Affiliates flee amid 'ultimate evidence chief concern making money'
November 30, 2012
....“This mandate will no doubt result in an increase in revenue for Planned Parenthood as well as an increase in the more than 329,000 lives the abortion chain ends in one year. Does that sound like women’s health?”
Friday, November 30, 2012
Astounding: Miss America contestant will have both breasts removed, and she doesn't have cancer
Thursday, November 29, 2012
by: Jon Rappoport
(NaturalNews) Allyn Rose, 24, has announced she'll have a double mastectomy after the Miss America pageant is over.
She doesn't have cancer.
"If I were to win [the contest]...I would have this incredible platform to speak to my generation..." Rose said.
Rose has been making the rounds of media outlets, announcing her intention, promoting what can only be called the medically-assisted culture of self-mutilation.
Read Mike Adams' devastating article about the new study showing mammograms produce vast over-diagnosis of non-existent cancers, leading to cut-burn-poison treatments.
by: Jon Rappoport
(NaturalNews) Allyn Rose, 24, has announced she'll have a double mastectomy after the Miss America pageant is over.
She doesn't have cancer.
"If I were to win [the contest]...I would have this incredible platform to speak to my generation..." Rose said.
Rose has been making the rounds of media outlets, announcing her intention, promoting what can only be called the medically-assisted culture of self-mutilation.
Read Mike Adams' devastating article about the new study showing mammograms produce vast over-diagnosis of non-existent cancers, leading to cut-burn-poison treatments.
Parental Alienation is Child Abuse- What You Can Do
Parental Alienation is Child Abuse What You Can Do |
November 30, 2012 | ||||||||||||||||
Fathers and Families | PO Box 270760 | Boston, MA 02127
American Minute with Bill Federer Nov. 29 - "The safest road to Hell is the gradual one..." - C.S. Lewis
meriSearch, Inc | PO Box 20163 | St. Louis | MO | 63123
America’s Pediatricians Claim the Right to Contracept Your Kids
Parents are Not to Know (But They are Expected to Pay)
By Steven W. Mosher Weekly Briefing: 2012 (v14)
Population Research Institute
The day before Thanksgiving, I got a call from a harried reporter. “The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a statement on “Emergency Contraception,” he said. “I’d like to get your take on it.”
The 10-page document turns out to be a full-throated endorsement of what is euphemistically called “Plan B” (levonorgestrel manufactured by Teva Women’s Health) for kids of all ages. The current FDA rules, which limit emergency contraception to young women 17 years or older, are too restrictive, the document argues.
Those of us (including, I am guessing, a number of pediatricians) who conscientiously object to flooding immature teenage bodies with powerful, steroid-based drugs will not accept this statement on multiple grounds.
....Perhaps the most egregious claim of a statement which makes many such claims is that "at the policy level, pediatricians should advocate for increased non-prescription access to emergency contraception for teenagers regardless of age and for insurance coverage of emergency contraception to reduce cost barriers." Allowing 13-year-olds to buy steroid-based drugs without their parents’ foreknowledge and consent is a violation of parents’ rights and is also not in the best interest of the teenagers themselves.
Finally, someone needs to realize how much of this is driven by the profit motive. Big Pharma pays for many of these studies which assert the purported benefits of providing drugs that they manufacture to as many people as possible at the expense of the taxpayers. Such rent-seeking is typical of the kind of bureaucratic capitalism that we now see coming to dominate the medical space under Obamacare.
By Steven W. Mosher Weekly Briefing: 2012 (v14)
Population Research Institute
The day before Thanksgiving, I got a call from a harried reporter. “The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a statement on “Emergency Contraception,” he said. “I’d like to get your take on it.”
The 10-page document turns out to be a full-throated endorsement of what is euphemistically called “Plan B” (levonorgestrel manufactured by Teva Women’s Health) for kids of all ages. The current FDA rules, which limit emergency contraception to young women 17 years or older, are too restrictive, the document argues.
Those of us (including, I am guessing, a number of pediatricians) who conscientiously object to flooding immature teenage bodies with powerful, steroid-based drugs will not accept this statement on multiple grounds.
....Perhaps the most egregious claim of a statement which makes many such claims is that "at the policy level, pediatricians should advocate for increased non-prescription access to emergency contraception for teenagers regardless of age and for insurance coverage of emergency contraception to reduce cost barriers." Allowing 13-year-olds to buy steroid-based drugs without their parents’ foreknowledge and consent is a violation of parents’ rights and is also not in the best interest of the teenagers themselves.
