Lawsuit Hope and Hype ...

See the cute little blue fellow?
He's hoping.
Not that hope isn't a good thing.
Hope based on truth is a good thing.
Unrealistic hope is not.
Unprepared hope is not.
Uninformed hope is not.
In other words, hope based on hype is foolishness.
Received favorable responses to our last Tips & Tactics yet some still hold legal mythology is better than learning the official rules and how to use official rules.
I want you to WIN ! ! !
But, you cannot win hoping on hype ... no matter how promising the hype may seem.
Sure, it would be great if you could get out of paying a speeding ticket
by claiming you copyrighted your name so the courts can't use your name
without your permission, or that your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS isn't
"you", or that you're a "person" not a "citizen" and therefore above
the law and no longer subject to government force.
It would be great to go about doing as you please with no regard to
man's law, claiming you're serving God when, by the way, scripture tells
us to obey those in authority over us (and, yes, you could insist no
one has authority over you).
But, I want you to WIN in court!
You will not win if you refuse to learn the rules and how to use the rules to get justice legally.
You will not win if you show up in court with silver-bullet methods to "get around the law".
Sure, once in awhile someone skips out of a busy traffic court by
getting the judge exasperated with internet legal mythology, but I've
been to court more than a few times since 1986 when I was first sworn in
(and not to any British agency, by the way!) as a member of the Florida
Bar. I've seen judges get exasperated and let people off scott-free. I've seen many more escorted by the bailiff to a cell where they were left to decide if they wished to be subject to the official rules.
You choose.
We all have that choice.
It's our prerogative in this wonderful nation.
Go to court with legal mythology sold by those who wish you to believe
you are "above the law of the land", or go to court knowing how to use
the official rules to get Justice the American Way ... according to law!
In 24 hours with my affordable, official Jurisdictionary "How to Win in Court" step-by-step self-help course you will know how to command judges and stop crooked lawyers in their tracks!
It's not mythology!
It's all based on official rules YOU can use to get justice by demanding everyone follow the rules!
That's what too many American Heros died to give you!
- Law and Order.
- Due Process.
- The Rule of Law.
These are the three things true patriots fight for!
Read the testimonials ⇒
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will try to answer ALL QUESTIONS you post, so here's an easy and FREE
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Testimonials |
I used your course to stop foreclosure. No mortgage. No note. No foreclosure.
... Ken M.
... Tampa, FL
Thanks to you we are able to get the law in front of the judges and keep them honest.
... S. Rickett
... West Jordan, Utah
Won my appeal in the 2nd District Court in Florida because of your excellent course.
... Roger C.
... Palm Harbor, FL
I have been using your program for four years and have won every case. Keep up the amazing work!
... John M.
... Phenix City, AL
Your course is awesome!
... L. Price
... Melbourne
... Australia
Defeated a 35-year veteran lawyer I've been fighting the last 3
years. Most of this victory is credited to your course. I can't thank
you enough.
... Bill J.
... Columbus, Ohio
Without your course I would have been another casualty of the system.
... Basile D.
... Wilson, Wyoming
I have learned more with your course in the past few days than I have
learned in the rest of my life, and I am not a young man anymore.
... D. Parker
... Alta Loma CA
Settled my case. Without your course I would never have gotten to 1st base.
... Larry S.
... Orlando, FL
I wish I had known about your course years ago.
... Marilyn E.
... Kapaau, Hawaii
Your 4-CD course is GREAT! Thanks.
... Ramsay D.
... Simi Valley, CA
Jurisdictionary, in my opinion, is the best investment you will ever
make: investing in your own "Legal Education" and it works, I promise!!!
... Don H.
Your course is the BOMB! Thank you!
... Lynn C.
Please believe me, you do not know how much you have helped me
already. I will continue to tell others about Jurisdictionary. Thank
... Esther K.
Thank you for providing your course to people at an affordable price.
... Pete B.
