In response to today's story in HEALTH magazine-
Do Stressful Jobs Fuel Heart Attacks?
July 18, 2012 | By Amanda Gardner
I offer a reprint of an article I wrote in 2004-
In 1967, Holmes
and Rahe published the Social Readjustment Rating Scale which
ranked the stress factor of life events on a scale of 1-100.
Number 1 was "death of a
spouse" at 100. Death of a child is equivalent (a kidnapping and
subsequent family death sentence may be worse) , followed in 2nd place by
Divorce (73) 3rd place, Marital Separation (65), Changes in financial state (38)
Change in Living Conditions (25) Change in residence (20).
Those events are repeated with each court trip, sabotage, and the piling of bogus charges to the point that you are forced to plea bargain in spite of being completely innocent.
We must also factor in the ruinous effect of false allegations of abuse, which is an attack on your very person. The false allegation and injustice consumes the falsely accused.
It comes to "nothing else matters" if you cannot exonerate yourself and prove your innocence.
And the sneering system actors accuse you of being "paranoid".
The false allegation destroys your employability in virtually any field, thus removing your prospects of any future success, while your current life situation, home and finances disappear down the deep black hole forever.
The ultimate "Piece d'Resistance", the "icing on the cake" is when they not only collect child support from you for your kidnapped kids, they collect it from your "prison pay" after totally destroying your life. There are thousands of innocent people in prison today on completely fabricated allegations.
CPS in your life will kill you.
Research findings from the Holmes and
Rahe scale:
Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D. 12-2-2002
Explains my chest pains....