Finally, someone needs to realize how much of this is driven by the profit motive. Big Pharma pays for many of these studies which assert the purported benefits of providing drugs that they manufacture to as many people as possible at the expense of the taxpayers. Such rent-seeking is typical of the kind of bureaucratic capitalism that we now see coming to dominate the medical space under Obamacare.
Children Should Not Bear the Brunt of Balancing the Budget
New post on The Children's Monitor |
SuzanneCWLA | November 30, 2012 at 12:32 PM | Tags: advocacy, President Obama, Speaker Boehner
| Categories: Budget, People
| URL:
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The people who are in these programs get plenty of government money and have all the motivation in the world to keep this phony baloney kidnapping and hostage scheme going strong.
America's families have NO advocate strongly opposing this. How about YOU?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan
PUBLISHED: 18:03 EST, 28 November 2012 | UPDATED: 19:54 EST, 28 November 2012
Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ‘death pathways’.
Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.
But the Mail can reveal the practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube is being used on young patients as well as severely disabled newborn babies.
Loving husband who claimed Parkinson's drug turned him into a 'gay sex addict' wins £160,000 compensation in a French court
Here's a story that is so absurd, it makes you say "Oh for crissakes"
PUBLISHED: 06:22 EST, 29 November 2012 | UPDATED: 11:42 EST, 29 November 2012
PUBLISHED: 06:22 EST, 29 November 2012 | UPDATED: 11:42 EST, 29 November 2012
- Didier Jambart, of Nantes, France, was an upstanding member of the community before he started taking Requip
- But it soon turned him into a gambler and sex addict who sold his children's toys for cash
- His wife, who has stood by him throughout, was with him as he wept with relief in court after the ruling
Wired SKorea to stem digital addiction from age 3
Posted: Nov 28, 2012 12:26 AM PST Updated: Nov 29, 2012 6:43 AM PST
AP Technology Writer
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Park Jung-in, an 11-year-old South Korean, sleeps with her Android smartphone instead of a teddy bear. When the screen beams with a morning alarm, she wakes up, picks up her glasses and scrolls through tens of unread messages from friends, shaking off drowsiness.
Throughout the day, the gadget is in her hands whether she is in school, in the restroom or in the street as she constantly types messages to her friends. Every hour or so, she taps open an application in her phone to feed her digital hamster.
"I get nervous when the battery falls below 20 percent," Park said as she fiddled with the palm-size gadget. "I find it stressful to stay out of the wireless hotspot zone for too long."
In South Korea, where the government provides counseling programs and psychological treatment for an estimated 2 million people who cannot wean themselves from playing online computer games, youngsters such as Park have previously not been considered as potential addicts.
Here and in other parts of Asia, online addiction has long been associated with hardcore gamers who play online games for days on end, isolated from their school, work or family life and blurring the line between the real and fantasy online worlds. In a shocking 2010 case in South Korea, a 3-month-old girl died after being fed just once a day by her parents who were consumed with marathon online game sessions.
AP Technology Writer
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Park Jung-in, an 11-year-old South Korean, sleeps with her Android smartphone instead of a teddy bear. When the screen beams with a morning alarm, she wakes up, picks up her glasses and scrolls through tens of unread messages from friends, shaking off drowsiness.
Throughout the day, the gadget is in her hands whether she is in school, in the restroom or in the street as she constantly types messages to her friends. Every hour or so, she taps open an application in her phone to feed her digital hamster.
"I get nervous when the battery falls below 20 percent," Park said as she fiddled with the palm-size gadget. "I find it stressful to stay out of the wireless hotspot zone for too long."
In South Korea, where the government provides counseling programs and psychological treatment for an estimated 2 million people who cannot wean themselves from playing online computer games, youngsters such as Park have previously not been considered as potential addicts.
Here and in other parts of Asia, online addiction has long been associated with hardcore gamers who play online games for days on end, isolated from their school, work or family life and blurring the line between the real and fantasy online worlds. In a shocking 2010 case in South Korea, a 3-month-old girl died after being fed just once a day by her parents who were consumed with marathon online game sessions.
Feds: $100,000 to teach teen girls 'condom negotiation'
November 29, 2012 | 1:56 pm
Paul Bedard
Washington Secrets
The Washington Examiner
The administration is funding a $100,000 study of pregnant and "at-risk" 14-17-year-old girls on probation in Houston, Texas to determine ways to help them choose safer lifestyles and avoid pregnancy, including better "condom negotiation" tactics.
The National Institutes of Health, part of the Health and Human Services Department, is providing a University of Houston researcher the money because of the lack of study of female teen juveniles in trouble with the law.
The school said the study, "Choices - Teen: A Bundled Risk Reduction Intervention for Juvenile Justice Females," will include 30 at-risk girls, ages 14-17, on intensive probation with the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department.
