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June 9, 2014
Parental Rights Amendment Returns to the U.S. Senate
This marks the third straight session of Congress in which the PRA has been introduced in the Senate. Senator Graham has been a sponsor of each effort and is now taking up the lead role for the first time. (Former Senator Jim DeMint, also of South Carolina, led in the last two Congresses.)
Action Item
Please take a moment to call your senators and ask them to cosponsor SJRes. 37, the Parental Rights Amendment. You can reach them through the Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121, or find their information by clicking on your state at With the Pelletier case in Massachusetts and the state of parental rights in America today, it should be pretty easy to come up with examples of why this Amendment is necessary. So just give them the following message in your own words:
am calling to encourage my senator to cosponsor SJRes. 37, the Parental
Rights Amendment. I agree with the more than 90% of Americans who
believe in the traditional role of parents as the primary
decision-makers for children. But these rights are being eroded by
courts, bureaucrats, hospitals, and schools. Please support this simple
Amendment to preserve these rights for our children and future
You might also ask for a written response to your request, which you can share with us via email to following senators are former cosponsors, so your message to them might include thanks for supporting parental rights in the past: Senators Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Chambliss, Coburn, Enzi, Inhofe, Isakson, Lee, Moran, Risch, Rubio, and Vitter. Thank you for taking time now to act on this vital issue in the U.S. Senate. Sincerely, Michael Ramey Director of Communications & Research |
P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * |

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