Youth Voting Fell in 2012
Voting among young adults has fallen since 1971, when
18-to-20-year-olds gained the right to vote. Maybe this is because many
youth feel uninformed about politics and the electoral process; a recent
study found that one-third of high school students lack a basic
understanding of how the U.S. government operates. And, youth don't feel
government and elections are relevant to things they care about. Check
out the Child Trends DataBank for newly-released indicators on youth
voting in the 2012 election. |
Why it's time to learn more about the children of LGBT parents

Since the recent Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage, life will
change for the many LGBT families in the U.S. Regardless of how the
court had ruled, though, we need more research on the outcomes for the
estimated two million children being raised by lesbian, gay, bisexual or
transgender (LGBT) parents, and the dynamics of their families. In a
recent blog post, Child Trends' Rachel Gooze and August Aldebot-Green
explain why. See the Supreme Court rulings here.

At Child Trends, our business involves information about children. How
do we balance that with children's need for privacy, especially in this
digital age? Research Scientist David Murphey describes the safeguards
we have in place to protect our research subjects, and the impact a new
update to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act will have on the
tracking of children's personal information.
Three Tips for Building Successful Mentoring Programs
Trends recently looked at evaluations of mentoring programs to
determine which practices seem most effective for the approximately
three million children and youth in structured mentoring programs. In a
new blog post, Child Trends Liz Lawner and Martha Beltz give three tips
for building successful mentoring programs, based on the synthesis they
co-authored with Senior Research Scientist Kristin Moore. Read the synthesis. |
What Works for Children and Youth
in programs for children or youth? Discover What Works, a database of
more than 600 programs that have undergone random-assignment evaluation
to find out what works, and what doesn't, in out-of-school-time
programs. You can search by age, race, program type or setting, targeted
outcome(s), and more. We've also synthesized what we've learned about
similarcategories of programs into fact sheets, located here.
Copyright © 2013 by Child Trends, Inc.
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