How to build a performance management culture
On Tuesday, October 22 nd,
PerformWell will host a free webinar that will help direct service
organizations put accountability systems in place to support
consistently high performance. Register here.
Also, if you're an executive or board member, you won't want to miss
PerformWell's 2013 conference: After the Leap, in Washington, D.C. on
December 3rd and 4th.
Learn how you can lead your agency through the transformational changes
it will take to increase quality, reduce cost and build a more
comprehensive network of services. PerformWell is a collaborative
initiative of Child Trends, the Urban Institute, and Social Solutions that
provides measurement tools and practical knowledge for human services
professionals to use in managing their programs' day-to-day performance.
The research base for a birth through age 8 state policy framework
Child Trends and the Alliance for Early Success will host a free webinar to detail a new report, The Research Base for a Birth Through Age Eight State Policy Framework, that will be released next Wednesday. The State Policy Framework
is a tool to guide state policymaking to improve the health,
well-being, and education of America's youngest and most vulnerable
Wednesday, Oct 23rd
3:00 - 4:00pm ET
you're a parent, you won't want to miss this Q&A with Child Trends'
Natalia Pane, about her new book. It'll help you figure out what to
worry about in terms of the dangers that face your children. The book
examines data on the most likely causes of death for children at
different ages. A must-read for parents and policymakers concerned about
keeping kids safe.

A recent article in Science brought
quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) - which are designed to
help improve the quality of early learning and development programs -
into question. This post reviews what we should consider when reviewing
research about QRIS, and what we can, and can't, conclude based on this

Last month, Child Trends and ZERO TO THREE released a report
regarding states' policies for maltreated infants and toddlers. Now,
child welfare staff and policymakers can access brief summaries of the
report in associated fact sheets: "Achieving Prompt Permanency," and
"Ensuring Assessments and Services for All Maltreated Infants and
Toddlers." These fact sheets include background, suggested action steps,
state-specific examples, and links to more resources.
Family Finding Case Management Database
Trends is pleased to offer the use of the Family Finding Case
Management Database to public and private foster care agencies. The
secure online database is a tool for storing, compiling, and analyzing
data on relative search and engagement activities and outputs. A variety
of cost packages are available based on program needs. For more
information, contact Sarah Catherine Williams at Child Trends at swilliams@childtrends.org or 240.223.9230.
Copyright © 2013 by Child Trends, Inc.
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