How to Control the Judge!
Q. Can you win without controlling the judge?
A. You cannot!
Doubt me at your peril!
I fought and won in court for more than a quarter-century by applying this simple secret: Control the judge or lose!
There's no other way!
How's it done? What's the big secret?
Actually, it's no secret at all. It's very simple, really! So simple, in
fact, it's uncanny! Laws, rules, testimony, and evidence count for nothing if you can't control the judge!
I received my law degree from an excellent law school in 1985, but law schools don't teach this simple secret to winning in court!
Surprise you? It surprises me, too!

I faithfully attended 3 years of classes and read every page of a stack
of lawbooks 20-feet high, but we were never told this simple secret of:
How to Win in Court.
You must control the judge! This is your #1 job... if you want to win!And, there's only ONE WAY to control the judge.
Threaten appeal!
Use empty threats, quote internet legal mythology, demand to see his
oath of office, challenge jurisdiction based on the color of the fringe
on the courtroom flag, and you'll get absolutely nowhere!
The process is simple, and YOU can do it: Cite controlling appellate
court opinions that agree with you and what you want the judge to do ...
and threaten appeal if the judge doesn't agree with the appellate court
If you have a lawyer, he may be unwilling to stand up to the judge. He may be afraid to do it. But, if you want to win, someone must threaten the judge with appeal!
It's stupid to march into court demanding one's "Constitutional Rights",
expecting the judge to admit your evidence, to deny evidence and tricks
presented by the other side, and award judgment in your favor. It just
doesn't work that way!
The key to winning in court is making a winning record for appeal (in
case the judge rules against you) at all times by citing controlling
appellate court opinions that agree with you and what you want the judge
to do. You must make it clear to the judge that you will win on appeal if the judge chooses to rule against you!
It all comes down to this: "Judges fear being reversed on appeal."
Too simple? I thought so, too ... at first.
It took a couple of years of law practice before I saw the light. Law
school led me to believe judges were a higher life-form that only did
right and always followed the law. Some judges I dealt with this past
quarter-century were good people who tried their best. Others were
arrogant egotists who thought the courtroom belonged to them instead
of to the People and the courageous young men and women who gave their
all so we could demand justice from such tyrants and get it!
Learn how to control judges so YOU can win!
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