Five Ways to Make Summer Learning Programs Successful
summer, about 25 percent of children in the U.S. will attend a summer
learning program - less than half of the number who have parents
interested in enrolling them. This Child Trends 5 - the second in our
new series - contains the tips and resources you'll need to design and
execute an effective summer learning program.
Latest Indicators of Child Well-Being
always a lot to report in the world of indicators: The U.S. ranks last
on the proportion of children who are overweight (meaning we have the
highest percentage) in a recent UNICEF measurement of child well-being
in 29 "rich countries," but second only to Ireland in the percentage who
report an hour or more of daily vigorous exercise. UNESCO has convened a
Learning Metrics Task Force to determine ways to measure what students
worldwide know and can do. And, the Census Bureau has published a report
on child care arrangements revealing that younger children are more
likely than older children to be cared for by non-relatives. These are
highlights from the latest issue of The Child Indicator, which covers
all things indicators pertaining to children and youth, including new
indicators, sources for indicators, and efforts to develop new measures.
Michael Douglas and the Truth about HPV

Michael Douglas recently set the media atwitter with his announcement
that his battle with throat cancer could be attributed to Human
Papillomavirus (HPV), which he purportedly told a U.K. newspaper that he
contracted through oral sex. The truth is, an estimated four out of
five women in the U.S. are infected with HPV by age 50, and although
there's no test for HPV in males, the FDA recently approved the HPV
vaccine for boys and young men. Learn what you need to know about
reducing teens' risk of contracting HPV in Child Trends' latest blog
post, by researchers Amanda Berger, Jennifer Manlove, Lina Guzman, and
Elizabeth Wildsmith. See the post.
Teenage Childbearing among Latinas
Hispanics are more likely than U.S.-born Hispanics to grow up with both
parents in the house, and tend to initiate sex at an older age - both
of these factors are tied to lower risk of teen birth. Foreign-born
Hispanic girls, though, were also more likely to be involved in serious
romantic relationships and less likely to use contraception - factors
tied to a higher risk of teen birth. The diversity of the Hispanic
population in the United States, particularly between Hispanics born
within and outside of the country, is masked by all-encompassing
statistics, such as the recent announcement by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention that births to Hispanic teens in the U.S. have
declined substantially over the past few years. Citing an article
published in the June issue of Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,
Child Trends researchers Jennifer Manlove, Amanda Berger, and Elizabeth
Wildsmith explain the implications of diversity within the Hispanic
population on Hispanic teen births. See the post. |
Copyright © 2013 by Child Trends, Inc.
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