There are several stories here of family interest, so here's the entire newsletter-
The Top 5 Are you stuck "doing the right thing" while sacrificing what you want? We're often stressed out not because others are expecting things from us, but because we expect them from ourselves. Are you bothered by these 10 internal "shoulds" that you internalized long ago? Improve Your Mood, Help Repair Effects of Stress Now that we know what's stressing us out, let's turn to exercise for a little non-medicinal help! Who Will Care for Single Baby Boomers? Many "Baby Boomers" may be in for hard times as they move into old age without a mate or family. Why the worry? The 7 Deadliest Drug Combinations Understanding Teen Behaviors on Facebook Researchers are exploring how electronic communication and social networking has altered the way individuals communicate. News & Views Depressed Moms May Wake Babies Needlessly Mothers with depression may excessively worry about their babies at night. New Gene Map for Mental Illness An international team of researchers have collaborated to identify genes that either protect or expose the brain’s resistance to a variety of mental illnesses and Alzheimer’s disease. Trust Your Feelings to Improve Predictions Trusting your intuitions improves the ability to predict what will happen in the future. 2-Question Test Screens Kids for Anxiety A researcher has developed a 2-question test that screens kindergarten-aged children for future anxiety disorders. Subtle Mental Challenges Attributed to Aging With aging comes a number of mental challenges. Clues to the Gender Bias of Autism Autism is four times more common among males than females, and researchers are getting closer to figuring out why. Women Face Breast Cancer There's a customized web-based support tool that provides customized information on the risks and management of breast cancer. The online decision guide can help you make important decisions regarding your treatment options. Women and Sleep Disorders Sleep disorders are more widely reported in women. Women are more likely to experience insomnia than men. 8 Ways to ADHD-Proof Your Home Marriage-saving tips to rid your home of common ADHD traits. World of Psychology Sex and the Secret Service: A Drop in a Larger Bucket The problem is larger, more complex than many realize. Chicago Closing Half Its Mental Health Clinics In a short-sighted move that could result in larger bills for the city down the road, Chicago is shutting down half of its mental health clinics. What do couples need in order to face the numerous dilemmas associated with divorce? First, they must identify their unique dilemma. How Cyberbullying Differs from Schoolyard Bullying Cyberbullying and bullying are not the same. Anti-bullying programs need to be tailored so there are specific interventions that target online bullying. Best of our Blogs 6 Ways to Bounce Back from Unemployment Stress (Coming Out Crazy) - Stress can't begin to describe how it feels to cope with being unemployed. Having a positive attitude is your most valuable tool. And the willingness to persist. “Know Who You Really Are, Not Who You Wish You Were” (Single at Heart) - Eleanore Wells has always been single and she is absolutely not “looking.” Mindful Parenting: The Buck Stops Here (Mindfulness and Psychotherapy) - The best way to raise kids involves PART -- Presence, Attunement, Resonance and Trust. In Defense of Your "Lazy" Child (Always Learning) –What we define as laziness could be indicative of fatigue, mental exhaustion and a learning issue. This powerful post will make us all think twice about judging our children's "lazy" behaviors. (Mindful Living) – There are many ways to understand mindfulness. Read this to learn about how you can achieve the experience of oneness by removing the self and object and returning to a sense of mindlessness. 4 Approaches to Forgiveness (Neuroscience and Relationships) - When someone feels pressured to forgive prematurely, they often react in one of three ways. Change Your Body to Change Your Mind (DBT Understood) - It's important to find strategies to lessen your negative thinking. But You Said... (The Gentle Self) - Our perception, as well as our memory, is extremely selective. We usually remember only the words that have emotional significance for us, and neglect everything else that was said – including our own thoughtless statements. Follow us on Twitter Join our daily conversation on Facebook |
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