have a dream...where little black boys and black girls will be able to
join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as
sisters and brothers,"
stated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., AUGUST 28, 1963, at the Civil Rights March in Washington, D.C.
Martin Luther King, Jr., attended Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, Georgia, 1942-1944.
Booker T. Washington founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, stating:
"I would permit no man to degrade my soul by making me hate him...
I pity from the bottom of my heart any individual who is so unfortunate as to get into the habit of holding race prejudice."
the sight of God there is no color line, and we want to cultivate a
spirit that will make us forget that there is such a line anyway."
have always had the greatest respect for the work of the Salvation Army
especially because I have noted that it draws no color line in
Get BookerT. Washington - American HeroBooker T. Washington wrote in
Up From Slavery (1901):
"Great men cultivate love...Only little men cherish a spirit of hatred."
Booker T. Washington recruited George Washington Carver to teach at Tuskegee. Carver wrote to Robert Johnson, March 24, 1925:
"Thank God I love humanity; complexion doesn't interest me one single bit."
George W. Carver wrote to YMCA official Jack Boyd in Denver, March 1, 1927:
"Keep your hand in that of the Master, walk daily by His side, so that you may lead others into the realms of true happiness,
a religion of hate, (which poisons both body and soul) will be unknown,
having in its place the 'Golden Rule' way, which is the 'Jesus Way' of
life, will reign supreme."
Booker T. Washington warned in
My Larger Education-Being Chapters from My Experience (1911, ch. V: The Intellectuals and the Boston Mob, p. 118):
is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the
troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the
Having learned that they are able to make a living out
of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising
their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it
Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs...
is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only
an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which
to make themselves prominent before the public."
Franklin D. Roosevelt warned Congress, January 3, 1940:
that set group against group, faith against faith, race against race,
class against class, fanning the fires of hatred in men too despondent,
too desperate to think for themselves, were used as rabble-rousing
slogans on which dictators could ride to power.
And once in power they could saddle their tyrannies on whole nations."
FDR stated in a radio address for a Birthday Ball for Crippled Children, January 30, 1940:
"The answer to class hatred, race hatred, religious hatred...is the free expression of the love of our fellow men."
FDR stated in a Campaign Address at Brooklyn, New York, November
1, 1940:
forces...oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy...We are a
nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions - bound
together by...the unity of freedom and equality.
Whoever seeks
to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all
nationalities. Whoever seeks to set one race against another seeks to
enslave all races...
So-called racial voting blocs are the creation of designing politicians who profess to be able to deliver them on Election Day."
FDR's Radio prayed on United Flag Day, June 14, 1942:
"Grant us victory over the tyrants who would enslave all free men...
We can make...a planet...undivided by senseless distinctions of race."
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said August 28, 1963:
"In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and
discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into
physical violence....
New militancy which has engulfed the
Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for
many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today,
have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny
and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.
We cannot walk alone."
On April 16, 1963, Rev. King wrote:
"I stand in the middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community.
One is a force of complacency...
The other force is one of bitterness and hatred, and it comes perilously close to advocating violence.
is expressed in the various black nationalist groups that are
springing up across the nation, the largest and best-known being Elijah
Muhammad's Muslim movement...
I have tried to stand between
these two forces, saying that we need emulate neither the
'do-nothingism' of the complacent nor the hatred of the black
For there is the more excellent way of love and non-violent protest.
I am grateful to God that, through the influence of the Negro church,
the way of non-violence became an integral part of our struggle."
Get your own copy of the best-selling America's God and Country Encyclopedia of QuotationsRev.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was a Baptist Pastor like his father
and grandfather, continued his Civil Rights March address:
"Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children...
I have a dream that one day...the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning,
'My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring.'
we let freedom ring...we will be able to speed up that day when all of
God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the
words of the old Negro spiritual,
'Free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God Almighty,
We are free at last!'"

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s niece, Dr. Alveda King, told
TheCall Detroit, November 11, 2011:
"My father, Rev. A.D. King, is brother to Martin.
Uncle M.L., Daddy, and their earthly father, Daddy King were preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

King rescued me from abortion in 1950. You can read the story in my
When my mother wanted to abort me, Daddy King told her:
They are lying to you. She is not a lump of flesh. She is a little
girl, with bright skin and bright red hair. She will be a blessing to

you see, this little girl who is part Irish, part African and part
Native American is standing before you today to bear witness of Acts
that of One Blood, God made all people to live on earth in a Beloved Community, and one day, to live in Eternity with Him.
So we are one human race, not separate races."
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