years of illegal searches and seizures and seizures of the American colonists (along with the attempt to seize the colonists' firearms) that led our forebears to resist the British government with force on April 19, 1775, at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge which ignited America's War for Independence. FULL STORY
The government has been getting away with warrantless searches, kidnapping kids, and unconstitutional courts of No Due Process for 35 years, and we are PISSED about it.
May 26, 2011
So many of the words and warnings delivered by America's Founding Fathers are appropriate for today. Consider this sage counsel from America's first and greatest President, George Washington: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." I was reminded of these words when I read the following report out of the State of Indiana.
"Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court [ISC] ruled Thursday [May 12, 2011] that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
.... it was years of illegal searches and seizures and seizures of the American colonists (along with the attempt to seize the colonists' firearms) that led our forebears to resist the British government with force on April 19, 1775, at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge which ignited America's War for Independence. FULL STORY
The government has been getting away with warrantless searches, kidnapping kids, and unconstitutional courts of No Due Process for 35 years, and we are PISSED about it.
Rural county lobbyist warns of load state dumping on locals
by Geoff Dornan
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Lobbyists representing Western Nevada's counties warned Wednesday the state is dumping so many responsibilities on the counties that the state can't expect them to absorb everything by July 1.
“In a few months period, we had this tsunami of services coming to the rurals,” said Mary Walker, who represents Carson, Douglas, Storey and Lyon counties.
Some of those services the state is moving to county responsibility. For the rest, the state is demanding counties pay the state to provide them. FULL STORY
It seems rather absurd to me that they call kidnapping kids, holding them for ransom while assassinating their parent's character as "services". See Study: Why Child Abuse Investigations Don't Help Kids
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Lobbyists representing Western Nevada's counties warned Wednesday the state is dumping so many responsibilities on the counties that the state can't expect them to absorb everything by July 1.
“In a few months period, we had this tsunami of services coming to the rurals,” said Mary Walker, who represents Carson, Douglas, Storey and Lyon counties.
Some of those services the state is moving to county responsibility. For the rest, the state is demanding counties pay the state to provide them. FULL STORY
It seems rather absurd to me that they call kidnapping kids, holding them for ransom while assassinating their parent's character as "services". See Study: Why Child Abuse Investigations Don't Help Kids
Hundreds of trafficked children are disappearing from the care system
Government and social services departments are accused of failing to protect victims
Mark Townsend, home affairs editor, Saturday 28 May 2011 21.05 BST
Have you noticed the absence of stories about shortages of donated organs for transplanting over the past 10 years? Just sayin'. There's no way you can underestimate how EVIL CPS is.
Mark Townsend, home affairs editor, Saturday 28 May 2011 21.05 BST
Have you noticed the absence of stories about shortages of donated organs for transplanting over the past 10 years? Just sayin'. There's no way you can underestimate how EVIL CPS is.
All you 'good, decent Americans,' prepare to be called 'bigots'
Marriage defenders warn battle over amendment about to turn ugly
Posted: May 28, 2011 12:15 am Eastern
Michael Carl © 2011 WND
Now that the Minnesota legislature has said "yes" to putting a constitutional amendment declaring marriage the union of one man and one woman on the November 2012 ballot, some of its leading supporters are warning the normally nice folks in the Midwestern state to get ready for an ugly battle.
"There's going to be an incredible effort to paint good, decent and honorable Americans who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife, as if Minnesotans who believe that are hateful bigots," claims National Organization for Marriage Board Chairman Maggie Gallagher. "No matter how sincerely and thoughtfully and reasonably we talk about our concerns, we get treated as though we are the biggest haters." FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
I decided to go look at the dictionary for the definition and history of the word "bigot". Turns out it was what the French called the Nomans (Northmen a.k.a Scandanavians) It literally means "By God".
Since I am Swedish, a Christian, and I don't have a very high regard for the freaky French, I hereby gladly accept being called a "bigot".
I have personally had a royal can-full of this evil, communist, Alinsky "Dedicated to Lucifer" propaganda.
So next time somebody calls me a bigot, I am going to feel extremely complimented and say THANK YOU.
Posted: May 28, 2011 12:15 am Eastern
Michael Carl © 2011 WND
Now that the Minnesota legislature has said "yes" to putting a constitutional amendment declaring marriage the union of one man and one woman on the November 2012 ballot, some of its leading supporters are warning the normally nice folks in the Midwestern state to get ready for an ugly battle.
"There's going to be an incredible effort to paint good, decent and honorable Americans who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife, as if Minnesotans who believe that are hateful bigots," claims National Organization for Marriage Board Chairman Maggie Gallagher. "No matter how sincerely and thoughtfully and reasonably we talk about our concerns, we get treated as though we are the biggest haters." FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
I decided to go look at the dictionary for the definition and history of the word "bigot". Turns out it was what the French called the Nomans (Northmen a.k.a Scandanavians) It literally means "By God".
Since I am Swedish, a Christian, and I don't have a very high regard for the freaky French, I hereby gladly accept being called a "bigot".
I have personally had a royal can-full of this evil, communist, Alinsky "Dedicated to Lucifer" propaganda.
So next time somebody calls me a bigot, I am going to feel extremely complimented and say THANK YOU.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Journey Home Bus Tour in Mercer County
Posted: May 26, 2011 2:58 PM
By Kristin Bartee
Princeton, WV (WVVA)--147 children are in the custody of Child Protective Services in Mercer County alone and more than 4,000 statewide in West Virginia.
Children's Home Society of West Virginia held a multiple stop bus tour to give an inside look into the system protecting children.
Stops were made at the Princeton Community Hospital, Mercer County Courthouse, Child Protect of Mercer County and Straley Elementary.
Each stop was designed to show what each child goes through during the long process of being removed and placed into a permanent home.
"It's a very scary experience when a child is removed from their home, and when you get removed that is something that no child should have too or want to experience says, Marie Patterson."
The sad reality is that some children never find permanent homes and eventually reach 18 and are aged out of the system.
If you would be interested in fostering or helping out just call the Children's Home Society of West Virginia at (304) 431-2424.
Don't miss the video there- "Inside the shoes of a foster child"
By Kristin Bartee
Princeton, WV (WVVA)--147 children are in the custody of Child Protective Services in Mercer County alone and more than 4,000 statewide in West Virginia.
Children's Home Society of West Virginia held a multiple stop bus tour to give an inside look into the system protecting children.
Stops were made at the Princeton Community Hospital, Mercer County Courthouse, Child Protect of Mercer County and Straley Elementary.
Each stop was designed to show what each child goes through during the long process of being removed and placed into a permanent home.
"It's a very scary experience when a child is removed from their home, and when you get removed that is something that no child should have too or want to experience says, Marie Patterson."
The sad reality is that some children never find permanent homes and eventually reach 18 and are aged out of the system.
If you would be interested in fostering or helping out just call the Children's Home Society of West Virginia at (304) 431-2424.
Don't miss the video there- "Inside the shoes of a foster child"
Child Welfare Services: No More Info. on Sophia Released
Posted: May 27, 2011 2:37 PM
Fresno, California- On Thursday, Tulare County Child Welfare Services announced it will not release any additional information about a three-year-old South Valley girl who died from head injuries.
State law says Child Protective Services must release information about a child that dies from abuse or neglect and any past CPS investigations involving that child.
Two weeks ago, three-year-old Sophia Acosta was home with her mom and her mom's boyfriend when police found her unconscious.
Exeter Police say she was murdered.
Sophia's great grandmother says CPS went to the home numerous times for reports of abuse but did nothing about it.
The purpose of the state law that gives us access to CPS information is so that the public can determine what, if anything, could be done differently to prevent tragedies like this in the future.
Stay with KMPH News and as we continue to follow this story.
As I wrote in Parenting in post-freedom Amerika-
....Shacking up with a boyfriend is the path to hell. Generally speaking, boyfriends have NO "natural affection" for your children, and they are the #1 baby rapists and child abusers and killers, at the TOP of any statistical data.
