one third of children in families at or below the poverty line live in
households where no adult has been employed for at least 50 weeks or
received cash assistance (TANF) in the past year. How do these families
buy food, or pay for doctors' visits and clothes, or for the child care
that might enable them to work? Child Trends explored these questions
and more, identifying factors that place children in these "disconnected
families" at heightened risk. We also found that these kids have some
things going for them, beyond their material well-being.
young adults are in romantic relationships and are sexually active.
Most of them report high levels of satisfaction in their relationships.
But in about 30 percent of these couples, only one partner reported
being very satisfied or committed to the relationship. What else do we
know about dynamics in young adults' heterosexual relationships? Do men
and women get an equal deal? Find out in this brief.
half of U.S. high school students have ever had sex, and their
relatively low levels of contraceptive use are wreaking havoc. Teens
ages 15 to 24 account for just under half of the 19 million new STDs
diagnosed in the U.S. every year. And, despite recent declines, teen
pregnancy rates in the U.S. remain higher than in other developed
nations, partly due to lower contraceptive use in the U.S. This
according to Contraceptive and Condom Use in Adolescence, which presents key findings about contraceptive and condom use and the prevalence and trends of STDs.
a mentor-like adult outside of the home can promote positive well-being
for children, and even make them more likely to talk with their parents
about things that matter to them. This brief uses data from the
National Survey of Children's Health to examine the prevalence of these
relationships in the U.S., and the association between having a caring
adult and indicators of positive well-being.
National Council on Family Relations announced its 2014 fellows, and
we're proud to announce that Kristin Anderson Moore, Child Trends'
senior scholar, was among the five chosen. Fellows are selected for
their broad, enduring impact on the field of family science.
Congratulations, Kris!
Copyright © 2014 by Child Trends, Inc.
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