American Minute with Bill Federer
May 13 - Mother's Day |
Mothers' Day was held in Boston in 1872 at the suggestion of Julia Ward Howe, writer of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
But it was Anna Jarvis, daughter of a Methodist minister in Grafton, West Virginia, who made it a national event.
the Civil War, Anna Jarvis' mother organized Mothers' Day Work Clubs
to care for wounded soldiers, both Union and Confederate.

She raised money for medicine, inspected bottled milk, improved
sanitation and hired women to care for families where mothers suffered
from tuberculosis.
In her mother's honor, Anna Jarvis
persuaded her church to set aside the 2nd Sunday in May, the
anniversary of her mother's death, as a day to appreciate all mothers.

Encouraged by the reception, Anna Jarvis organized it in Philadelphia,
then began a letter-writing campaign to ministers, businessmen and
politicians to establish a national Mothers' Day.
In response, on MAY 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first National Mothers' Day as a

"public expression of...love and reverence for the mothers of our country."
President Reagan said in his Mother's Day Proclamation, 1986:
"A Jewish saying sums it up: 'God could not be everywhere - so He created mothers.'"
News from AmericanMinute.com
Invite Bill Federer to speak: 314-487-4395 wjfederer@gmail.com www.AmericanMinute.com
For great Christian tours of the Plymouth Colony, including the monument
featured in the Kirk Cameron moive, Monumental, contact Paul Jehle
For amazing tours of Boston, contact Richard Holland, www.ctbtours.com
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