So this is something YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT. Clean up. Quit smoking. Whatever you are doing that you KNOW is wrong, the choice is between your laziness, habits, lifestyle choices, CATS, and YOUR KIDS.
You choose. If you can't, then don't complain about what happens.
Fresno, California- On Thursday, Tulare County Child Welfare Services announced it will not release any additional information about a three-year-old South Valley girl who died from head injuries.
State law says Child Protective Services must release information about a child that dies from abuse or neglect and any past CPS investigations involving that child.
Two weeks ago, three-year-old Sophia Acosta was home with her mom and her mom's boyfriend when police found her unconscious.
Exeter Police say she was murdered.
Sophia's great grandmother says CPS went to the home numerous times for reports of abuse but did nothing about it.
The purpose of the state law that gives us access to CPS information is so that the public can determine what, if anything, could be done differently to prevent tragedies like this in the future.
Stay with KMPH News and as we continue to follow this story.
As I wrote in Parenting in post-freedom Amerika-
....Shacking up with a boyfriend is the path to hell. Generally speaking, boyfriends have NO "natural affection" for your children, and they are the #1 baby rapists and child abusers and killers, at the TOP of any statistical data.
So this is something YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT. Clean up. Quit smoking. Whatever you are doing that you KNOW is wrong, the choice is between your laziness, habits, lifestyle choices, CATS, and YOUR KIDS.
You choose. If you can't, then don't complain about what happens.
NY Senate passes bills to protect military parents
By: The Associated Press 05/26/11 5:56 AM
The Associated Press
New York's Senate has passed bills that would protect parents serving in the military.
The bills would prohibit a court from viewing potential deployment as a negative factor when considering a man or woman's parental rights.
A companion bill would allow service men and women to appoint a short-term guardian while deployed.
Several other Memorial Day-themed bills were also passed this week by the Senate. They include a lifetime hunting and fishing license at a reduced rate for veterans.
The bills now go to the Assembly for its consideration.
The Associated Press
New York's Senate has passed bills that would protect parents serving in the military.
The bills would prohibit a court from viewing potential deployment as a negative factor when considering a man or woman's parental rights.
A companion bill would allow service men and women to appoint a short-term guardian while deployed.
Several other Memorial Day-themed bills were also passed this week by the Senate. They include a lifetime hunting and fishing license at a reduced rate for veterans.
The bills now go to the Assembly for its consideration.
Ex-Cal State professor guilty of child sex abuse
Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, May 27, 2011
(05-26) 17:12 PDT HAYWARD -- A former college professor pleaded guilty Thursday in San Francisco to a child sexual abuse charge that could send him to federal prison for at least 30 years.
Kenneth Kyle, 47, of San Francisco, who had been an assistant professor of public affairs and administration at Cal State East Bay in Hayward for four years, admitted in U.S. District Court that he crossed state lines in August 2009 to have sexual contact with a minor.
The federal grand jury indictment did not identify the minor. But another indictment in St. Louis accuses Kyle and Tessa VanVlerah, 21, of Ballwin, Mo., of molesting VanVlerah's 13-month-old daughter, with the mother's consent.
Kyle resigned from the university last year. VanVlerah is also facing state and federal child molestation and child pornography charges in California and Missouri.
Kyle's plea agreement with prosecutors calls for a 30-year sentence, the minimum set by law, said defense lawyer David Bigeleisen. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White will decide whether to accept that agreement at a sentencing hearing scheduled for Aug. 11.
Friday, May 27, 2011
(05-26) 17:12 PDT HAYWARD -- A former college professor pleaded guilty Thursday in San Francisco to a child sexual abuse charge that could send him to federal prison for at least 30 years.
Kenneth Kyle, 47, of San Francisco, who had been an assistant professor of public affairs and administration at Cal State East Bay in Hayward for four years, admitted in U.S. District Court that he crossed state lines in August 2009 to have sexual contact with a minor.
The federal grand jury indictment did not identify the minor. But another indictment in St. Louis accuses Kyle and Tessa VanVlerah, 21, of Ballwin, Mo., of molesting VanVlerah's 13-month-old daughter, with the mother's consent.
Kyle resigned from the university last year. VanVlerah is also facing state and federal child molestation and child pornography charges in California and Missouri.
Kyle's plea agreement with prosecutors calls for a 30-year sentence, the minimum set by law, said defense lawyer David Bigeleisen. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White will decide whether to accept that agreement at a sentencing hearing scheduled for Aug. 11.
Nelson bills on way to governor's desk
From staff reports
Published: Friday, May 27, 2011 12:32 PM CDT
Flower Mound Leader Star
Several bills authored by Senator Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, are on track to reach the governor's desk. The 82nd Regular Session of the Texas Legislature adjourns on May 30.
Following are highlights of Senator Nelson's legislative priorities:
....Reforming child protective services: SB 218 redesigns the state's foster care system to help displaced children remain in their home communities where they have access to valuable support networks. SB 219 better coordinates mental health services for abused and neglected children. "Especially at a time when we need to make every penny count, it is vital that our resources are being allocated into systems that truly support children and help them grow up to become responsible adults."
Domestic violence: SB 82 expands the definition of stalking to include actions other than following a victim or repeated actions of the same kind. It also adds language that stalking can include behavior targeted to the victim's current dating partner. "The connection between stalking and subsequent violent acts must be taken seriously," Nelson said. SB 434 establishes a task force to address the relationship between domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.
Child care safety: SB 1178 increases protections for children in paid care. It enhances oversight of the approximately 7,600 listed family homes and prohibits individuals from managing a child care operation if their authority to operate was previously revoked or denied. "These changes improve the state's oversight of child care operations to increase protections for children in a variety of paid care settings."
SB 76 responds to reports of fraud in the federal self-arranged day care program, which provides day care subsidies for single parents transitioning from welfare to work. Reports have uncovered cases of children being left at home unsupervised or placed in the care of relatives with felony records. The bill mandates criminal background checks on providers. "This bill closes the door to unsuitable providers so that the funding truly benefits those single parents in need of day care assistance to remain in the workforce."
Protecting vulnerable Texans: SB 78 allows state health and human services agencies to share information about adverse licensing decisions and gives agencies authority to deny an application based on another agency's decision. SB 221 strengthens protections against the exploitation of seniors and ensures that law enforcement is notified if a client's home may be left vacant due to the client being removed under a protective order. SB 220 increases protections of wards in guardianship and make it easier for families to navigate the guardianship system. "These reforms will protect the civil liberties of persons who come under the state guardianship system and help family members understand and follow the process." FULL STORY
Published: Friday, May 27, 2011 12:32 PM CDT
Flower Mound Leader Star
Several bills authored by Senator Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, are on track to reach the governor's desk. The 82nd Regular Session of the Texas Legislature adjourns on May 30.
Following are highlights of Senator Nelson's legislative priorities:
....Reforming child protective services: SB 218 redesigns the state's foster care system to help displaced children remain in their home communities where they have access to valuable support networks. SB 219 better coordinates mental health services for abused and neglected children. "Especially at a time when we need to make every penny count, it is vital that our resources are being allocated into systems that truly support children and help them grow up to become responsible adults."
Domestic violence: SB 82 expands the definition of stalking to include actions other than following a victim or repeated actions of the same kind. It also adds language that stalking can include behavior targeted to the victim's current dating partner. "The connection between stalking and subsequent violent acts must be taken seriously," Nelson said. SB 434 establishes a task force to address the relationship between domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.
Child care safety: SB 1178 increases protections for children in paid care. It enhances oversight of the approximately 7,600 listed family homes and prohibits individuals from managing a child care operation if their authority to operate was previously revoked or denied. "These changes improve the state's oversight of child care operations to increase protections for children in a variety of paid care settings."
SB 76 responds to reports of fraud in the federal self-arranged day care program, which provides day care subsidies for single parents transitioning from welfare to work. Reports have uncovered cases of children being left at home unsupervised or placed in the care of relatives with felony records. The bill mandates criminal background checks on providers. "This bill closes the door to unsuitable providers so that the funding truly benefits those single parents in need of day care assistance to remain in the workforce."