... Charlotte, NC
I have your complete course and have found it to be the most rewarding study of law I have ever read.
... Dan C.
... Denver, Colorado
Another victory! They backed off as soon as they received my demands! You are a prayer answered from the Lord!
... Sam T.
... Dallas, Texas
I bought your course, and it paid off!
... Ruben P.
... Miami, Florida
I learned more in two weeks with your course than I did in 2 years of
paralegal school. I feel empowered! Your great course is clear,
concise, and systematic.
... Byron P.
... Lansing, Michigan
I've been fighting off 3 collection agencies. I am absolutely
ecstatic about my victories. Prior to purchasing your fine program, I
was just one of the ignorant societal herd these people prey upon. Your
wonderful, user-friendly program is the absolute best $249 I have spent
in a long time. My wife overheard the plaintiff's attorney saying,
"Don't mess with that guy!" Wow!
... Dr. Donald B., Ph.D.
... St. Louis, Missouri
I ordered your course several weeks ago and am really enjoying the
fact that I understand the legal process better than I ever thought I
could. Your materials and teaching style are great and very easy to
... Allan D.
... Brainerd, Minnesota
You are completely brilliant. I have never seen/read anything like
this. I am eager to get this information out to help others like me.
Thank you.
... Sylvia C.
... Kula, Hawaii
I have had so many attorneys take my money and leave me without
representation. NEVER AGAIN! My family and I appreciate all you do. God
bless you.
... Patricia M.
... Birmingham, Alabama
My attorney kept me in the dark but from your course I learned enough
to realize he was trying to take my real estate for himself, and I
circumvented him thanks to you!
... Anthony A.
... Decatur, Alabama
I've learned so much that I decided to run for the U.S. Senate seat
here. Your course gives me confidence I can be a lawmaker who knows how
law is supposed to work.
... Rob T.
... Cumberland, WI
Thanks to your Jurisdictionary site, I learned so much that I won
favor with the Magistrate and he ruled favorably on every motion I
filed. I thank God for your web site, and thank you too!
... U. Lowe
... Cincinnati, Ohio
Your cause is urgently important.
... William M.
... Northfield, MN
I call it "empowering the people" when I preach Jurisdictionary!
... Charlie H.
... Haw River, NC
Thank you for your guidance and the time and effort you've put into the American Dream.
... Andrea M.
... Brunswick, Maine
You are one in a million!
... Louis D.
... Mesa, Arizona
Thank you for your hard labor and mission. Well done!
... Steven W.
... Oklahoma City, OK
I wish, oh how I wish, I found this information sooner. However, I
am well armed now. Your tutorials are my most valuable resource in
protecting my rights.
... Adeline F.
... Hanover Park, Illinois
I have learned more in the last few days than I could have in years on my budget.
... David P.
... Alta Loma, California
I consider you a hero for the course you've produced and the heart reasoning that prompted you to do it.
... Ivanov P.
... Homestead, Florida
Your information was an angel on my shoulder helping me through the panic phases.
... D. Christensen
... Sherman Oaks, CA
Since learning from your course my life has changed for the better,
and I am finally in control of my formerly overwhelming legal problems.
... Harold C.
... Jersey City, NJ
Ordered your 24-hour course. Followed your plan. Other side had 3
attorneys. Cleaned their clock using your methods. Their case came down
like a ton of bricks when I proved their elements were not there. Thank
... Michael L.
... Springville, New York
We filed a Motion to Strike Sham Complaint, like you show in your
course. Two hours later the other side called to report they were
dismissing the case! We were so happy we were crying with joy. We won! I
cannot thank you enough for making it simple to follow.
... Tyler G.
... Olympia, Washington
I recently purchased your Jurisdictionary course and have LOVED absorbing everything.
... Sharon S.
... Tucson, Arizona
Bought Jurisdictionary and am extremely pleased with it.
... Sharon W.
... Pahoa, Hawaii
Your course is nothing short of GENIUS!
