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The Top 5 5 Potential Addictions We Sometimes Overlook 4 Ways Social Media Can Enable Sex Addiction Sometimes it’s diving in impulsively without understanding the consequences that poses a threat to individuals. Technology is such a case. Learn how social media can contribute to things like narcissism and sex addiction. Finding the Middle Path Seeing things as black or white can create unnecessary drama and hardship in your life. Discover how following the middle path can help you manage emotions, learn to be more accepting of yourself and others, and make better life decisions. Mixing Meds and Alcohol Most psychiatric drugs bear some version of the warning: “Do not drink alcoholic beverages when taking this medication.” In reality, though, many people taking psych meds drink anyway. Distortions of Psychiatric Illness on TV Television has been flooded in recent years with “reality” shows about psychological disorders. From OCD to compulsive hoarding sufferers, documentary-style programs have attempted to capture the experiences of these individuals. News & Views A Greater Role for Grandpa in Parenting Can We Communicate Emotions By Smell? Smell may be telling us more than we realize. New Study: Early Treatment Helps Autism Early treatment for children with autism spectrum disorders can significantly improve behavior, stimulate communication and enhance brain function. Friends' Perceptions Influence Women's Body Image Young women’s body perceptions are influenced by how they believe their friends — or peers — judge their body. Managing Everyday Stress Key to Future Health Stress in and of itself does not damage our health, rather it is our reactions to the everyday stressors that govern whether we will suffer health consequences. Don't Ignore Doubts About Marriage Couples about to tie the knot shouldn’t ignore nagging doubts about getting married. World of Psychology What Many People Don't Get About Mental Illness Introducing the Bonding Time Blog Psych Central is pleased to introduce Bonding Time with Holly Brown, LMFT. The blog centers around the importance of attachment and emotional bonds, and how we struggle to stay connected to our partners, our children and ourselves. Resilience After Hurricane Sandy When life takes a nosedive, resilience needs to be your middle name. How to Have the Sex Talk With Your Kids Kids are going to learn about sex whether parents talk to them about it or not. With that in mind, here are some simple tips for talking to your kids about sex. 3 Simple Strategies to Ease Fears The simplest strategy to reduce your fear is to make friends with it. Befriending fear is incredibly effective because it short-circuits our natural desire to run when we’re faced with something scary. What to Do When You Feel Blah About Your Job According to a 2011 survey, 57% of women and 59% of men were dissatisfied with their jobs. The key is to dig deeper, and see how you can improve your work situation — and ultimately your life. Two seasoned coaches share their wisdom. Best of our Blogs Lessons From a Disney Princess A Brain Isn't An Organ But An Organization (360 of Mindful Living) – This enlightening post should change the way you think not just about your brain, but who you really are. Depression: Meditate, Medicate or Both? (Mindfulness and Psychotherapy) - Depression doesn’t usually occur alone and is often mixed with other issues such as anxiety and panic. So what do we do: medicate, meditate or both? Sensitivity: An Itchy ADHD Issue (ADHD Man of Distraction) - Kelly Babcock is sensitive to irritants. He's talking about labels in clothes and perfume and iron-on graphics on shirts and cheap socks that twist in odd ways. Learning How to Greet Stress When It Arrives (Mentoring and Recovery) - Are you pleased with your ability to handle stress, or do you want to continue to work on this area of your life? Join our daily conversation on Facebook Follow us on Twitter |
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