Protecting vulnerable Texans: SB 78 allows state health and human services agencies to share information about adverse licensing decisions and gives agencies authority to deny an application based on another agency's decision. SB 221 strengthens protections against the exploitation of seniors and ensures that law enforcement is notified if a client's home may be left vacant due to the client being removed under a protective order. SB 220 increases protections of wards in guardianship and make it easier for families to navigate the guardianship system. "These reforms will protect the civil liberties of persons who come under the state guardianship system and help family members understand and follow the process." FULL STORY
Ohio Leads the Pack in the Safe Reduction of Kids in Foster Care
May 27, 2011
Public News Service
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio leads the nation when it comes to keeping children in safe, stable homes, according to a new report. The Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) releases its Factbook today, a biennial compilation of statewide and county-specific data related to child abuse and neglect.
Factbook project manager and PCSAO Legislative Director Greg Kapcar says, within the state's child protection system, it's good news that fewer children are being placed in foster care.
"We continue to see an intentional decrease in the number of children who are in placement, and Ohio has achieved a steady reduction of children in foster and group care."
Between 2002 and 2010, the data shows Ohio had a 42 percent reduction in the number of children placed in out-of-home care, a better record than any other state. Kapcar notes this has taken a multi-pronged effort that includes flexible funding, support for relatives as caregivers, risk and safety assessment tools, and preventive services to help avoid placing children into foster care. FULL STORY
Public News Service
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio leads the nation when it comes to keeping children in safe, stable homes, according to a new report. The Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO) releases its Factbook today, a biennial compilation of statewide and county-specific data related to child abuse and neglect.
Factbook project manager and PCSAO Legislative Director Greg Kapcar says, within the state's child protection system, it's good news that fewer children are being placed in foster care.
"We continue to see an intentional decrease in the number of children who are in placement, and Ohio has achieved a steady reduction of children in foster and group care."
Between 2002 and 2010, the data shows Ohio had a 42 percent reduction in the number of children placed in out-of-home care, a better record than any other state. Kapcar notes this has taken a multi-pronged effort that includes flexible funding, support for relatives as caregivers, risk and safety assessment tools, and preventive services to help avoid placing children into foster care. FULL STORY
Judge: Texas foster care lawsuit can proceed
Published 05:41 p.m., Thursday, May 26, 2011
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — A judge says she will allow a lawsuit challenging Texas' foster care system to proceed as a class action.
U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack said during a hearing Thursday that she will grant class certification for the suit initiated by the advocacy group Children's Rights.
The suit contends that the Texas system is unconstitutional and should be reformed. It was filed in March on behalf of nine children between the ages of nine and 16.
A spokesman for Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says the state will determine its next course of action when the judge issues a written order.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — A judge says she will allow a lawsuit challenging Texas' foster care system to proceed as a class action.
U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack said during a hearing Thursday that she will grant class certification for the suit initiated by the advocacy group Children's Rights.
The suit contends that the Texas system is unconstitutional and should be reformed. It was filed in March on behalf of nine children between the ages of nine and 16.
A spokesman for Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says the state will determine its next course of action when the judge issues a written order.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
New INSANE Idea to 'Prevent' Over-Weight Babies...
Posted By Dr. Mercola | May 27 2011
Earlier this month a woman gave birth to an over 14-pound baby in California. Matthew Anthony Maldanado's birth weight was actually 14 pounds, 3.6 ounces -- -- possibly the biggest baby ever born in the state.
Meanwhile, in a study that has been described as 'disturbing' by weight loss groups, babies will be a given diet drug in the womb. One hundred obese pregnant women will be given Metformin as part of a three-year study. The drug will reduce the food supply to their unborn babies, although it will not help the women themselves to lose weight.
Metformin reduces blood sugar levels, which are passed onto babies in the womb. FULL STORY
Earlier this month a woman gave birth to an over 14-pound baby in California. Matthew Anthony Maldanado's birth weight was actually 14 pounds, 3.6 ounces -- -- possibly the biggest baby ever born in the state.
Meanwhile, in a study that has been described as 'disturbing' by weight loss groups, babies will be a given diet drug in the womb. One hundred obese pregnant women will be given Metformin as part of a three-year study. The drug will reduce the food supply to their unborn babies, although it will not help the women themselves to lose weight.
Metformin reduces blood sugar levels, which are passed onto babies in the womb. FULL STORY
Supreme Court: The case is moot
Richard Wexler
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Supreme Court: The case is moot
The Supreme Court ruled today that the case is moot because there is no chance that S.G. ever will be in danger of facing this kind of ordeal again.
Therefore the Supreme Court "vacated" the 9th Circuit decision. In the 9th Circuit it is, in effect, back to square one; as if the 9th Circuit had never ruled one way or the other. FULL STORY
Wexler says that means children's Fourth Amendment Rights remain intact.
Trial date of local pediatrician charged with first-degree murder changed
Trial date of local pediatrician charged with first-degree murder changed; Dr. Deborah Mark trial now set to begin Nov. 28, 2011
By: LAURIE EVERETT/Managing Editor
Posted: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:11 am
Mt Juliet News.
May 25, 2011 - The May 31 trial date that was set in the cases of Lebanon pediatrician Dr. Deborah Mark charged with first-degree murder of her adopted daughter, and her husband, Steven Mark, charged with multiple counts of child abuse, has been changed.
According to Assistant District Attorney Tom Swink, the Deborah Mark case was set for trial May 31 and June 1 through June 3, however, the trial was "continued" by agreement.
"They will be tried separately and Mrs. Mark's date is now set for Nov. 28, 2011," said Swink. "We have four days set aside."
He said if for some reason Deborah Mark's trial "doesn't go," her husband's trial is set as a backup. He said he had no reason to believe Deborah Mark's trial won't "go." At this time, Steven Mark's trial is set for some time in 2012, according to Swink.
Mt. Juliet detectives described this as the "worse case of child abuse" they've ever seen.
Lead Det. Bonnie Harris and Det. David Stolinsky presented overwhelming evidence to the Wilson County Grand Jury on this case of alleged child abuse.
During a September press conference held at Mt. Juliet City Hall, Det. Harris described the alleged abuse as "substantial."
"There was bruising from head to toe," she said.
She said the child arrived from China about 100 days before the alleged abuse and the Marks had "custody." She noted they believed the abuse "occurred" over time and most likely started about the time the little girl came to live with the Marks at their residence in the Autumn Ridge Subdivision in Mt. Juliet. FULL STORY
I have been following this story since it began almost a year ago.
By: LAURIE EVERETT/Managing Editor
Posted: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:11 am
Mt Juliet News.
May 25, 2011 - The May 31 trial date that was set in the cases of Lebanon pediatrician Dr. Deborah Mark charged with first-degree murder of her adopted daughter, and her husband, Steven Mark, charged with multiple counts of child abuse, has been changed.
According to Assistant District Attorney Tom Swink, the Deborah Mark case was set for trial May 31 and June 1 through June 3, however, the trial was "continued" by agreement.
"They will be tried separately and Mrs. Mark's date is now set for Nov. 28, 2011," said Swink. "We have four days set aside."
He said if for some reason Deborah Mark's trial "doesn't go," her husband's trial is set as a backup. He said he had no reason to believe Deborah Mark's trial won't "go." At this time, Steven Mark's trial is set for some time in 2012, according to Swink.
Mt. Juliet detectives described this as the "worse case of child abuse" they've ever seen.
Lead Det. Bonnie Harris and Det. David Stolinsky presented overwhelming evidence to the Wilson County Grand Jury on this case of alleged child abuse.
During a September press conference held at Mt. Juliet City Hall, Det. Harris described the alleged abuse as "substantial."
"There was bruising from head to toe," she said.
