Monday, January 31, 2011

New York state judges whining for pay raises in a recession is disturbing

Albany CPS and Family Court Examiner
Daniel Weaver, state of New York

January 31st, 2011 7:43 am EST

I’m having a hard time working up any sympathy for judges in New York state who are whining because they haven’t had a raise in 10 years. The lowest paid full-time city court judge in New York state still makes $108,000 per year, while the chief judge of the Court of Appeals makes $156,000.… FULL STORY


NY Daily News blasts Albany Family Court Judge Dennis Duggan for spamming judges
January 31st, 2011 8:32 am EST

In an editorial published in today's New York Daily News, the editorial staff blasted Albany County Family Court Judge, W. Dennis Duggan, for spamming his fellow judges throughout the state with 93 emails since 2008 expressing his anger at the failure of the New York state legislature to increase judicial salaries since 1999. According to the editorial, Duggan acknowledged sending some of these emails from his chambers.… FULL STORY


The statement that NYS judges haven't had pay raise since 99 simply not true
January 31st, 2011 9:15 am EST

For years now, New York state judges have been claming that they have not had a pay raise since 1999. even former chief judge of the Court of Appeals, Judith Kaye, stated this as a fact. The statement is simply not true. In 2007 New York State judges received a pay raise in the form of a $5,000 expense account to cover anything from uncovered medical costs to judicial robe purchases, according to Joel Stashenko in a New York Law Journal Article, published on November 2, 2007.… FULL STORY

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