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NATIONAL: Presidential Proclamation National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2013
Here you will find the official proclamation from United States President, Barack Obama, announcing April 2013 to be National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The President asks the country to observe this month with programs and activities focused on the prevention of child abuse and to provide for the physical, emotional, and developmental needs of this nations children.
Whitehouse.gov, March 29th, 2013
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NATIONAL: Foster Care and Adoption Myths Answered by Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
By: Rachel Moshman
There are currently over 100,000 children in foster care waiting for permanent homes. Rita Soronen, president and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, clears up misconceptions about what it takes to become a foster parent or to adopt from the foster care system. Many people believe they are the wrong age or do not earn enough money while there is no maximum age limit and no set income requirement. Minimum age requirements vary by state, with most being 21 but some set as low as 18.
The Examiner, March 29th, 2013
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OHIO: Mistreated Kids Might Suffer Brain Trauma
By: Rita Price
Studies have shown that violence, threats, neglect and chaos affect the development of neural systems and can make it biologically impossible for children to regulate their emotions and behavior during these traumas and later in life. According to Dr. Bruce Perry, a physician and neuroscientist, current approaches are not successful because they do not address the ways that trauma alters a developing childs brain. Most children receive one of just five diagnoses while these childrens conditions are extremely complex and individualized.
Columbus Dispatch, April 2nd, 2013
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The preceding are summaries of adoption/child welfare law news articles prepared by The National Center for
Adoption Law & Policy. These summaries are provided for your information only and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Center. We strive to print news that reflects the diversity of our readership and a variety of viewpoints
and approaches to child welfare issues. While we may not agree with a position taken, we believe in the critical
importance to our constituents of impartial reporting.
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Here you will find the official proclamation from United States President, Barack Obama, announcing April 2013 to be National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The President asks the country to observe this month with programs and activities focused on the prevention of child abuse and to provide for the physical, emotional, and developmental needs of this nations children.
Whitehouse.gov, March 29th, 2013
By: Rachel Moshman
There are currently over 100,000 children in foster care waiting for permanent homes. Rita Soronen, president and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, clears up misconceptions about what it takes to become a foster parent or to adopt from the foster care system. Many people believe they are the wrong age or do not earn enough money while there is no maximum age limit and no set income requirement. Minimum age requirements vary by state, with most being 21 but some set as low as 18.
The Examiner, March 29th, 2013
By: Rita Price
Studies have shown that violence, threats, neglect and chaos affect the development of neural systems and can make it biologically impossible for children to regulate their emotions and behavior during these traumas and later in life. According to Dr. Bruce Perry, a physician and neuroscientist, current approaches are not successful because they do not address the ways that trauma alters a developing childs brain. Most children receive one of just five diagnoses while these childrens conditions are extremely complex and individualized.
Columbus Dispatch, April 2nd, 2013
NATIONAL: My Post-Adoption Depression
By: Amy Rogers Nazarov
A March 2012 Purdue University study suggests that between 18 and 26 percent of adoptive mothers struggle with post-adoption depression, very similar to postpartum depression. This depression can be brought on by extreme fatigue, unrealistic expectations of parenthood, a lack of community support, and many other biological, psychological and social factors. There is much more overlap between mothers by adoption and mothers by birth than many realize.
Slate, April 3rd, 2013
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By: Amy Rogers Nazarov
A March 2012 Purdue University study suggests that between 18 and 26 percent of adoptive mothers struggle with post-adoption depression, very similar to postpartum depression. This depression can be brought on by extreme fatigue, unrealistic expectations of parenthood, a lack of community support, and many other biological, psychological and social factors. There is much more overlap between mothers by adoption and mothers by birth than many realize.
Slate, April 3rd, 2013
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MISSOURI: Bills Would Broaden Child Abuse Reporting
By: Nancy Cambria
As recent scandals have promoted nationwide review of how crimes against children are reported, many are hoping for Missouris mandatory reporting laws for child abuse to be revised. Senate Bill 113 is seeking to make anyone 18 and old who witnesses the sexual assault of a child a mandatory reporter. For a witness not to call authorities after witnessing such a crime it would be breaking the law. House Bill 505 would make current mandatory reporters more accountable by requiring those who witness child abuse or neglect to immediately call authorities instead of telling a supervisor as they are required to do presently.
St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 30th, 2013
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By: Nancy Cambria
As recent scandals have promoted nationwide review of how crimes against children are reported, many are hoping for Missouris mandatory reporting laws for child abuse to be revised. Senate Bill 113 is seeking to make anyone 18 and old who witnesses the sexual assault of a child a mandatory reporter. For a witness not to call authorities after witnessing such a crime it would be breaking the law. House Bill 505 would make current mandatory reporters more accountable by requiring those who witness child abuse or neglect to immediately call authorities instead of telling a supervisor as they are required to do presently.
St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 30th, 2013
For Full Article Click Here
The preceding are summaries of adoption/child welfare law news articles prepared by The National Center for
Adoption Law & Policy. These summaries are provided for your information only and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Center. We strive to print news that reflects the diversity of our readership and a variety of viewpoints
and approaches to child welfare issues. While we may not agree with a position taken, we believe in the critical
importance to our constituents of impartial reporting.
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