She said the child arrived from China about 100 days before the alleged abuse and the Marks had "custody." She noted they believed the abuse "occurred" over time and most likely started about the time the little girl came to live with the Marks at their residence in the Autumn Ridge Subdivision in Mt. Juliet. FULL STORY
I have been following this story since it began almost a year ago.
Despite warnings, authorities didn't prevent caged boy's death
'We failed him,' retired child-welfare official says
By Andy Grimm, Chicago Tribune Reporter
10:57 p.m. CDT, May 25, 2011,0,5105969.story
A different version than previous story. I left a comment there too.
CPS is 100% wrong 100% of the time. They destroy every life they touch.
How about defunding these agencies and their dope-dealing contractors and put the agents in prison for their Federal crimes against families?
By Andy Grimm, Chicago Tribune Reporter
10:57 p.m. CDT, May 25, 2011,0,5105969.story
A different version than previous story. I left a comment there too.
CPS is 100% wrong 100% of the time. They destroy every life they touch.
How about defunding these agencies and their dope-dealing contractors and put the agents in prison for their Federal crimes against families?
Finding out how this boy died and was buried in this shed
By Andy Grimm
9:54 a.m. CDT, May 26, 2011
Chicago Tribune
I left a hot comment there-
CPS is 100% wrong 100% of the time. They destroy every life they touch.
How about defunding these agencies and their dope-dealing contractors and put the agents in prison for their Federal crimes against families?
Study: Why Child Abuse Investigations Don't Help Kids
9:54 a.m. CDT, May 26, 2011
Chicago Tribune
I left a hot comment there-
CPS is 100% wrong 100% of the time. They destroy every life they touch.
How about defunding these agencies and their dope-dealing contractors and put the agents in prison for their Federal crimes against families?
Study: Why Child Abuse Investigations Don't Help Kids
Foster care in Texas: This time seeing is believing
Richard Wexler
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Foster care in Texas: This time seeing is believing
Some of the best child welfare reporting anywhere in the country is being done by Randy Wallace at KRIV-TV, Fox26 in Houston. There was a fine example on May 19. But I’m not sure my telling you that will be enough to get you to click on the link to this latest story, about a child who never should have been taken from her parents.
So allow me to show you two stills from the video of the Fox26 report. FULL STORY
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Liberty Quotes
"The war made possible for us the solution of a whole series of problems that could never have been solved in normal times." -Joseph Paul Goebbels (1897-1945) Nazi Propaganda Minister Source: The Göebbels Diaries, 1942-1943
Rahm Emmanuel almost quoted it when he said "Never let a good crisis go to waste". Remember that next time you read a propaganda piece about child abuse.
Foster care in Los Angeles
Richard Wexler
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Foster care in Los Angeles: Two columns Garrett Therolf almost certainly won’t understand (even though they’re in his own newspaper)
Two Prominent Vaccine "Experts" Exposed--One Indicted for Fraud
Subject: Two Prominent Vaccine "Experts" Exposed--One Indicted for Fraud
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:33:20 -0400
From: veracare
To: Infomail1@ahrp. org
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
Bloomberg News reports that a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, confirms an epidemic increase in developmental disorders among U.S. children--primarily, autism (fourfold increase) and ADHD. These disorders in children aged 3 to 17 increased from 12.8%, or about 8 million, in 1997-1999, to 15% in 2006-2008, affecting 1 in 6 children (about 10 million children). The study was published in the journal Pediatrics.
The unexplained accelerated increase in autism spectrum diagnosed in many children after vaccinations has raised serious concerns about the role of vaccines. Vaccines are legally classified as "unavoidably unsafe"--which is why vaccine manufacturers have been given liability immunity.
On April 11, 2011, , Dr. Poul Thorsen, the Danish vaccine researcher (a psychiatrist by training) who has been closely aligned with and funded by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), was indicted by a federal grand jury on 13 counts of wire fraud; 9 counts of money laundering; and for allegedly stealing over $1 million from CDC funded autism research between 2004 and 2008. US prosecutors are seeking to extradite him from Denmark.
Dr. Thorsen's research on autism is widely known in academic circles, where he was a highly respected figure. His extensively quoted paper, known as "The Danish Study," is the cornerstone for the claim that the autism-vaccine connection has been refuted.
The second most influential vaccine promoter, Dr. Paul Offit, has substantial financial conflicts of interest: for starters, he is a co-patent holder in Merck's RotaTeq vaccine. His exaggerated claims about the safety of vaccines are over the top. He went so far as to claim that "babies can safely handle as many as 10,000 vaccines," which he later modified (in a NewsWeek article) stating, "It was probably closer to 100,000."
On April 18, 2011, the Orange County Register published a lengthy "Correction" to a Response by Dr. Offit to a CBS investigative news report (2008), The OC Register repudiates a string of Dr. Offit's "unsubstantiated and/or false" claims of fact, and his "unsubstantiated and/or false" accusations against the professional conduct of investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, of CBS News.
Dr. Offit claimed that Ms. Attkisson "lied" when she reported that Offit refused to disclose his financial relationships with Merck, and he claimed that he had provided "the details of his relationship and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's relationship with Merck."
Not so, The OC Register acknowledges: "documents provided by CBS News indicate Offit did not disclose his financial relationships with Merck, including a $1.5 million Hilleman chair he sits in that is co-sponsored by Merck....the network requested (but Offit did not disclose) the entire profile of his professional financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies including: The amount of compensation he'd received from which companies in speaking fees; and pharmaceutical consulting relationships and fees."
If the two most "authoritative" vaccine "experts" who have had the greatest influence on CDC vaccination policy, are found to be dishonest, then their claims about vaccine safety cannot be entirely trusted.
The key to understanding, preventing and curing infectious diseases as well as conditions that might be related to vaccinations....Read more...find links to cited documents and reports at:
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:33:20 -0400
From: veracare
To: Infomail1@ahrp. org
Alliance for Human Research Protection
A Catalyst for Debate
Bloomberg News reports that a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, confirms an epidemic increase in developmental disorders among U.S. children--primarily, autism (fourfold increase) and ADHD. These disorders in children aged 3 to 17 increased from 12.8%, or about 8 million, in 1997-1999, to 15% in 2006-2008, affecting 1 in 6 children (about 10 million children). The study was published in the journal Pediatrics.
The unexplained accelerated increase in autism spectrum diagnosed in many children after vaccinations has raised serious concerns about the role of vaccines. Vaccines are legally classified as "unavoidably unsafe"--which is why vaccine manufacturers have been given liability immunity.
On April 11, 2011, , Dr. Poul Thorsen, the Danish vaccine researcher (a psychiatrist by training) who has been closely aligned with and funded by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), was indicted by a federal grand jury on 13 counts of wire fraud; 9 counts of money laundering; and for allegedly stealing over $1 million from CDC funded autism research between 2004 and 2008. US prosecutors are seeking to extradite him from Denmark.
Dr. Thorsen's research on autism is widely known in academic circles, where he was a highly respected figure. His extensively quoted paper, known as "The Danish Study," is the cornerstone for the claim that the autism-vaccine connection has been refuted.
The second most influential vaccine promoter, Dr. Paul Offit, has substantial financial conflicts of interest: for starters, he is a co-patent holder in Merck's RotaTeq vaccine. His exaggerated claims about the safety of vaccines are over the top. He went so far as to claim that "babies can safely handle as many as 10,000 vaccines," which he later modified (in a NewsWeek article) stating, "It was probably closer to 100,000."
On April 18, 2011, the Orange County Register published a lengthy "Correction" to a Response by Dr. Offit to a CBS investigative news report (2008), The OC Register repudiates a string of Dr. Offit's "unsubstantiated and/or false" claims of fact, and his "unsubstantiated and/or false" accusations against the professional conduct of investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, of CBS News.
Dr. Offit claimed that Ms. Attkisson "lied" when she reported that Offit refused to disclose his financial relationships with Merck, and he claimed that he had provided "the details of his relationship and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's relationship with Merck."
