Man accused of slapping crying boy on Delta flight is out of a job
From Ric Ward and Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 12:32 PM EST, Mon February 18, 2013

According to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta last week, the boy's mother, Jessica Bennett, 33, of Minnesota and her son were seated in row 28, seat B, on Delta Flight 721 that originated in Minneapolis.
She spent part of the flight in the rear of the plane to get away from Hundley, who she said smelled like alcohol and was slurring his speech, according to Thompson.
As the plane began its descent into Atlanta, the boy began to cry because of the altitude change and his mother tried to soothe him.
Then Hundley, who was seated next to the mother and son, allegedly told her to "shut that (N-word) baby up."
Hundley then turned around and slapped the child in the face with an open hand, which caused him to scream even louder, an FBI affidavit said.
The boy suffered a scratch below his right eye.
Other passengers on the plane assisted Bennett, and one of them heard the slur and witnessed the alleged assault, the affidavit said.
The cranky old coot has lost his GOOD job and is facing AT LEAST one year in jail. Perhaps since this story has some media exposure, CPS won't come at the mother for "failure to protect", which would be normal CPS operation procedure.
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