How Constitutional Rights are Enforced
Click HERE or on the chart image to view full-size flowchart how you can enforce your Constitutional right to "redress grievances" ... i.e., how your Constitutional Power works!
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This chart will help you win in court! It's simple enough, but critically important study and understand.
Regrettably, many today are angry at the very system of Law & Order that is the only power
they have to protect themselves from villainy at the hands of their
fellow man and from the tyranny of despotic political power.
This charts shows that YOU HAVE POWER!
careful whom you trust to teach you the law. There is a "movement" in
our nation that has lost faith in America and our system of Law &
Order. The leaders of this "movement" see only evil and none of the
good. You can detect them by their anger and the "nifty tricks" they
promise will win your way in court by "getting around" the rules.
Why not learn the rules instead of rushing to court with silver-bullet promises and losing?
The Rules Rule!
Those who refuse to learn the rules and uphold our American
principles of Law & Order are no "patriots". Nor are they people you
can trust to advise you how to get justice in our courts.
The Constitution so many claim to believe in is itself is a set of
"rules". Without rules we are a lawless nation headed for disaster. Only
when the People learn the rules can we hope to control those who use
the rules to control us!
Most of you have taken a sacred oath before Almighty God to uphold
the Constitution of the United States, yet most of you have no idea how
to enforce the rights our Constitution guarantees!
There are far more "rights" guaranteed by our statutory and common law than the relatively few enumerated in our Constitution?
Do you really know what "common law"?
Do you know how to "interpret" statutes correctly?
Are you facing one of these battles?
- Foreclosure
- Custody
- Child Support
- Taxation Issues
- Property Rights
- Criminal Charges
- Contract Disputes
- Slander
- Landlord-Tenant Problems
- Etcetera .......
Short of grabbing your squirrel gun and a box of ammo, the only way you can get your "redress of grievances" is through using our court system wisely.
But! Notice the word, "wisely".
So, click HERE and study the flowchart now.
And, be certain to visit Jurisdictionary to learn more about the official 24-hour "How to Win in Court" step-by-step lawsuit self-help course everyone is talking about!
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