Not so, The OC Register acknowledges: "documents provided by CBS News indicate Offit did not disclose his financial relationships with Merck, including a $1.5 million Hilleman chair he sits in that is co-sponsored by Merck....the network requested (but Offit did not disclose) the entire profile of his professional financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies including: The amount of compensation he'd received from which companies in speaking fees; and pharmaceutical consulting relationships and fees."
If the two most "authoritative" vaccine "experts" who have had the greatest influence on CDC vaccination policy, are found to be dishonest, then their claims about vaccine safety cannot be entirely trusted.
The key to understanding, preventing and curing infectious diseases as well as conditions that might be related to vaccinations....Read more...find links to cited documents and reports at:
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Palm Beach Post Exclusive: Jailed juveniles' doctors draw Medicaid inquiry
Drugging juveniles: Doctors hired to evaluate kids in state custody have taken huge payments from drug companies
By Michael LaForgia
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 9:39 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Posted: 7:19 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The state Attorney General's Office is looking into whether doctors who have contracted with Florida's Juvenile Justice Department committed Medicaid fraud while working for the state.
Attorney General Pam Bondi's office is contacting Juvenile Justice and other agencies to gather information, Bondi spokeswoman Jennifer Krell Davis said Tuesday. She stressed that the effort has just begun, and it was uncertain what the review might turn up.
"If any information comes to light that would indicate Medicaid fraud, then we would certainly investigate any of those activities," Davis said. FULL STORY
Since doping kids has never been anything but a FRAUD from day 1, it shouldn't be too difficult to prove. Ornery kids need spankings, not dope.
By Michael LaForgia
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 9:39 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Posted: 7:19 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The state Attorney General's Office is looking into whether doctors who have contracted with Florida's Juvenile Justice Department committed Medicaid fraud while working for the state.
Attorney General Pam Bondi's office is contacting Juvenile Justice and other agencies to gather information, Bondi spokeswoman Jennifer Krell Davis said Tuesday. She stressed that the effort has just begun, and it was uncertain what the review might turn up.
"If any information comes to light that would indicate Medicaid fraud, then we would certainly investigate any of those activities," Davis said. FULL STORY
Since doping kids has never been anything but a FRAUD from day 1, it shouldn't be too difficult to prove. Ornery kids need spankings, not dope.
Liberty Quotes
"Since National Socialism came to power, I have striven to make its consequences milder for its victims and to prepare the way for a change. In that, my conscience drove me -- and in the end, that is a man's duty." -Helmuth James [Helmuth James Graf von Moltke] (1907-1945) Count of Moltke, German jurist, executed by Nazi government for 'treason' Source: January 1945, in a letter written while in custody before being executed, he revealed his motivation for resistance to his two sons.
"Today, not a numerous, but an active part of the German people are beginning to realize, not that they have been led astray, not that bad times await them, not that the war may end in defeat, but that what is happening is sin and that they are personally responsible for each terrible deed that has been committed -naturally, not in the earthly sense, but as Christians." -Helmuth James [Helmuth James Graf von Moltke] (1907-1945) Count of Moltke, German jurist, executed by Nazi government for 'treason' Source: 1942 letter smuggled to a British friend Lionel Curtis
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Former DCF Secretary Reacts to Negative Media
Posted: 11:11 PM May 24, 2011
The Florida Department of Children and Families has been under a microscope after a string of foster care tragedies and unexpected layoffs.
Reporter: Amy Long
The Florida Department of Children and Families has been under a microscope after a string of foster care tragedies and unexpected layoffs.
Back in March, a DCF employee was put behind bars accused of sexually molesting two children in Tallahassee.
In April, two state welfare employees were fired when a child was found dead in her foster father's truck in Miami.
DCF officials said they were rethinking their strategies and then turned around and slashed 500 administrative employees positions this week (5/24/2011).
Former DCF secretary, George Sheldon says the bad press is frustrating but not alarming. "I began to see it when I was in the agency as the economy worsens as the unemployment got tougher you begin to see an increase in abuse and an increase in severity of abuse." says Sheldon.
Sheldon adds, the people who work in the agency have some of the hardest jobs in Florida and the only time they are brought up is when something bad happens.
I left a comment there-
RE: ".... the only time they are brought up is when something bad happens."
Oh no it isn't. We are on their case 365 days a year. If we had our way, they would be in prison for their Federal crimes against families-
The Florida Department of Children and Families has been under a microscope after a string of foster care tragedies and unexpected layoffs.
Reporter: Amy Long
The Florida Department of Children and Families has been under a microscope after a string of foster care tragedies and unexpected layoffs.
Back in March, a DCF employee was put behind bars accused of sexually molesting two children in Tallahassee.
In April, two state welfare employees were fired when a child was found dead in her foster father's truck in Miami.
DCF officials said they were rethinking their strategies and then turned around and slashed 500 administrative employees positions this week (5/24/2011).
Former DCF secretary, George Sheldon says the bad press is frustrating but not alarming. "I began to see it when I was in the agency as the economy worsens as the unemployment got tougher you begin to see an increase in abuse and an increase in severity of abuse." says Sheldon.
Sheldon adds, the people who work in the agency have some of the hardest jobs in Florida and the only time they are brought up is when something bad happens.
I left a comment there-
RE: ".... the only time they are brought up is when something bad happens."
Oh no it isn't. We are on their case 365 days a year. If we had our way, they would be in prison for their Federal crimes against families-
Child Death Exposes Failure of Attorney General’s Office
Published on May 24, 2011
By Ralph De La Cruz
Florida Center for Investigative Reporting
Richard Wexler left a great comment there. I left a nice comment too-
How about we take a shot at what the REAL problem is- The moral breakdown in America. What are we going to do about the immorality that is at the root of the problem?
Obviously, this business of single women having babies with a running string of “baby daddies” and irresponsible dangerous animal boyfriends is the problem.
We truly are returning to the Cave Man. How is converting to a coercive fascist society a solution?
By Ralph De La Cruz
Florida Center for Investigative Reporting
Richard Wexler left a great comment there. I left a nice comment too-
How about we take a shot at what the REAL problem is- The moral breakdown in America. What are we going to do about the immorality that is at the root of the problem?
Obviously, this business of single women having babies with a running string of “baby daddies” and irresponsible dangerous animal boyfriends is the problem.
We truly are returning to the Cave Man. How is converting to a coercive fascist society a solution?
Editorial exclusive: Protect the children
Community must be vigilant, resources should not be cut
2:08 PM, May. 22, 2011
There's good news - so far - for child protective services in Southwest Florida, but our community must let Gov. Rick Scott know we want no veto holes punched in protections for some of our most vulnerable people.
Our fear is that if proposed funding is cut, we lose some of the progress made against child abuse and neglect, which claimed the lives of more than 40 children in Southwest Florida from 1998 to 2008 in cases known to the state Department of Children and Families. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
It must take a lot of gaul to publish a pro-CPS story after what has been happening to kids in CPS custody lately. We would rather see the CPS agents in prison for their Federal Crimes against families-
Richard Wexler of NCCPR published an interesting white paper-
THE EVIDENCE IS IN- Foster Care vs. Keeping Families Together: The Definitive Studies
"....In fact, many children now trapped in foster care would be far better off if they remained with their own families even if those families got only the typical help (which tends to be little help, wrong help, or no help) commonly offered by child welfare agencies."
2:08 PM, May. 22, 2011
There's good news - so far - for child protective services in Southwest Florida, but our community must let Gov. Rick Scott know we want no veto holes punched in protections for some of our most vulnerable people.
Our fear is that if proposed funding is cut, we lose some of the progress made against child abuse and neglect, which claimed the lives of more than 40 children in Southwest Florida from 1998 to 2008 in cases known to the state Department of Children and Families. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
It must take a lot of gaul to publish a pro-CPS story after what has been happening to kids in CPS custody lately. We would rather see the CPS agents in prison for their Federal Crimes against families-
Richard Wexler of NCCPR published an interesting white paper-
THE EVIDENCE IS IN- Foster Care vs. Keeping Families Together: The Definitive Studies
"....In fact, many children now trapped in foster care would be far better off if they remained with their own families even if those families got only the typical help (which tends to be little help, wrong help, or no help) commonly offered by child welfare agencies."
