The Law of the Case ...
Understand this ... AND WINNING IS EASY!
Every case is won or lost on only two (2) things!
- The Admissible Evidence and
- The Law of the Case
You don't need to know "every law" ever written!
You just need to know "the law of the case" ... your case!
Consider the fellow piling things in the balance shown here. Imagine he
is "building his case". He doesn't have a great number of things on his
side. He has a wee bit more than the other side, and that's all it takes to win!
- Admissible Evidence
- The Law of the Case
You may ask, "How can a pro se litigant win against someone with a lawyer?"
The answer is simple!
You don't need to know everything lawyers know!
You only need to know
- the law of your case and
- how to force the court to admit your evidence and enter the orders you seek
The only "law" you need to know is the law that affects your case!

The law of the case is almost always extremely simple and
straightforward. You don't need to know everything we were taught in law
school. You just need to know
- the law of your case and
- how to force the court to admit your evidence and enter the orders you seek
It sounds simple because IT IS SIMPLE!
What I tell you today IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE!
You don't really need to know much at all!
Here's an example dear to the hearts of many. A bank brings a
foreclosure action. What is the law of the case? There are only a few
laws that control the outcome. You certainly don't need to go to law
school to learn the law about notes and mortgages.
- Does plaintiff own and hold the promissory note?
- Are payments on the note current?
- Are other conditions of the note satisfied?
- Is the note secured by a valid mortgage?
- Does plaintiff own and hold the mortgage?
- Are all signatures on the documents genuine?
- Has plaintiff satisfied all conditions in the mortgage?
There may be a few legal issues that vary from case to case, but these few points are common to all foreclosures, and they can be researched and understood in a single afternoon of online legal research thanks to the internet!
Once you know the law of your case is, the rest is simply convincing the court that:
- The law of the case is what you say it is, and
- You have more admissible evidence of the facts that "fit" the law.
You don't need to know all that I know to win!
You don't need to know probate law to win a foreclosure, nor do you need
to know the law of torts, taxes, or even contract law (beyond the part
that applies to promissory notes and mortgages)!
Can you see why Jurisdictionary is so popular?
When I went to law school back in the early 80's, I had to learn the law
about property, contract, torts, evidence, constitutions, crimes,
taxes, probate, guardianship, family law, and much, much, much more.
YOU don't need to know all I know to win!
People have been using Jurisdictionary since 1997 to win in court. They
learn the rules of court and how to apply them wisely and effectively to
present the law of the case and admissible evidence.
That's how they win ... and you can, too!
Why remain in legal darkness?
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I recently purchased your Jurisdictionary course and have LOVED absorbing everything.
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... Tucson, Arizona
Won 4 motions in court yesterday. Wish I´d had your tutorials a year ago!
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