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May 21, 2014
PRA Celebrates 76 Cosponsors, Sets Sights on 100
In the last week Representatives Ted Yoho (R-FL) and Mike Pompeo (R-KS) have become the 75th and 76th cosponsors, respectively, of HJRes. 50, the Parental Rights Amendment. They join lead sponsor Mark Meadows (R-NC) and other recent sponsors Dan Benishek (R-MI) and Lou Barletta (R-PA) in upholding the traditional liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children as a constitutional right. This marks the third straight Congress in which the Amendment has reached this level of support. “Parents know what’s best for their children, and I’m pleased to support their right to raise their families as they see fit,” Rep. Pompeo explained in a statement. “Washington shouldn’t meddle with America’s families.” Congressman Mark Meadows agrees. “I’m pleased to see that so many of my colleagues recognize the importance of protecting parental rights from the whims of federal courts and international organizations,” Rep. Meadows said. “Government is constantly encroaching more and more into the private lives of Americans. This Amendment will ensure that government only be involved in child-rearing in the rare cases where the family has failed.” “On behalf of all American parents and their children we are grateful for the diligent leadership and faithful support of these congressmen for the Parental Rights Amendment,” President Michael Farris says. “This level of support not only from lawmakers but from their constituents demonstrates the tremendous importance Americans place on the liberty of parents in directing the upbringing of their children. This liberty is the most important safeguard by which to ensure freedom for future generations.” Excitement for reaching this milestone, however, is tempered by the realization that more cosponsors are needed as the measure moves towards a likely committee hearing in the coming months. To push it along, Rep. Meadows and have set a goal to bring the total to 100 cosponsors in the next two weeks.
Action Item
Please call your congressman and urge him or her to cosponsor HJRes 50, the Parental Rights Amendment, especially if he or she is listed below. This list contains those who have already cosponsored the Parental Rights Amendment in a prior Congress, but who have not yet signed on to HJRes. 50. These former cosponsors include: Representatives Bachus (AL-6), Blackburn (TN-7), Mo Brooks (AL-5), Cassidy (LA-6), Fleming (LA-4), Gosar (AZ-4), Kelly (PA-3), Latta (OH-5), Candice Miller (MI-10), Tim Murphy (PA-18), Nunnelee (MS-1), Olson (TX-22), Palazzo (MS-4), McMorris-Rodgers (WA-5), Ross (FL-15), Royce (CA-39), Schweikert (AZ-6), Sessions (TX-32), Shimkus (IL-15), Aderholt (AL-4), Boustany (LA-3), Kevin Brady (TX-8), Burgess (TX-26), Campbell (CA-45), Conaway (TX-11), Crenshaw (FL-4), Gohmert (TX-1), Sam Graves (MO-6), Hall (TX-4), Doc Hastings (WA-4), Hensarling (TX-5), Issa (CA-49), Sam Johnson (TX-3), Kingston (GA-1), LoBiondo (NJ-2), Lucas (OK-3), Luetkmeyer (MO-3), Kevin McCarthy (CA-23), McCaul (TX-10), McHenry (NV-10), McIntyre (NC-7), MeKeon (CA-25), Gary Miller (CA-31), Paulsen (MN-3), Petri (WI-6), Poe (TX-2), Posey (FL-8), Tim Price (GA-6), Roe (TN-1), Rooney (FL-17), Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27), Scalise (LA-1), Shuster (PA-9), Simpson (ID-2), Terry (NE-2), Glenn Thompson (PA-5), Turner (OH-10), Whitfield (KY-1), and Walden (OR-2). You can ask for you congressman’s office by name through the Capitol Switchboard – 202-224-3121 – or find more information by clicking on your state at When you call, let them know that you support the traditional high standard of parental rights, and that you are asking your congressman to do the same by contacting Mark Meadows’ office to cosponsor HJRes. 50. Tell them you would appreciate them making this a priority by signing on before their next recess on May 31. Then, pass this email along to family and friends who may join you in calling to protect this crucial liberty. Thank you so much for standing for parental rights and helping us to get this vital resolution into committee this summer! Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research |
P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |
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