Maine, Tribes Agree to Examine Past Child Welfare Abuses
05/24/2011 Reported By: Jay Field
Main Public Broadcasting
The long struggle in Maine to document mistreatment suffered by native American children in the state's child welfare system took another step forward today. On Indian Island, Gov. Paul LePage and the four remaining Wabanaki tribes signed an agreement to set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to uncover past abuses and devise policies to ensure that they never happen again.
...."You know, our Declaration of Independence says that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," said Gov. Paul LePage, who joined tribal leaders in signing the document. LePage's participation in the ceremony added an element of pathos to the day. At age 11, Maine's governor was forced to flee his impoverished home and the abuse doled out regularly by his father.
"And frankly, happiness is in your home, whichever home that you have," he said. "It's beyond me to think that, in my case, I chose to leave home. And to think that somebody would be taken from a home, and think that it could be replaced, is beyond imagination." FULL STORY
CPS is out there kidnapping every child they can for the most absurd reasons imaginable in every state in the United States, Canada, and every westernized country in the world.
Main Public Broadcasting
The long struggle in Maine to document mistreatment suffered by native American children in the state's child welfare system took another step forward today. On Indian Island, Gov. Paul LePage and the four remaining Wabanaki tribes signed an agreement to set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to uncover past abuses and devise policies to ensure that they never happen again.
...."You know, our Declaration of Independence says that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," said Gov. Paul LePage, who joined tribal leaders in signing the document. LePage's participation in the ceremony added an element of pathos to the day. At age 11, Maine's governor was forced to flee his impoverished home and the abuse doled out regularly by his father.
"And frankly, happiness is in your home, whichever home that you have," he said. "It's beyond me to think that, in my case, I chose to leave home. And to think that somebody would be taken from a home, and think that it could be replaced, is beyond imagination." FULL STORY
CPS is out there kidnapping every child they can for the most absurd reasons imaginable in every state in the United States, Canada, and every westernized country in the world.
Mom charged with trying to sell daughter’s virginity
By Erin Alberty
The Salt Lake Tribune
First published May 23 2011 10:29PM
Updated May 23, 2011 11:54PM
A Salt Lake City woman is accused of trying to sell her 13-year-old daughter’s virginity for $10,000.
The woman’s boyfriend reported the alleged plot to police after finding text messages on the woman’s phone detailing negotiations with a man identified only as "Don," said Salt Lake County prosecutor Sim Gill. FULL STORY
I left a massive comment there-
CPS is going have a field day merchandising that kid.
"As many as 75 percent of all children in foster care, upon leaving the system, will have experienced sexual abuse. One study by Johns Hopkins University found that the rate of sexual abuse within the foster-care system is more than four times as high as in the general population; in group homes, the rate of sexual abuse is more than 28 times that of the general population." --Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings? -By Orlow, Orlow & Orlow July 17, 2009
"There are more than half a million children and youth in the U.S. foster care system today. Studies reveal that children are 11 times more likely to be abused in state care than they are in their own homes, and 7 times more likely to die as a result of abuse in the foster care system." -John Walsh Show April 16, 2003
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis
Copyright © 2009 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.
....Another high-risk situation involves high-status authority figures. As stated above, child molesters sometimes use their adult authority to give them an edge in the seduction process. Adults with an added authority (e.g., teachers, camp counselors, coaches, religious leaders, law-enforcement officers, doctors, judges [DA and child protection attorneys]) present even greater problems in the investigation of these cases. Such offenders are in a better position to seduce and manipulate victims and escape responsibility."
The Salt Lake Tribune
First published May 23 2011 10:29PM
Updated May 23, 2011 11:54PM
A Salt Lake City woman is accused of trying to sell her 13-year-old daughter’s virginity for $10,000.
The woman’s boyfriend reported the alleged plot to police after finding text messages on the woman’s phone detailing negotiations with a man identified only as "Don," said Salt Lake County prosecutor Sim Gill. FULL STORY
I left a massive comment there-
CPS is going have a field day merchandising that kid.
"As many as 75 percent of all children in foster care, upon leaving the system, will have experienced sexual abuse. One study by Johns Hopkins University found that the rate of sexual abuse within the foster-care system is more than four times as high as in the general population; in group homes, the rate of sexual abuse is more than 28 times that of the general population." --Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings? -By Orlow, Orlow & Orlow July 17, 2009
"There are more than half a million children and youth in the U.S. foster care system today. Studies reveal that children are 11 times more likely to be abused in state care than they are in their own homes, and 7 times more likely to die as a result of abuse in the foster care system." -John Walsh Show April 16, 2003
Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis
Copyright © 2009 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.
....Another high-risk situation involves high-status authority figures. As stated above, child molesters sometimes use their adult authority to give them an edge in the seduction process. Adults with an added authority (e.g., teachers, camp counselors, coaches, religious leaders, law-enforcement officers, doctors, judges [DA and child protection attorneys]) present even greater problems in the investigation of these cases. Such offenders are in a better position to seduce and manipulate victims and escape responsibility."
Liberty Quotes
"We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." -Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965), American Broadcast Newsman
"I believe that if we had and would keep our dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers out of the business of these nations so full of depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own -- and if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because the "haves" refuse to share with the "have-nots" by any peaceful method, at least what they get will be their own, and not the American style, which they don't want and above all don't want crammed down their throats by Americans." -General David M. Shoup Commandant of the Marine Corps 1960-63, Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Medal Source: May 14, 1966
"My policy has been, and will continue to be, while I have the honor to remain in the administration of the government, to be upon friendly terms with, but independent of, all the nations of the earth. To share in the broils of none. To fulfil our own engagements. To supply the wants, and be carriers for them all: Being thoroughly convinced that it is our policy and interest to do so." -George Washington (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country' Source: 1795 - letter to Gouverneur Morris, Ref: Washington's Maxims, 54.
Abortion Rate Down Overall, Up Among Poor Women
May 24, 2011
ABC News
The abortion rate in the United States dropped 8 percent between 2000 and 2008, while rising nearly 18 percent among the country's poorest women -- a trend that researchers believe might reflect tough economic times. Of the more than 1.2 million legal abortions reported in 2008, women whose family income fell below the national poverty level accounted for 42 percent of them. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
Not to mention that CPS is out there performing as many Retroactive abortions as they can- kidnapping as many kids as they can for the most absurd reasons.
And then running the whole thing through Unconstitutional Courts of NO DUE PROCESS where the POOR do not have a chance of getting the Truth on The Record.
May 24, 2011
ABC News
The abortion rate in the United States dropped 8 percent between 2000 and 2008, while rising nearly 18 percent among the country's poorest women -- a trend that researchers believe might reflect tough economic times. Of the more than 1.2 million legal abortions reported in 2008, women whose family income fell below the national poverty level accounted for 42 percent of them. FULL STORY
I left a nice comment there-
Not to mention that CPS is out there performing as many Retroactive abortions as they can- kidnapping as many kids as they can for the most absurd reasons.
And then running the whole thing through Unconstitutional Courts of NO DUE PROCESS where the POOR do not have a chance of getting the Truth on The Record.
State performs better in new child welfare report
A federal report card on how well the state Children's Administration is meeting national standards for child safety and welfare has been released, and while there is definitely room for improvement in almost every area, the administration performed better overall in the 2010 review than in the previous review.
By Christine Clarridge
Seattle Times staff reporter
Originally published Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:02 PM
I left a nice comment there-
One of my favorite sayings of all time is "You can't turn a turd into a steak, no matter how much A1 sauce you use". CPS is no steak.
On the NCCPR website, Richard has a wonderful white paper "THE EVIDENCE IS IN: FOSTER CARE VS. KEEPING FAMILIES TOGETHER: THE DEFINITIVE STUDIES." Well worth the read-
By Christine Clarridge
Seattle Times staff reporter
Originally published Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:02 PM
I left a nice comment there-
One of my favorite sayings of all time is "You can't turn a turd into a steak, no matter how much A1 sauce you use". CPS is no steak.
