“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”—George Orwell, 1984
With each passing day, America inches further down the slippery slope toward a police state. Regrettably, George Orwell’s stark image of the future as “a boot stamping on a human face—forever” perfectly describes the American government’s evolving relationship with its people, one that has become less reliant on maintaining an open dialogue and more reliant on the intractable long arm of the law.
As a result, we find ourselves living in a nation that is fast imploding, one that is losing sight of what freedom is really all about and, in the process, is transitioning from a republic governed by the people to a police state.
With long-standing constitutional protections gone, those who attempt to exercise their rights are finding themselves forced to defend themselves against an increasingly inflexible and uncompromising government. In other words, “we the people” are becoming enslaved by the very institution that was entrusted with guarding our liberties. As the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass fittingly remarked, “I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”
The Rutherford Institute is putting everything we have on the line to try to stave off the coming crisis, believing that to do otherwise would be to condemn our children and our children’s children to a lifetime of abject slavery in service to a government that cares little for their wellbeing, but we can’t do this alone.
Today, the issues being addressed by our legal team deal with everything from SWAT team raids on American homes, overreaching zero tolerance policies in the public schools, mandatory, highly personal government questionnaires that invade our privacy and virtual strip searches and enhanced pat downs in our nation’s airports to Supreme Court rulings that render the Fourth Amendment’s protections against an overreaching and abusive government practically nil.
It is obvious that America is rapidly spiraling into an authoritarian vortex from which there appears to be no return. To be free, we must break the chains that bind us, and that’s where The Rutherford Institute comes in. For more than 30 years, we’ve been leading the fight for freedom in America, but we need your help if we are to prevail in the battles that lie ahead.
We’re relying on you to do your part by signing on as a 2013 Supporting Member of The Rutherford Institute and making a tax-deductible donation of whatever you can afford, whether it be $25, $250 or $500. With cases at all levels of the judicial system, including several making their way to the U.S. Supreme Court, we need you to stand with us, pray for us and support us as we continue to fight to protect your God-given freedoms in the courtroom and in communities across America.
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Yours faithfully,
John W. Whitehead
The Rutherford Institute
Post Office Box 7482
Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482
Phone: 434-978-3888
FAX: 434- 978-1789
Under the regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service, The Rutherford Institute is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations to support The Rutherford Institute's legal and educational work help to safeguard the constitutional rights and religious freedoms of all Americans. Donations are tax-deductible. In compliance with general industry standards of a nonprofit organization, the Institute is audited annually by an independent accounting firm.
Founded in 1982 by constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute is a civil liberties organization that provides free legal services to people whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated.
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