The goal, said the school, is to determine if intervention programs will help the kids make better life decisions.
U.S. Birth Rate Hits Record Low
U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants
by Gretchen Livingston and D’Vera Cohn
Pew Research Center
The U.S. birth rate dipped in 2011 to the lowest ever recorded, led by a plunge in births to immigrant women since the onset of the Great Recession.
The overall U.S. birth rate, which is the annual number of births per 1,000 women in the prime childbearing ages of 15 to 44, declined 8% from 2007 to 2010. The birth rate for U.S.-born women decreased 6% during these years, but the birth rate for foreign-born women plunged 14%—more than it had declined over the entire 1990-2007 period.1 The birth rate for Mexican immigrant women fell even more, by 23%
False Memories Found to Endure
Child Abuse Defense News
by David S. Marshall
November 29, 2012
New developments in law, medicine, and psychology affecting child abuse cases. For additional news and information, visit
False Memories Found to Endure
A recent study found that false memories persisted as strongly as true memories for a period of a year and a half. The study is reported in full here and is summarized in a Scientific American blog here.
The study subjects were not children, and the false memories the experimenters induced them to form did not concern child abuse. The false memory phenomenon, though, has been the cause of many false allegations of abuse by children.
The study's finding is consistent with results of the "mousetrap studies" by Stephen Ceci and colleagues. In those studies children were misled to believe they had experienced an injury and a trip to the hospital when they were younger. At the end of the study, when their parents explained to them that they had been tricked by the researchers—that in fact they had never had a finger caught in a mousetrap—many of the children rejected their parents' correction and continued to insist this had happened to them.
by David S. Marshall
November 29, 2012
New developments in law, medicine, and psychology affecting child abuse cases. For additional news and information, visit
False Memories Found to Endure
A recent study found that false memories persisted as strongly as true memories for a period of a year and a half. The study is reported in full here and is summarized in a Scientific American blog here.
The study subjects were not children, and the false memories the experimenters induced them to form did not concern child abuse. The false memory phenomenon, though, has been the cause of many false allegations of abuse by children.
The study's finding is consistent with results of the "mousetrap studies" by Stephen Ceci and colleagues. In those studies children were misled to believe they had experienced an injury and a trip to the hospital when they were younger. At the end of the study, when their parents explained to them that they had been tricked by the researchers—that in fact they had never had a finger caught in a mousetrap—many of the children rejected their parents' correction and continued to insist this had happened to them.
Child Abuse Defense News is a publication of
For additional information, contact David S. Marshall by phone at (206) 826-1400 or email at
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Copyright 2012 David S. Marshall
Parental Rights- URGENT: Senate Vote Set - Call Now!
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November 29, 2012
URGENT: Senate Vote Set - Call Now!
We have just received word that the U.S. Senate will hold a straight up or down vote on Tuesday, December 4,
on whether or not the United States should ratify the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). If 2/3 of
the senators present vote yes, the United States will ratify this UN does not oppose the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We do not oppose the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We appreciate that these laws safeguard the rights of parents whose children have disabilities. But we oppose the CRPD for the simple principle that Americans should make the law for America. It is wrong for the United States to ratify a United Nations treaty that will give up our sovereignty to unelected, unaccountable UN bureaucrats. We have been told that the pro-CRPD side is waging one of the most aggressive, organized lobbying campaigns ever. The U.S. State Department and Obama Administration officials are pressuring individual senators to support the CRPD. It is crucial that senators on our side hear from you, your friends, your family, and from anyone who opposes giving the UN power over our nation, and over our precious children and family members who have disabilities. Please call your two U.S. Senators today, tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday. You can reach them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, or you can find your Senators’ phone numbers by clicking on your state at Senators Lee (UT), Toomey (PA), Paul (KY), and DeMint (SC) are leading the charge to stop the CRPD, so it is not necessary to call them. We are confident that the other 32 Republican Senators who opposed moving to debate on the CRPD on Monday will also vote against the treaty, but we believe that you should call them anyway to encourage them in the face of strong opposition. Please give them some or all of this message: “I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN bureaucrats and will threaten parental care of children with disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect disabled Americans. This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families. If the Senate ratifies this treaty, it would be the first time ever that the U.S. has ratified a treaty that obligates us to recognize economic, social, and cultural entitlements as rights under domestic law.” Then, please forward this email to your friends and family and urge them to also call. Please also post this information on social media to help get the word out to every parent and freedom-loving person in America. For more information on the dangers of this treaty please visit our CRPD page here. There are three full business days left to defeat this treaty and preserve U.S. sovereignty and parental rights. Please keep calling. And please keep praying. For Liberty, Michael Farris, Esq., LL.M. President, |
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