On the NCCPR website, Richard has a wonderful white paper "THE EVIDENCE IS IN: FOSTER CARE VS. KEEPING FAMILIES TOGETHER: THE DEFINITIVE STUDIES." Well worth the read-
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Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American children?
Foster Families Examiner
Marilyn Harrison
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American children? 1/7
May 21st, 2011 8:12 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American children? 2/7
May 21st, 2011 8:37 pm CDT
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May 22nd, 2011 3:40 pm EDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 4/7
May 22nd, 2011 2:51 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 5/7
May 22nd, 2011 3:17 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The drugging of American children? 6/7
May 24th, 2011
Foster Parents; Did you know? The drugging of American children? 7/7
May 24th, 2011
Marilyn Harrison
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American children? 1/7
May 21st, 2011 8:12 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American children? 2/7
May 21st, 2011 8:37 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 3/7
May 22nd, 2011 3:40 pm EDT
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May 22nd, 2011 2:51 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The Drugging of American Children? 5/7
May 22nd, 2011 3:17 pm CDT
Foster Parents; Did you know? The drugging of American children? 6/7
May 24th, 2011
Foster Parents; Did you know? The drugging of American children? 7/7
May 24th, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Failed Welfare Experiment
Tuesday, 24 May 2011, 10:45 am
Press Release: Libertarianz Party
The Failed Welfare Experiment
“New Zealand’s most destructive social policy promises more death and depravity to come,” said Peter Osborne, Libertarianz Spokesman for Social Welfare today, in response to released figures on child abuse.
Mr Osborne wonders how long the madness must continue before New Zealanders tell the government to butt out. “If the ‘Welfare State’ is a social experiment then it is time to call it off. The results are in. Unfortunately it is not an experiment at all but merely an avenue by which government may interfere further into our lives and an excuse to put their hands deeper into our pockets.”
“If we examine the concept of state instilled social welfarism, we will see that the results of child neglect, abuse and murder were always a strong probability. If you wish to degrade a person’s self worth, the first step is to make them dependent. The Welfare State achieves this en masse by downplaying the significance of going on welfare. It is a trap; a demotivator; an avenue to self devaluation and hatred. Now that it has become intergenerational we are seeing the worst that humanity has to offer: murderers and abusers of children.”
Osborne concludes, “What we need to realise is that the Welfare State is only a part of the greater problem of government control. From the information fed into our children’s minds to how we may fund our retirement. From what we may ingest into our own bodies to what we may peaceably do on our own properties. The contrived, permission-seeking existence we abide today does nothing to raise the human spirit. It is truly pathetic and I fear it will not be long before New Zealanders willingly accept CCTV cameras into their living rooms.”
What the communist government has been doing in New Zealand is even worse than here. But not that much worse. It's about as bad as it can get in every westernized country before the people declare WAR on the sonsabitches. I personally have been at WAR with them since 1999.
Press Release: Libertarianz Party
The Failed Welfare Experiment
“New Zealand’s most destructive social policy promises more death and depravity to come,” said Peter Osborne, Libertarianz Spokesman for Social Welfare today, in response to released figures on child abuse.
Mr Osborne wonders how long the madness must continue before New Zealanders tell the government to butt out. “If the ‘Welfare State’ is a social experiment then it is time to call it off. The results are in. Unfortunately it is not an experiment at all but merely an avenue by which government may interfere further into our lives and an excuse to put their hands deeper into our pockets.”
“If we examine the concept of state instilled social welfarism, we will see that the results of child neglect, abuse and murder were always a strong probability. If you wish to degrade a person’s self worth, the first step is to make them dependent. The Welfare State achieves this en masse by downplaying the significance of going on welfare. It is a trap; a demotivator; an avenue to self devaluation and hatred. Now that it has become intergenerational we are seeing the worst that humanity has to offer: murderers and abusers of children.”
Osborne concludes, “What we need to realise is that the Welfare State is only a part of the greater problem of government control. From the information fed into our children’s minds to how we may fund our retirement. From what we may ingest into our own bodies to what we may peaceably do on our own properties. The contrived, permission-seeking existence we abide today does nothing to raise the human spirit. It is truly pathetic and I fear it will not be long before New Zealanders willingly accept CCTV cameras into their living rooms.”
What the communist government has been doing in New Zealand is even worse than here. But not that much worse. It's about as bad as it can get in every westernized country before the people declare WAR on the sonsabitches. I personally have been at WAR with them since 1999.
Mother battles Michigan over daughter's medication
By COREY WILLIAMS, Associated Press – Sun May 22, 5:57 pm ET
DETROIT – Frustration over her physically impaired daughter's medical care led Maryanne Godboldo to lash out at what she considered state interference and into a 12-hour standoff when Detroit police came to take the girl away.
When it ended, the unemployed mother was in handcuffs; her daughter placed in a psychiatric hospital for children.
Godboldo now is locked in a bitter battle with Michigan's Department of Human Services over her right to determine whether the girl should continue taking the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal and the government's responsibility to look after the child's welfare.
Godboldo doesn't trust doctors much — she blames some of the girl's past medical problems on possible physician negligence and complications from childhood immunizations, but did not name the doctors or release her daughter's medical records to The Associated Press. She claims the girl has responded better to holistic treatment that does not include Risperdal.
But the state is not budging on its assertion that without the proper medication, Ariana is at risk.
"Our mandate is to go into court and prove there is medical neglect," said Human Services Director Maura Corrigan, who declined to speak directly about Godboldo's case due to the ongoing court proceedings. FULL STORY
DETROIT – Frustration over her physically impaired daughter's medical care led Maryanne Godboldo to lash out at what she considered state interference and into a 12-hour standoff when Detroit police came to take the girl away.
When it ended, the unemployed mother was in handcuffs; her daughter placed in a psychiatric hospital for children.
Godboldo now is locked in a bitter battle with Michigan's Department of Human Services over her right to determine whether the girl should continue taking the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal and the government's responsibility to look after the child's welfare.
Godboldo doesn't trust doctors much — she blames some of the girl's past medical problems on possible physician negligence and complications from childhood immunizations, but did not name the doctors or release her daughter's medical records to The Associated Press. She claims the girl has responded better to holistic treatment that does not include Risperdal.
But the state is not budging on its assertion that without the proper medication, Ariana is at risk.
"Our mandate is to go into court and prove there is medical neglect," said Human Services Director Maura Corrigan, who declined to speak directly about Godboldo's case due to the ongoing court proceedings. FULL STORY
Social Services Conducts Foster Care Recruitment Meeting, Exposes Deeper Community Issues
Next recruitment meeting set for 6:30 p.m. on Monday at the Essex Library.
By Todd Crandell
Essex-Middle River Patch
I left a nice comment there-
It is a shame these prospective new fosters aren't getting a solid warning about he possibility of ending up falsely accused and legally liable, jobless, unemployable, and homeless.
CPS has no friends, and they eat their own. They destroy every life they touch.
By Todd Crandell
Essex-Middle River Patch
I left a nice comment there-
It is a shame these prospective new fosters aren't getting a solid warning about he possibility of ending up falsely accused and legally liable, jobless, unemployable, and homeless.
CPS has no friends, and they eat their own. They destroy every life they touch.
Is the economy behind our child abuse spike?
Posted: Monday, May 23, 2011 12:12 am
By Mike Butts
©2011 Idaho Press-Tribune
I left a nice comment there-
Is the economy behind our child abuse spike?
No. Increased REPORTS are being caused by lapdog media harping on the subject and pumping it up to sound worse than it is. Case in point is the sidebar to this story.
Last month was "Child Abuse Awareness Month" and this month is Foster Care Month, and the template for these stories are SUPPLIED by the agencies to "give a local flavor" to the talking points.
With an 85% false allegation rate, it would seem like eventually this insane kidnapping system would just fade away and end up in the trash heap of history.
