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Aug. 13, 2014
Bring Parental Rights Home to Your State
But the time to get those efforts started is now. That’s why Jim and Patti Sullivan of Florida are already talking with lawmakers about a parental rights statute in the Sunshine State. They’re working with some of the same leaders in the Florida government who were instrumental in the passage of a 2011 memorial calling on Congress to adopt the Parental Rights Amendment. And in Ohio we have been working to coordinate with two potential allied organizations regarding parental rights legislation there. Our hope is to introduce an Oklahoma-like bill early in the term that starts in January, 2015. Similar efforts are in the works in other states, too, including Mississippi, Washington, Missouri, Idaho, New Jersey, Texas, and North Carolina. At this point, has a wide array of sample parental rights statute language to fit nearly any state’s political climate. Even the least parent-friendly states can agree on our medical rights statute drafted in answer to the Pelletier case in Massachusetts. It quotes a New York appeals court decision in saying that the state cannot charge parents with medical neglect if the parents are operating under the direction of a licensed medical professional, following a known course of treatment, for their child’s reasonably diagnosed condition. More parent-friendly states may be ready to adopt a more wide-ranging statute, such as our basic language that declares that “the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their child is a fundamental right.” This is the same standard that would be adopted nationally with the passage of the Parental Rights Amendment. And the most parent-friendly states could model their legislation on the full-spectrum statement of detailed parental rights signed by Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin in June. So whatever the climate in your state, we can provide a fitting starting point. It may be that all we need is you to get the ball rolling!
Action Items
1. Remember to visit your Congressman this month and encourage their support for the Parental Rights Amendment, HJRes. 50. For more on how to plan your visit, go to Remember also to visit your Senators and urge them to oppose ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. For more on why we oppose this treaty, visit Then go to for more on making your visit. Let them know that no reservation, understanding, or declaration can excuse using the international treaty power to pass domestic policy in a free and self-governing nation. 3. Get the ball rolling in your state! To see where you stand, visit your state’s page by clicking on your state at Then, email your State Coordinator and ask them how you can help get a statute going. Or fill out our volunteer form at, and put “state statute” in the “special skills” box. Working together, we can protect children by preserving parental rights all across the country. Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research P.S. – This month’s Elite Member premium packet is on the theme of Internet Safety, and we’re throwing in July’s packet (“Parental Rights in the Medical Setting”) at no extra cost. Join now and receive a new packet every month to empower you as you protect and raise your precious children. |
P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |

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