... Geoffrey L.
... Bremerton, WA
The knowledge I gained from your program has greatly empowered me. I am thankful to you.
... Leah H.
... Front Royal, Virginia
I bought your course. It's great.
... Linda W.
... Golden, Colorado
The opposing party dismissed their case against me. Thank you for the knowledge and insight you provided through your course.
... Gerald C.
... Tucker, Georgia
Having successfully used your program in divorce/family court, I wish to thank you!
... R.P.F., MD
This is all invaluable information! Thank you for helping me learn!
... Dennis S.
I ordered your course 7/13/09 and am very pleased! Your help is greatly appreciated!
... Samuel J.
Your course is working excellently for me. You make this complicated
subject simple to understand and, most importantly, easy to apply in the
obscure world of law (obscure no more). Most definitely this is an
invaluable tool. I will encourage everyone I know to purchase your
course! Thank you, for your great contribution to society.
... Victor P.
I can't thank you enough. Everything about your course was amazing. You made this course for ME.
... Ron P.
I won my motion at a hearing this morning. Other people waiting for
their case to be called were surprised that I won, because my English is
not so good. You are right. Anybody can do this!
... Julius R.
I've been helped dramatically while listening to your audios. I play
them in the background FULL TIME, and in the middle of doing something
else something you say makes me do something differently or include
something that may have slipped my mind.
... Al H.
Your course is helping very much. It does an excellent job of
describing the "big picture" and builds a clear framework of how the
whole thing works and hangs together.
... Kate F.
Your course has been a tremendous help in preparing my appeal, and it
has helped me spot bad lawyers and judges. I'm better prepared to stand
in front of a judge and make the court follow the rules, including the
other side.
... Harold S.
Great stuff!
... Michael C.
Thanks for the energy you have put forth to let others use the tools of the Law.
... Ken J.
Jurisdictionary has done wonders for my confidence.
... Tarek M.
I have your course and am enthralled with it.
... David S.
Your course sets a second-to-none foundation to understand how the
lawsuit process works. I've had several victories! My victories would
not be victories, however, had it not been for your teachings.
... Sam T.
I have the defendants right where they belong. I am SO indebted to you!
... Charles H.
Thanks so much for developing the Jurisdictionary Course. I would be out of luck without it.
... Mary B.
I thank you for your course. I've used it successfully!
... Alan P.
I am monitoring my attorney with your advice. Thanks so much, and keep up the great work!
... Nona N.
You present a simple, straightforward process for litigation. Thank you!
... Raymond Z.
I've learned more from you than from any law classes that I've attended.
... Danny G.
I am finding how I've been misled by others who took my money.
... Chandra K.
With your course I have defeated many collection agencies and their lawyers. Your course is excellent!
... Robert S.
Jurisdictionary has given me a greater appreciation of due process. It's amazing!
... Deron B.
This information should be at everyone's disposal.
... Kevin H.
Jurisdictionary has given me the strength and confidence to go before the courts.
... Adrienne M.
It's not a law course. It's a life course! Armed with Jurisdictionary
I was able to defeat one of the biggest junk debt companies and their
team of 6 lawyers!
... Kevin Z.
You have given me the priceless gift this year of understanding justice.
... Cheryl C.
Keep up the great work. Thanks again so very much.
... Ronald G.
Thanks for all your help. I wouldn't have been able to defend myself without you.
... Kimberly T.
Thank you for making court procedure simple and clear for the pro se.
... Kevin Z.
Using the outlines and motions found in your course, I now have the power to protect myself and my family.
... C. Jones
The course is great!
... Michael S.
I would like to give great testimony as to how comprehensive your
course is. I was amazed at how sound your lessons are and how easy it
was to understand. I used your method to force the other side to produce
the contract they claimed I breached, and when they could not, I filed a
motion to dismiss their case. They settled. Thanks very much for your
... Joseph R. |
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