By Mike Butts
©2011 Idaho Press-Tribune
I left a nice comment there-
Is the economy behind our child abuse spike?
No. Increased REPORTS are being caused by lapdog media harping on the subject and pumping it up to sound worse than it is. Case in point is the sidebar to this story.
Last month was "Child Abuse Awareness Month" and this month is Foster Care Month, and the template for these stories are SUPPLIED by the agencies to "give a local flavor" to the talking points.
With an 85% false allegation rate, it would seem like eventually this insane kidnapping system would just fade away and end up in the trash heap of history.
State hires hundreds of workers to help children
May 23, 2011
I left a nice comment there-
UPDATE. My comment removed. They didn't like what I had to say. It was about the 60% quit rate in a half year and close to 100% per year due to the Federal Fraud and violation of Constitutional Rights they are expected to do.
I left a nice comment there-
UPDATE. My comment removed. They didn't like what I had to say. It was about the 60% quit rate in a half year and close to 100% per year due to the Federal Fraud and violation of Constitutional Rights they are expected to do.
Foster care finance reform: A Welcome-to-Washington present for George Sheldon
Richard Wexler
Monday, May 23, 2011
Foster care finance reform: A Welcome-to-Washington present for George Sheldon
Child welfare waiver legislation introduced in Senate
Sunday, May 22, 2011
More suspected child abuse being reported
By Ashley Meeks
Posted: 05/21/2011 11:03:33 PM MDT
Silver City Sun New
LAS CRUCES New Mexico - Of 4,741 reports of child abuse in Doña Ana County last year, just 745 - 15.7 percent - were substantiated, according to a Children, Youth and Families Department draft report.
That's a sign that people aren't willing to keep suspected abuse quiet, said Dr. Earl Nissen, a member of the CYFD Advisory Board.
"Even if we have all these unsubstantiated reports right now, we've saved 144 kids who are in custody (of foster families) that wouldn't be reported otherwise," Nissen said. "That's a good thing."
Most of those reports of abuse in Doña Ana County alleged that children were being physically neglected. Of 3,178 such reports, only 583, or 18.3 percent were found to have merit. The rates of substantiated physical abuse and sexual abuse claims were even lower: Of 1,440 reports of physical abuse, just 152 were substantiated, while 10 of the 123 claims of sexual abuse had merit, according to the draft report. FULL STORY
This article needs a different title. Perhaps FALSE REPORTING IS PANDEMIC. Actually, this is STILL the approximate 85% false allegation rate I reported about a year ago- "85% of all child abuse reports are unfounded"
What other population receives this level of harassment?
And why should we tolerate it?
Posted: 05/21/2011 11:03:33 PM MDT
Silver City Sun New
LAS CRUCES New Mexico - Of 4,741 reports of child abuse in Doña Ana County last year, just 745 - 15.7 percent - were substantiated, according to a Children, Youth and Families Department draft report.
That's a sign that people aren't willing to keep suspected abuse quiet, said Dr. Earl Nissen, a member of the CYFD Advisory Board.
"Even if we have all these unsubstantiated reports right now, we've saved 144 kids who are in custody (of foster families) that wouldn't be reported otherwise," Nissen said. "That's a good thing."
Most of those reports of abuse in Doña Ana County alleged that children were being physically neglected. Of 3,178 such reports, only 583, or 18.3 percent were found to have merit. The rates of substantiated physical abuse and sexual abuse claims were even lower: Of 1,440 reports of physical abuse, just 152 were substantiated, while 10 of the 123 claims of sexual abuse had merit, according to the draft report. FULL STORY
This article needs a different title. Perhaps FALSE REPORTING IS PANDEMIC. Actually, this is STILL the approximate 85% false allegation rate I reported about a year ago- "85% of all child abuse reports are unfounded"
What other population receives this level of harassment?
And why should we tolerate it?
No help for grown-up foster kids shows report
Last Updated: May 23, 2011
From: AAP
May 23, 2011 9:11AM
Australia- ALMOST 70 per cent of young people who leave foster and other forms of out-of-home care are unable to make a successful transition to independence, a survey by an advocacy group has found.
More than 35,000 Australian children and young people are cared for outside their home, including foster care, residential care and care by other relatives or family friends, says the Create Foundation.
"Through no fault of their own, children and young people may be placed in care due to neglect or abuse, and are more likely to be undereducated, homeless, become a parent at a younger age, or be involved in the juvenile justice system," foundation spokesman and survey author Joseph McDowall said.
The survey found 68 per cent of children in out-of-home care had no family or friends to fall back on when they tried to make the transition to independence.
Of 605 young people who took part in the survey this year, only 190 (31.4 per cent) reported having a plan for leaving care.
The remaining 415 were not receiving adequate guidance about safe accommodation, work or education options.
"The findings clearly indicate that as a modern, developed nation Australia has a long way to go in terms of leaving care planning," Dr McDowall said.
It was entirely different in the UK and in the US, where dedicated care workers were assigned to help young people in care become independent, he said. FULL STORY
Not that long ago, I recall publishing practically identical figures for the US. And I am totally unaware of ANY such thing as"dedicated care workers" helping kids become independent.
From: AAP
May 23, 2011 9:11AM
Australia- ALMOST 70 per cent of young people who leave foster and other forms of out-of-home care are unable to make a successful transition to independence, a survey by an advocacy group has found.
More than 35,000 Australian children and young people are cared for outside their home, including foster care, residential care and care by other relatives or family friends, says the Create Foundation.
"Through no fault of their own, children and young people may be placed in care due to neglect or abuse, and are more likely to be undereducated, homeless, become a parent at a younger age, or be involved in the juvenile justice system," foundation spokesman and survey author Joseph McDowall said.
The survey found 68 per cent of children in out-of-home care had no family or friends to fall back on when they tried to make the transition to independence.
Of 605 young people who took part in the survey this year, only 190 (31.4 per cent) reported having a plan for leaving care.
The remaining 415 were not receiving adequate guidance about safe accommodation, work or education options.
"The findings clearly indicate that as a modern, developed nation Australia has a long way to go in terms of leaving care planning," Dr McDowall said.
It was entirely different in the UK and in the US, where dedicated care workers were assigned to help young people in care become independent, he said. FULL STORY
Not that long ago, I recall publishing practically identical figures for the US. And I am totally unaware of ANY such thing as"dedicated care workers" helping kids become independent.
Huge doses of potent antipsychotics flow into state jails for troubled kids
Drugging juveniles: Doctors hired to evaluate kids in state custody have taken huge payments from drug companies
By Michael LaForgia
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 22, 2011
Posted: 7:51 p.m. Saturday, May 21, 2011
Florida has plied children in state juvenile jails with heavy doses of powerful antipsychotic medications.
The pills, widely viewed as the "big guns" of psychiatry, can cause suicidal thoughts and other dangerous side effects.
Yet, in state-run jails and residential programs, antipsychotics were among the top drugs bought for kids - and they routinely were doled out for reasons that never were approved by federal regulators, a Palm Beach Post investigation has found. FULL STORY
Somebody long ago named this a Pharmacaust. I maintained a page about it for a while until I forgot about it-
Doping the Kids- The Pharmacaust
"Psychiatry is to medicine what astrology is to astronomy" - Leonard Roy Frank
By Michael LaForgia
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Updated: 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 22, 2011
Posted: 7:51 p.m. Saturday, May 21, 2011
Florida has plied children in state juvenile jails with heavy doses of powerful antipsychotic medications.
The pills, widely viewed as the "big guns" of psychiatry, can cause suicidal thoughts and other dangerous side effects.
Yet, in state-run jails and residential programs, antipsychotics were among the top drugs bought for kids - and they routinely were doled out for reasons that never were approved by federal regulators, a Palm Beach Post investigation has found. FULL STORY
Somebody long ago named this a Pharmacaust. I maintained a page about it for a while until I forgot about it-
Doping the Kids- The Pharmacaust
"Psychiatry is to medicine what astrology is to astronomy" - Leonard Roy Frank
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